Make WordPress Core

Ticket #47411: 47411.2.diff

File 47411.2.diff, 948 bytes (added by SergeyBiryukov, 5 years ago)
  • phpcs.xml.dist

    185185                <exclude-pattern>/wp-tests-config-sample\.php</exclude-pattern>
    186186        </rule>
    188         <!-- Exclude checking of line endings when reporting errors, but fix them when running phpcbf.
    189                  Git and SVN manage these pretty well cross-platform as "native".
    190                  Whitelist configuration files. -->
     188        <!-- Exclude checking of line endings when reporting errors.
     189                 Git and SVN manage these pretty well cross-platform as "native". -->
    191190        <rule ref="Generic.Files.LineEndings">
    192                 <exclude-pattern>/wp-config\.php</exclude-pattern>
    193                 <exclude-pattern>/wp-config-sample\.php</exclude-pattern>
    194                 <exclude phpcs-only="true" name="Generic.Files.LineEndings"/>
     191                <exclude name="Generic.Files.LineEndings"/>
    195192        </rule>
    197194        <!-- WPCS1620: template.php isn't a template tag file. -->