Make WordPress Core

Ticket #47708: 47708.12.diff

File 47708.12.diff, 36.3 KB (added by ryelle, 5 years ago)
  • src/wp-admin/about.php

    diff --git src/wp-admin/about.php src/wp-admin/about.php
    index 55a7902979..9a4616b0fa 100644
    list( $display_version ) = explode( '-', get_bloginfo( 'version' ) ); 
    1717include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' );
    19         <div class="wrap about-wrap full-width-layout">
     19        <div class="wrap about__container">
    2121                <div class="about__header">
    2222                        <div class="about__header-title">
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    2626                                </h1>
    2727                        </div>
    29                         <div class="about__header-badge wp-badge">
    30                                 <?php
    31                                 printf(
    32                                         /* translators: %s: The current WordPress version number. */
    33                                         __( 'Version %s' ),
    34                                         $display_version
    35                                 );
    36                                 ?>
     29                        <div class="about__header-badge">
     30                                <img src="" alt="<?php _e( 'Code is Poetry' ); ?>" />
    3731                        </div>
    3933                        <div class="about__header-text">
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    6761                <div class="about__section has-2-columns">
    6862                        <div class="column is-edge-to-edge has-accent-background-color">
    6963                                <div class="about__image aligncenter">
    70                                         <img src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%3Csvg width='660' height='818' xmlns=''%3E%3Crect x='99' y='178' width='132' height='132' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3Crect x='231' y='310' width='99' height='99' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3Crect x='330' y='409' width='132' height='132' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3Crect x='462' y='541' width='99' height='99' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" />
     64                                        <img src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg width='660' height='818' viewbox='0 0 660 818' xmlns=''%3E%3Crect x='99' y='178' width='132' height='132' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3Crect x='231' y='310' width='99' height='99' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3Crect x='330' y='409' width='132' height='132' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3Crect x='462' y='541' width='99' height='99' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" />
    7165                                </div>
    7266                        </div>
    7367                        <div class="column is-vertically-aligned-center">
    74                                 <h3><?php _e( 'Block Editor Improvements' ); ?></h3>
     68                                <h2><?php _e( 'Block Editor Improvements' ); ?></h2>
    7569                                <p>
    7670                                        <?php _e( 'This enhancement-focused update introduces over 150 new features and usability improvements, including improved large image support for uploading non-optimized, high-resolution pictures taken from your smartphone or other high-quality cameras. Combined with larger default image sizes, pictures always look their best.' ); ?>
    7771                                </p>
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    8579                <div class="about__section has-2-columns">
    8680                        <div class="column is-vertically-aligned-center">
    87                                 <h3><?php _e( 'Expanded Design Flexibility' ); ?></h3>
     81                                <h2><?php _e( 'Expanded Design Flexibility' ); ?></h2>
    8882                                <p>
    8983                                        <?php
    9084                                        printf(
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    10498                        </div>
    10599                        <div class="column is-edge-to-edge has-accent-background-color">
    106100                                <div class="about__image aligncenter">
    107                                         <img src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%3Csvg width='500' height='500' xmlns=''%3E%3Crect x='75' y='200' width='150' height='75' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3Crect x='175' y='75' width='50' height='100' fill='%2385273B'/%3E%3Crect x='75' y='75' width='75' height='100' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3Crect x='250' y='200' width='175' height='75' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3Crect x='350' y='75' width='75' height='100' fill='%2385273B'/%3E%3Crect x='250' y='75' width='75' height='100' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3Crect x='75' y='375' width='150' height='50' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3Crect x='175' y='300' width='50' height='50' fill='%2385273B'/%3E%3Crect x='75' y='300' width='75' height='50' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3Crect x='250' y='372.5' width='175' height='52.5' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3Crect x='350' y='300' width='75' height='50' fill='%2385273B'/%3E%3Crect x='250' y='300' width='75' height='50' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A" alt="">
     101                                        <img src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg width='500' height='500' viewbox='0 0 500 500' xmlns=''%3E%3Crect x='75' y='200' width='150' height='75' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3Crect x='175' y='75' width='50' height='100' fill='%2385273B'/%3E%3Crect x='75' y='75' width='75' height='100' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3Crect x='250' y='200' width='175' height='75' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3Crect x='350' y='75' width='75' height='100' fill='%2385273B'/%3E%3Crect x='250' y='75' width='75' height='100' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3Crect x='75' y='375' width='150' height='50' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3Crect x='175' y='300' width='50' height='50' fill='%2385273B'/%3E%3Crect x='75' y='300' width='75' height='50' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3Crect x='250' y='372.5' width='175' height='52.5' fill='%2344141E'/%3E%3Crect x='350' y='300' width='75' height='50' fill='%2385273B'/%3E%3Crect x='250' y='300' width='75' height='50' fill='%23F4EFE1'/%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A" alt="">
    108102                                </div>
    109103                        </div>
    110104                </div>
    112106                <div class="about__section has-2-columns has-subtle-background-color">
    113107                        <div class="column is-vertically-aligned-center">
    114                                 <h3><?php _e( 'Introducing Twenty Twenty' ); ?></h3>
     108                                <h2><?php _e( 'Introducing Twenty Twenty' ); ?></h2>
    115109                                <p><?php _e( 'As the block editor celebrates its first birthday, we are proud that Twenty Twenty is designed with flexibility at its core. Show off your services or products with a combination of columns, groups, and media blocks. Set your content to wide or full alignment for dynamic and engaging layouts. Or let your thoughts be the star with a centered content column!' ); ?></p>
    117111                                <p>
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    142136                <hr />
    144138                <div class="about__section has-3-columns">
    145                         <h3 class="is-section-header"><?php _e( 'Improvements for Everyone' ); ?></h3>
     139                        <h2 class="is-section-header"><?php _e( 'Improvements for Everyone' ); ?></h2>
    147141                        <div class="column">
    148                                 <h4><?php _e( 'Automatic Image Rotation' ); ?></h4>
     142                                <h3><?php _e( 'Automatic Image Rotation' ); ?></h3>
    149143                                <p><?php _e( 'Your images will be correctly rotated upon upload according to the embedded orientation data. This feature was first proposed nine years ago and made possible through the perserverance of many dedicated contributors.' ); ?></p>
    150144                        </div>
    151145                        <div class="column">
    152                                 <h4><?php _e( 'Site Health Checks' ); ?></h4>
     146                                <h3><?php _e( 'Site Health Checks' ); ?></h3>
    153147                                <p><?php _e( 'The improvements introduced in 5.3 make it even easier to identify issues. Expanded recommendations highlight areas that may need troubleshooting on your site from the Health Check screen.' ); ?></p>
    154148                        </div>
    155149                        <div class="column">
    156                                 <h4><?php _e( 'Admin Email Verification' ); ?></h4>
     150                                <h3><?php _e( 'Admin Email Verification' ); ?></h3>
    157151                                <p><?php _e( 'You’ll now be periodically asked to confirm that your admin email address is up to date when you log in as an administrator. This reduces the chance of getting locked out out of your site if you change your email address.' ); ?></p>
    158152                        </div>
    159153                </div>
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    161155                <div class="about__section">
    162156                        <div class="column is-edge-to-edge">
    163157                                <div class="about__image aligncenter">
    164                                         <img src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%3Csvg width='1000' height='498' xmlns=''%3E%3Crect x='865.463' y='36.8596' width='133.8' height='132.326' fill='%23942F44'/%3E%3Crect x='865.463' y='180.98' width='133.8' height='132.326' fill='%23942F44'/%3E%3Crect x='866.2' y='328.05' width='133.8' height='132.694' fill='%23942F44'/%3E%3Crect y='331.736' width='405.455' height='134.169' fill='%234E1521'/%3E%3Crect y='36.8596' width='405.455' height='129.008' fill='%234E1521'/%3E%3Crect y='184.298' width='387.025' height='133.8' fill='%234E1521'/%3E%3Crect x='719.13' y='34.6479' width='133.8' height='428.677' fill='%23BD3854'/%3E%3Crect x='571.323' y='18.4297' width='133.8' height='423.885' fill='%23BD3854'/%3E%3Crect x='423.516' y='35.0164' width='133.8' height='425.728' fill='%23BD3854'/%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" />
     158                                        <img src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg width='1000' height='498' viewbox='0 0 1000 498' xmlns=''%3E%3Crect x='865.463' y='36.8596' width='133.8' height='132.326' fill='%23942F44'/%3E%3Crect x='865.463' y='180.98' width='133.8' height='132.326' fill='%23942F44'/%3E%3Crect x='866.2' y='328.05' width='133.8' height='132.694' fill='%23942F44'/%3E%3Crect y='331.736' width='405.455' height='134.169' fill='%234E1521'/%3E%3Crect y='36.8596' width='405.455' height='129.008' fill='%234E1521'/%3E%3Crect y='184.298' width='387.025' height='133.8' fill='%234E1521'/%3E%3Crect x='719.13' y='34.6479' width='133.8' height='428.677' fill='%23BD3854'/%3E%3Crect x='571.323' y='18.4297' width='133.8' height='423.885' fill='%23BD3854'/%3E%3Crect x='423.516' y='35.0164' width='133.8' height='425.728' fill='%23BD3854'/%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" />
    165159                                </div>
    166160                        </div>
    167161                </div>
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    169163                <hr />
    171165                <div class="about__section has-2-columns has-subtle-background-color">
    172                         <h3 class="is-section-header"><?php _e( 'For Developers' ); ?></h3>
     166                        <h2 class="is-section-header"><?php _e( 'For Developers' ); ?></h2>
    174168                        <div class="column">
    175                                 <h4><?php _e( 'Date/Time Component Fixes' ); ?></h4>
     169                                <h3><?php _e( 'Date/Time Component Fixes' ); ?></h3>
    176170                                <p>
    177171                                        <?php
    178172                                        printf(
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    184178                                </p>
    185179                        </div>
    186180                        <div class="column">
    187                                 <h4><?php _e( 'PHP 7.4 Compatibility' ); ?></h4>
     181                                <h3><?php _e( 'PHP 7.4 Compatibility' ); ?></h3>
    188182                                <p>
    189183                                        <?php
    190184                                        printf(
  • src/wp-admin/credits.php

    diff --git src/wp-admin/credits.php src/wp-admin/credits.php
    index 1b5a5f4ca9..4e2fe3643d 100644
    $title = __( 'Credits' ); 
    1515list( $display_version ) = explode( '-', get_bloginfo( 'version' ) );
    1717include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' );
     19$credits = wp_credits();
    19 <div class="wrap about-wrap full-width-layout">
     21<div class="wrap about__container">
    2123        <div class="about__header">
    2224                <div class="about__header-title">
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    2628                        </h1>
    2729                </div>
    29                 <div class="about__header-badge wp-badge">
    30                         <?php
    31                         printf(
    32                                 /* translators: %s: The current WordPress version number. */
    33                                 __( 'Version %s' ),
    34                                 $display_version
    35                         );
    36                         ?>
     31                <div class="about__header-badge">
     32                        <img src="" alt="<?php _e( 'Code is Poetry' ); ?>" />
    3733                </div>
    3935                <div class="about__header-text">
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    5652                </nav>
    5753        </div>
    59         <div class="about-wrap-content">
    60 <?php
     55        <div class="about__section">
     56                <div class="column">
     57                        <h2><?php _e( 'WordPress is created by a worldwide team of passionate individuals.' ); ?></h2>
    62 $credits = wp_credits();
     59                        <p>
     60                                <?php
     61                                if ( ! $credits ) {
     62                                        printf(
     63                                                /* translators: 1:, 2: */
     64                                                __( 'WordPress is created by a <a href="%1$s">worldwide team</a> of passionate individuals. <a href="%2$s">Get involved in WordPress</a>.' ),
     65                                                __( '' ),
     66                                                __( '' )
     67                                        );
     68                                } else {
     69                                        printf(
     70                                                /* translators: %s: */
     71                                                __( 'Want to see your name in lights on this page? <a href="%s">Get involved in WordPress</a>.' ),
     72                                                __( '' )
     73                                        );
     74                                }
     75                                ?>
     76                        </p>
     77                </div>
     79                <div class="about__image aligncenter">
     80                        <img src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg width='1320' height='350' viewbox='0 0 1320 350' xmlns=''%3E%3Crect width='72' height='220' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 61 220)' fill='%23321017'/%3E%3Crect width='72' height='250' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 166 300)' fill='%23BD3854'/%3E%3Crect width='72' height='220' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 272 220)' fill='%23321017'/%3E%3Crect width='71' height='220' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 378 220)' fill='%235F1B29'/%3E%3Crect width='71' height='220' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 483 220)' fill='%23321017'/%3E%3Crect width='71' height='220' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 587 220)' fill='%235F1B29'/%3E%3Crect width='71.28' height='250' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 689 300)' fill='%23BD3854'/%3E%3Crect width='72' height='220' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 884 220)' fill='%235F1B29'/%3E%3Crect width='72' height='220' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 789 220)' fill='%23321017'/%3E%3Crect width='71' height='220' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 985 220)' fill='%23321017'/%3E%3Crect width='72' height='220' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 1084 220)' fill='%235F1B29'/%3E%3Crect width='72' height='220' transform='matrix(1 0 0 -1 1179 220)' fill='%233D0F19'/%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A" alt="" />
     81                </div>
     82        </div>
    6485if ( ! $credits ) {
    65         echo '<p class="about-description">';
    66         printf(
    67                 /* translators: 1:, 2: */
    68                 __( 'WordPress is created by a <a href="%1$s">worldwide team</a> of passionate individuals. <a href="%2$s">Get involved in WordPress</a>.' ),
    69                 __( '' ),
    70                 __( '' )
    71         );
    72         echo '</p>';
    73         echo '</div>';
    7486        echo '</div>';
    7587        include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-footer.php' );
    7688        exit;
    79 echo '<p class="about-description">' . __( 'WordPress is created by a worldwide team of passionate individuals.' ) . "</p>\n";
     91$previous_type = '';
    81 echo '<p>' . sprintf(
    82         /* translators: %s: */
    83         __( 'Want to see your name in lights on this page? <a href="%s">Get involved in WordPress</a>.' ),
    84         __( '' )
    85 ) . '</p>';
     93foreach ( $credits['groups'] as $group_slug => $group_data ) : ?>
     94        <?php
     95        if ( $previous_type !== $group_data['type'] ) {
     96                echo '<hr />';
     97        }
     98        ?>
     99        <div class="about__section">
     100                <div class="column <?php echo 'titles' === $group_data['type'] ? 'has-subtle-background-color' : ''; ?>">
    87 foreach ( $credits['groups'] as $group_slug => $group_data ) {
     102        <?php
    88103        if ( $group_data['name'] ) {
    89104                if ( 'Translators' == $group_data['name'] ) {
    90105                        // Considered a special slug in the API response. (Also, will never be returned for en_US.)
    foreach ( $credits['groups'] as $group_slug => $group_data ) { 
    97112                        $title = translate( $group_data['name'] );
    98113                }
    100                 echo '<h2 class="wp-people-group">' . esc_html( $title ) . "</h2>\n";
     115                echo '<h2 class="wp-people-group-title">' . esc_html( $title ) . "</h2>\n";
    101116        }
    103118        if ( ! empty( $group_data['shuffle'] ) ) {
    foreach ( $credits['groups'] as $group_slug => $group_data ) { 
    120135                        foreach ( $group_data['data'] as $person_data ) {
    121136                                echo '<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-' . esc_attr( $person_data[2] ) . '">' . "\n\t";
    122137                                echo '<a href="' . esc_url( sprintf( $credits['data']['profiles'], $person_data[2] ) ) . '" class="web">';
    123                                 $size   = 'compact' == $group_data['type'] ? 30 : 60;
     138                                $size   = 'compact' == $group_data['type'] ? 40 : 80;
    124139                                $data   = get_avatar_data( $person_data[1] . '', array( 'size' => $size ) );
    125140                                $size  *= 2;
    126141                                $data2x = get_avatar_data( $person_data[1] . '', array( 'size' => $size ) );
    foreach ( $credits['groups'] as $group_slug => $group_data ) { 
    135150                        echo "</ul>\n";
    136151                        break;
    137152        }
    138 }
     153        $previous_type = $group_data['type'];
     154        ?>
    140 ?>
     156                </div>
    141157        </div>
     158<?php endforeach; ?>
  • src/wp-admin/css/about.css

    diff --git src/wp-admin/css/about.css src/wp-admin/css/about.css
    index c6e7c5e239..54336002fd 100644
    22  22.0 - About Pages
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    5     1.1 Typography
    6     1.2 Structure
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    9     2.1 Typography
    10     2.2 Structure
    11    3.0 Credits & Freedoms Pages
     4   1.0 Global: About, Credits, Freedoms, Privacy
     5    1.1 Layout
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     12    x.2.2 Structure
     13    x.2.3 Point Releases
     14   x.3.0 Legacy About Styles: About Page
     15    x.3.1 Typography
     16    x.3.2 Structure
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     35  1.0 - Global: About, Credits, Freedoms, Privacy
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     231/* Any columns following a section header need to be expicitly put into the second row, for IE support. */
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     272/* 1.2 - Typography & Elements */
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     354/* 1.3 - Header */
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     459        background: transparent;
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     469@media screen and (max-width: 782px) {
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     475@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
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     480                height: auto;
     481        }
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     484                justify-content: flex-start;
     485        }
     487        .about__header-navigation .nav-tab {
     488                margin-top: 0;
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     490                padding: 24px 16px;
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     494@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
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     506                border-left-width: 3px;
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     514  2.0 - Credits Page
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     522.about__section .wp-people-group {
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     580  3.0 - Freedoms Page
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     584        margin-bottom: 1em;
    15   1.0 - Global: About, Credits, Freedoms
     589  x.2.0 - Legacy About Styles: Global
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    101 /* 1.1 - Typography */
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    162 /* 1.2 - Structure */
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    319   2.0 - About Page
     896  x.3.0 - Legacy About Styles: About Page
    322 /* 2.1 - Typography */
     899/* x.3.1 - Typography */
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    333 /* 2.2 - Structure */
     910/* x.3.2 - Structure */
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    363   3.0 - Credits & Freedoms Pages
     940  x.4.0 - Legacy About Styles: Credits & Freedoms Pages
    366943/* Credits */
    474   4.0 - Media Queries
     1051  x.5.0 - Legacy About Styles: Media Queries
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  • src/wp-admin/freedoms.php

    diff --git src/wp-admin/freedoms.php src/wp-admin/freedoms.php
    index 4fe0cef9ba..77ea5c5bab 100644
    list( $display_version ) = explode( '-', get_bloginfo( 'version' ) ); 
    2222include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' );
    24 <div class="wrap about-wrap full-width-layout">
     24<div class="wrap about__container">
    2626        <div class="about__header">
    2727                <div class="about__header-title">
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    3131                        </h1>
    3232                </div>
    34                 <div class="about__header-badge wp-badge">
    35                         <?php
    36                         printf(
    37                                 /* translators: %s: The current WordPress version number. */
    38                                 __( 'Version %s' ),
    39                                 $display_version
    40                         );
    41                         ?>
     34                <div class="about__header-badge">
     35                        <img src="" alt="<?php _e( 'Code is Poetry' ); ?>" />
    4236                </div>
    4438                <div class="about__header-text">
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    6155                </nav>
    6256        </div>
    64         <div class="about-wrap-content">
    65                 <div class="feature-section has-1-columns">
    66                         <h2><?php _e( 'Freedoms' ); ?></h2>
    67                         <p class="about-description">
    68                         <?php
    69                         printf(
    70                                 /* translators: %s: */
    71                                 __( 'WordPress is Free and open source software, built by a distributed community of mostly volunteer developers from around the world. WordPress comes with some awesome, worldview-changing rights courtesy of its <a href="%s">license</a>, the GPL.' ),
    72                                 __( '' )
    73                         );
    74                         ?>
    75                         </p>
    76                 </div>
     58        <div class="about__section has-subtle-background-color is-feature">
     59                <h2><?php _e( 'Freedoms' ); ?></h2>
     61                <p class="about-description">
     62                <?php
     63                printf(
     64                        /* translators: %s: */
     65                        __( 'WordPress is Free and open source software, built by a distributed community of mostly volunteer developers from around the world. WordPress comes with some awesome, worldview-changing rights courtesy of its <a href="%s">license</a>, the GPL.' ),
     66                        __( '' )
     67                );
     68                ?>
     69                </p>
     70        </div>
     72        <hr />
    78                 <div class="feature-section has-4-columns is-fullwidth">
    79                         <div class="column">
    80                                 <div class="freedoms-image"></div>
    81                                 <h3><?php _e( 'The 1st Freedom' ); ?></h3>
    82                                 <p><?php _e( 'To run the program for any purpose.' ); ?></p>
    83                         </div>
    84                         <div class="column">
    85                                 <div class="freedoms-image"></div>
    86                                 <h3><?php _e( 'The 2nd Freedom' ); ?></h3>
    87                                 <p><?php _e( 'To study how the program works and change it to make it do what you wish.' ); ?></p>
    88                         </div>
    89                         <div class="column">
    90                                 <div class="freedoms-image"></div>
    91                                 <h3><?php _e( 'The 3rd Freedom' ); ?></h3>
    92                                 <p><?php _e( 'To redistribute.' ); ?></p>
    93                         </div>
    94                         <div class="column">
    95                                 <div class="freedoms-image"></div>
    96                                 <h3><?php _e( 'The 4th Freedom' ); ?></h3>
    97                                 <p><?php _e( 'To distribute copies of your modified versions to others.' ); ?></p>
    98                         </div>
     74        <div class="about__section has-4-columns">
     75                <div class="column">
     76                        <div class="freedoms-image"></div>
     77                        <h3><?php _e( 'The 1st Freedom' ); ?></h3>
     78                        <p><?php _e( 'To run the program for any purpose.' ); ?></p>
    9979                </div>
     80                <div class="column">
     81                        <div class="freedoms-image"></div>
     82                        <h3><?php _e( 'The 2nd Freedom' ); ?></h3>
     83                        <p><?php _e( 'To study how the program works and change it to make it do what you wish.' ); ?></p>
     84                </div>
     85                <div class="column">
     86                        <div class="freedoms-image"></div>
     87                        <h3><?php _e( 'The 3rd Freedom' ); ?></h3>
     88                        <p><?php _e( 'To redistribute.' ); ?></p>
     89                </div>
     90                <div class="column">
     91                        <div class="freedoms-image"></div>
     92                        <h3><?php _e( 'The 4th Freedom' ); ?></h3>
     93                        <p><?php _e( 'To distribute copies of your modified versions to others.' ); ?></p>
     94                </div>
     95        </div>
    101                 <div class="feature-section has-1-columns">
     97        <div class="about__section">
     98                <div class="column">
    10299                        <p>
    103100                        <?php
    104101                        printf(
  • src/wp-admin/privacy.php

    diff --git src/wp-admin/privacy.php src/wp-admin/privacy.php
    index d6f27e4d85..a2aaac3538 100644
    list( $display_version ) = explode( '-', get_bloginfo( 'version' ) ); 
    1616include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' );
    18 <div class="wrap about-wrap full-width-layout">
     18<div class="wrap about__container">
    2020        <div class="about__header">
    2121                <div class="about__header-title">
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    2525                        </h1>
    2626                </div>
    28                 <div class="about__header-badge wp-badge">
    29                         <?php
    30                         printf(
    31                                 /* translators: %s: The current WordPress version number. */
    32                                 __( 'Version %s' ),
    33                                 $display_version
    34                         );
    35                         ?>
     28                <div class="about__header-badge">
     29                        <img src="" alt="<?php _e( 'Code is Poetry' ); ?>" />
    3630                </div>
    3832                <div class="about__header-text">
    include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); 
    5549                </nav>
    5650        </div>
    58         <div class="about-wrap-content">
    59                 <p class="about-description"><?php _e( 'From time to time, your WordPress site may send data to &#8212; including, but not limited to &#8212; the version of WordPress you are using, and a list of installed plugins and themes.' ); ?></p>
     52        <div class="about__section">
     53                <div class="column">
     54                        <h2><?php _e( 'Privacy' ); ?></h2>
    61                 <p>
    62                         <?php
    63                         printf(
    64                                 /* translators: %s: */
    65                                 __( 'This data is used to provide general enhancements to WordPress, which includes helping to protect your site by finding and automatically installing new updates. It is also used to calculate statistics, such as those shown on the <a href="%s"> stats page</a>.' ),
    66                                 __( '' )
    67                         );
    68                         ?>
    69                 </p>
     56                        <p><?php _e( 'From time to time, your WordPress site may send data to &#8212; including, but not limited to &#8212; the version of WordPress you are using, and a list of installed plugins and themes.' ); ?></p>
    71                 <p>
    72                         <?php
    73                         printf(
    74                                 /* translators: %s: */
    75                                 __( 'We take privacy and transparency very seriously. To learn more about what data we collect, and how we use it, please visit <a href="%s"></a>.' ),
    76                                 __( '' )
    77                         );
    78                         ?>
    79                 </p>
     58                        <p>
     59                                <?php
     60                                printf(
     61                                        /* translators: %s: */
     62                                        __( 'This data is used to provide general enhancements to WordPress, which includes helping to protect your site by finding and automatically installing new updates. It is also used to calculate statistics, such as those shown on the <a href="%s"> stats page</a>.' ),
     63                                        __( '' )
     64                                );
     65                                ?>
     66                        </p>
     68                        <p>
     69                                <?php
     70                                printf(
     71                                        /* translators: %s: */
     72                                        __( 'We take privacy and transparency very seriously. To learn more about what data we collect, and how we use it, please visit <a href="%s"></a>.' ),
     73                                        __( '' )
     74                                );
     75                                ?>
     76                        </p>
     77                </div>
    8078        </div>