Make WordPress Core

Ticket #46980: 46980.2.diff

File 46980.2.diff, 12.1 KB (added by afercia, 5 years ago)
  • src/readme.html

    2626                        <li>Open <span class="file"><a href="wp-admin/install.php">wp-admin/install.php</a></span> in your browser.</li>
    2727                </ol>
    2828        </li>
    29         <li>Once the configuration file is set up, the installer will set up the tables needed for your site. If there is an error, double check your <code>wp-config.php</code> file, and try again. If it fails again, please go to the <a href="" title="WordPress support">support forums</a> with as much data as you can gather.</li>
     29        <li>Once the configuration file is set up, the installer will set up the tables needed for your site. If there is an error, double check your <code>wp-config.php</code> file, and try again. If it fails again, please go to the <a href="">WordPress support forums</a> with as much data as you can gather.</li>
    3030        <li><strong>If you did not enter a password, note the password given to you.</strong> If you did not provide a username, it will be <code>admin</code>.</li>
    3131        <li>The installer should then send you to the <a href="wp-login.php">login page</a>. Sign in with the username and password you chose during the installation. If a password was generated for you, you can then click on &#8220;Profile&#8221; to change the password.</li>
    5050<h2>Migrating from other systems</h2>
    51 <p>WordPress can <a href="">import from a number of systems</a>. First you need to get WordPress installed and working as described above, before using <a href="wp-admin/import.php" title="Import to WordPress">our import tools</a>.</p>
     51<p>WordPress can <a href="">import from a number of systems</a>. First you need to get WordPress installed and working as described above, before using <a href="wp-admin/import.php">our import tools</a>.</p>
    5353<h2>System Requirements</h2>
    7676                <dd>The WordPress Planet is a news aggregator that brings together posts from WordPress blogs around the web.</dd>
    7777        <dt><a href="">WordPress Support Forums</a></dt>
    7878                <dd>If you&#8217;ve looked everywhere and still can&#8217;t find an answer, the support forums are very active and have a large community ready to help. To help them help you be sure to use a descriptive thread title and describe your question in as much detail as possible.</dd>
    79         <dt><a href="">WordPress <abbr title="Internet Relay Chat">IRC</abbr> Channel</a></dt>
     79        <dt><a href="">WordPress <abbr>IRC</abbr> (Internet Relay Chat) Channel</a></dt>
    8080                <dd>There is an online chat channel that is used for discussion among people who use WordPress and occasionally support topics. The above wiki page should point you in the right direction. (<a href="irc://"> #wordpress</a>)</dd>
    8383<h2>Final Notes</h2>
    8585        <li>If you have any suggestions, ideas, or comments, or if you (gasp!) found a bug, join us in the <a href="">Support Forums</a>.</li>
    86         <li>WordPress has a robust plugin <abbr title="application programming interface">API</abbr> that makes extending the code easy. If you are a developer interested in utilizing this, see the <a href="">Plugin Developer Handbook</a>. You shouldn&#8217;t modify any of the core code.</li>
     86        <li>WordPress has a robust plugin <abbr>API</abbr> (Application Programming Interface) that makes extending the code easy. If you are a developer interested in utilizing this, see the <a href="">Plugin Developer Handbook</a>. You shouldn&#8217;t modify any of the core code.</li>
    8989<h2>Share the Love</h2>
    9090<p>WordPress has no multi-million dollar marketing campaign or celebrity sponsors, but we do have something even better&#8212;you. If you enjoy WordPress please consider telling a friend, setting it up for someone less knowledgable than yourself, or writing the author of a media article that overlooks us.</p>
    92 <p>WordPress is the official continuation of <a href="">b2/caf&#233;log</a>, which came from Michel V. The work has been continued by the <a href="">WordPress developers</a>. If you would like to support WordPress, please consider <a href="" title="Donate to WordPress">donating</a>.</p>
     92<p>WordPress is the official continuation of <a href="">b2/caf&#233;log</a>, which came from Michel V. The work has been continued by the <a href="">WordPress developers</a>. If you would like to support WordPress, please consider <a href="">donating</a>.</p>
    95 <p>WordPress is free software, and is released under the terms of the <abbr title="GNU General Public License">GPL</abbr> version 2 or (at your option) any later version. See <a href="license.txt">license.txt</a>.</p>
     95<p>WordPress is free software, and is released under the terms of the <abbr>GPL</abbr> (GNU General Public License) version 2 or (at your option) any later version. See <a href="license.txt">license.txt</a>.</p>
  • src/wp-admin/css/common.css

    30903090        font-size: 13px;
    30913091        background: #f9f9f9;
    30923092        -moz-tab-size: 4;
    3093         -o-tab-size: 4;
    30943093        tab-size: 4;
  • src/wp-admin/css/customize-controls.css

    359359        margin-top: 12px;
    362 .date-time-fields .date-timezone {
    363         line-height: 2.2;
    364         text-decoration: none;
    365 }
    367362#customize-control-changeset_preview_link {
    368363        margin-top: 6px;
    15891584        font-size: 12px;
    15901585        padding: 6px 8px;
    15911586        -moz-tab-size: 2;
    1592         -o-tab-size: 2;
    15931587        tab-size: 2;
    15951589.customize-control-code_editor textarea,
    27842778                width: 80px;
    27852779        }
    2787         .date-time-fields .date-timezone {
    2788                 line-height: 3.2;
    2789         }
    27912781        #customize-control-changeset_preview_link a {
    27922782                bottom: 16px;
    27932783        }
  • src/wp-admin/css/list-tables.css

    310310        width: 10%;
     313.column-date span[title] {
     314        -webkit-text-decoration: dotted underline;
     315        text-decoration: dotted underline;
    313318.fixed .column-posts {
    314319        width: 74px;
  • src/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php

    11271127                } else {
    11291129                        /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php */
    1130                         echo '<abbr title="' . $t_time . '">' . apply_filters( 'post_date_column_time', $h_time, $post, 'date', $mode ) . '</abbr>';
     1130                        echo '<span title="' . $t_time . '">' . apply_filters( 'post_date_column_time', $h_time, $post, 'date', $mode ) . '</span>';
    11311131                }
    11321132        }
  • src/wp-admin/options-general.php

    228228        <?php echo wp_timezone_choice( $tzstring, get_user_locale() ); ?>
    231 <p class="description" id="timezone-description"><?php _e( 'Choose either a city in the same timezone as you or a UTC timezone offset.' ); ?></p>
     231<p class="description" id="timezone-description">
     233        printf(
     234                /* translators: %s: UTC abbreviation */
     235                __( 'Choose either a city in the same timezone as you or a %s (Coordinated Universal Time) time offset.' ),
     236                '<abbr>UTC</abbr>'
     237        );
     238        ?>
    233241<p class="timezone-info">
    234242        <span id="utc-time">
    235243        <?php
    236244                printf(
    237                         /* translators: 1: UTC abbreviation, 2: UTC time */
    238                         __( 'Universal time (%1$s) is %2$s.' ),
    239                         '<abbr>' . __( 'UTC' ) . '</abbr>',
     245                        /* translators: 1: UTC time */
     246                        __( 'Universal time is %1$s.' ),
    240247                        '<code>' . date_i18n( $timezone_format, false, true ) . '</code>'
    241248                );
    242249                ?>
  • src/wp-includes/css/admin-bar.css

    10651065                to 100% viewport width at responsive sizes. */
    10661066        #wpadminbar .ab-top-menu > .menupop > .ab-sub-wrapper {
    10671067                min-width: -webkit-fit-content;
    1068                 min-width: -moz-fit-content;
    10691068                min-width: fit-content;
    10701069        }
  • src/wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-date-time-control.php

    173173                                                                <option value="pm"><?php esc_html_e( 'PM' ); ?></option>
    174174                                                        </select>
    175175                                                <# } #>
    176                                                 <abbr class="date-timezone" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Timezone' ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $timezone_info['description'] ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $timezone_info['abbr'] ); ?></abbr>
     176                                                <p><?php echo $timezone_info['description']; ?></p>
    177177                                        </div>
    178178                                </fieldset>
    179179                        <# } #>
    229229                        if ( $tz ) {
    230230                                $now                   = new DateTime( 'now', $tz );
    231                                 $formatted_gmt_offset  = sprintf( 'UTC%s', $this->format_gmt_offset( $tz->getOffset( $now ) / 3600 ) );
     231                                $formatted_gmt_offset  = $this->format_gmt_offset( $tz->getOffset( $now ) / 3600 );
    232232                                $tz_name               = str_replace( '_', ' ', $tz->getName() );
    233233                                $timezone_info['abbr'] = $now->format( 'T' );
    235                                 /* translators: 1: timezone name, 2: timezone abbreviation, 3: gmt offset  */
    236                                 $timezone_info['description'] = sprintf( __( 'Timezone is %1$s (%2$s), currently %3$s.' ), $tz_name, $timezone_info['abbr'], $formatted_gmt_offset );
     235                                $timezone_info['description'] = sprintf(
     236                                        /* translators: 1: timezone name, 2: timezone abbreviation, 3: UTC abbreviation and offset, 4: UTC offset  */
     237                                        __( 'Your timezone is set to %1$s (%2$s), currently %3$s (Coordinated Universal Time %4$s).' ),
     238                                        $tz_name,
     239                                        '<abbr>' . $timezone_info['abbr'] . '</abbr>',
     240                                        '<abbr>UTC</abbr>' . $formatted_gmt_offset,
     241                                        $formatted_gmt_offset
     242                                );
    237243                        } else {
    238244                                $timezone_info['description'] = '';
    239245                        }
    240246                } else {
    241                         $formatted_gmt_offset  = $this->format_gmt_offset( intval( get_option( 'gmt_offset', 0 ) ) );
    242                         $timezone_info['abbr'] = sprintf( 'UTC%s', $formatted_gmt_offset );
     247                        $formatted_gmt_offset = $this->format_gmt_offset( intval( get_option( 'gmt_offset', 0 ) ) );
    244                         /* translators: %s: UTC offset  */
    245                         $timezone_info['description'] = sprintf( __( 'Timezone is %s.' ), $timezone_info['abbr'] );
     249                        $timezone_info['description'] = sprintf(
     250                                /* translators: 1: UTC abbreviation and offset, 2: UTC offset */
     251                                __( 'Your timezone is set to %1$s (Coordinated Universal Time %2$s).' ),
     252                                '<abbr>UTC</abbr>' . $formatted_gmt_offset,
     253                                $formatted_gmt_offset
     254                        );
    246255                }
    248257                return $timezone_info;
  • tests/qunit/index.html

    949949                                                                <option value="pm">PM</option>
    950950                                                        </select>
    951951                                                <# } #>
    952                                                 <abbr class="date-timezone" aria-label="Timezone" title="Timezone is America/Los Angeles (PDT), currently UTC-7.">PDT</abbr>
     952                                                <p>Your timezone is set to America/Los Angeles (<abbr>PDT</abbr>), currently <abbr>UTC</abbr>-7 (Coordinated Universal Time -7).</p>
    953953                                        </div>
    954954                                </fieldset>
    955955                        <# } #>