Make WordPress Core

Ticket #47159: 47159.diff

File 47159.diff, 2.1 KB (added by dimadin, 5 years ago)
  • src/wp-admin/includes/media.php

    diff --git src/wp-admin/includes/media.php src/wp-admin/includes/media.php
    index e30cc08b1b..05bc43b8a8 100644
    function edit_form_image_editor( $post ) { 
    30203020                <p class="attachment-alt-text-description" id="alt-text-description">
    30213021                        <?php
    30223022                        printf(
    3023                                 /* translators: 1: link start tag, 2: accessibility text, 3: link end tag */
    3024                                 __( '%1$sDescribe the purpose of the image%2$s%3$s. Leave empty if the image is purely decorative.' ),
    3025                                 '<a href="' . esc_url( '' ) . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">',
     3023                                /* translators: 1: link to tutorial, 2: additional link attributes, 3: accessibility text */
     3024                                __( '<a href="%1$s" %2$s>Describe the purpose of the image%3$s</a>. Leave empty if the image is purely decorative.' ),
     3025                                esc_url( '' ),
     3026                                'target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"',
    30263027                                sprintf(
    30273028                                        '<span class="screen-reader-text"> %s</span>',
    30283029                                        /* translators: accessibility text */
  • src/wp-includes/media-template.php

    diff --git src/wp-includes/media-template.php src/wp-includes/media-template.php
    index 1711f50ab4..d107fd64be 100644
    function wp_print_media_templates() { 
    163163        }
    165165        $alt_text_description = sprintf(
    166                 /* translators: 1: link start tag, 2: accessibility text, 3: link end tag */
    167                 __( '%1$sDescribe the purpose of the image%2$s%3$s. Leave empty if the image is purely decorative.' ),
    168                 '<a href="' . esc_url( '' ) . '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">',
     166                /* translators: 1: link to tutorial, 2: additional link attributes, 3: accessibility text */
     167                __( '<a href="%1$s" %2$s>Describe the purpose of the image%3$s</a>. Leave empty if the image is purely decorative.' ),
     168                esc_url( '' ),
     169                'target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"',
    169170                sprintf(
    170171                        '<span class="screen-reader-text"> %s</span>',
    171172                        /* translators: accessibility text */