Ticket #47872: 47872.diff
File 47872.diff, 45.3 KB (added by , 5 years ago) |
2 2 var topWin = window.dialogArguments || opener || parent || top, uploader, uploader_init; 3 3 4 4 // progress and success handlers for media multi uploads 5 function fileQueued( fileObj) {5 function fileQueued( fileObj ) { 6 6 // Get rid of unused form 7 jQuery( '.media-blank').remove();7 jQuery( '.media-blank' ).remove(); 8 8 9 var items = jQuery( '#media-items').children(), postid = post_id || 0;9 var items = jQuery( '#media-items' ).children(), postid = post_id || 0; 10 10 11 11 // Collapse a single item 12 12 if ( items.length == 1 ) { 13 items.removeClass( 'open').find('.slidetoggle').slideUp(200);13 items.removeClass( 'open' ).find( '.slidetoggle' ).slideUp( 200 ); 14 14 } 15 15 // Create a progress bar containing the filename 16 jQuery( '<div class="media-item">')16 jQuery( '<div class="media-item">' ) 17 17 .attr( 'id', 'media-item-' + fileObj.id ) 18 .addClass( 'child-of-' + postid)19 .append( '<div class="progress"><div class="percent">0%</div><div class="bar"></div></div>',20 jQuery( '<div class="filename original">').text( ' ' + fileObj.name ))21 .appendTo( jQuery( '#media-items' ) );18 .addClass( 'child-of-' + postid ) 19 .append( '<div class="progress"><div class="percent">0%</div><div class="bar"></div></div>', 20 jQuery( '<div class="filename original">' ).text( ' ' + fileObj.name )) 21 .appendTo( jQuery( '#media-items' ) ); 22 22 23 23 // Disable submit 24 jQuery( '#insert-gallery').prop('disabled', true);24 jQuery( '#insert-gallery' ).prop( 'disabled', true ); 25 25 } 26 26 27 27 function uploadStart() { 28 28 try { 29 29 if ( typeof topWin.tb_remove != 'undefined' ) 30 topWin.jQuery( '#TB_overlay').unbind('click', topWin.tb_remove);31 } catch( e){}30 topWin.jQuery( '#TB_overlay' ).unbind( 'click', topWin.tb_remove ); 31 } catch( e ){} 32 32 33 33 return true; 34 34 } 35 35 36 function uploadProgress( up, file) {37 var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + file.id);36 function uploadProgress( up, file ) { 37 var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + file.id ); 38 38 39 jQuery( '.bar', item).width( (200 * file.loaded) / file.size );40 jQuery( '.percent', item).html( file.percent + '%' );39 jQuery( '.bar', item ).width( ( 200 * file.loaded ) / file.size ); 40 jQuery( '.percent', item ).html( file.percent + '%' ); 41 41 } 42 42 43 43 // check to see if a large file failed to upload … … 58 58 } 59 59 60 60 function updateMediaForm() { 61 var items = jQuery( '#media-items').children();61 var items = jQuery( '#media-items' ).children(); 62 62 63 63 // Just one file, no need for collapsible part 64 64 if ( items.length == 1 ) { 65 items.addClass( 'open').find('.slidetoggle').show();66 jQuery( '.insert-gallery').hide();65 items.addClass( 'open' ).find( '.slidetoggle' ).show(); 66 jQuery( '.insert-gallery' ).hide(); 67 67 } else if ( items.length > 1 ) { 68 items.removeClass( 'open');68 items.removeClass( 'open' ); 69 69 // Only show Gallery/Playlist buttons when there are at least two files. 70 jQuery( '.insert-gallery').show();70 jQuery( '.insert-gallery' ).show(); 71 71 } 72 72 73 73 // Only show Save buttons when there is at least one file. 74 if ( items.not( '.media-blank').length > 0 )75 jQuery( '.savebutton').show();74 if ( items.not( '.media-blank' ).length > 0 ) 75 jQuery( '.savebutton' ).show(); 76 76 else 77 jQuery( '.savebutton').hide();77 jQuery( '.savebutton' ).hide(); 78 78 } 79 79 80 function uploadSuccess( fileObj, serverData) {81 var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id);80 function uploadSuccess( fileObj, serverData ) { 81 var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id ); 82 82 83 83 // on success serverData should be numeric, fix bug in html4 runtime returning the serverData wrapped in a <pre> tag 84 serverData = serverData.replace(/^<pre>(\d+)<\/pre>$/, '$1'); 84 if ( typeof serverData === 'string' ) { 85 serverData = serverData.replace( /^<pre>(\d+)<\/pre>$/, '$1' ); 85 86 86 // if async-upload returned an error message, place it in the media item div and return 87 if ( serverData.match(/media-upload-error|error-div/) ) { 88 item.html(serverData); 89 return; 90 } else { 91 jQuery('.percent', item).html( pluploadL10n.crunching ); 87 // if async-upload returned an error message, place it in the media item div and return 88 if ( /media-upload-error|error-div/.test( serverData ) ) { 89 item.html( serverData ); 90 return; 91 } 92 92 } 93 93 94 prepareMediaItem(fileObj, serverData); 94 item.find( '.percent' ).html( pluploadL10n.crunching ); 95 96 prepareMediaItem( fileObj, serverData ); 95 97 updateMediaForm(); 96 98 97 99 // Increment the counter. 98 if ( post_id && item.hasClass('child-of-' + post_id) ) 99 jQuery('#attachments-count').text(1 * jQuery('#attachments-count').text() + 1); 100 if ( post_id && item.hasClass( 'child-of-' + post_id ) ) { 101 jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text( 1 * jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text() + 1 ); 102 } 100 103 } 101 104 102 105 function setResize( arg ) { … … 116 119 } 117 120 } 118 121 119 function prepareMediaItem( fileObj, serverData) {120 var f = ( typeof shortform == 'undefined' ) ? 1 : 2, item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id);122 function prepareMediaItem( fileObj, serverData ) { 123 var f = ( typeof shortform == 'undefined' ) ? 1 : 2, item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id ); 121 124 if ( f == 2 && shortform > 2 ) 122 125 f = shortform; 123 126 124 127 try { 125 128 if ( typeof topWin.tb_remove != 'undefined' ) 126 topWin.jQuery( '#TB_overlay').click(topWin.tb_remove);127 } catch( e){}129 topWin.jQuery( '#TB_overlay' ).click( topWin.tb_remove ); 130 } catch( e ){} 128 131 129 if ( isNaN( serverData) || !serverData ) { // Old style: Append the HTML returned by the server -- thumbnail and form inputs130 item.append( serverData);131 prepareMediaItemInit( fileObj);132 if ( isNaN( serverData ) || !serverData ) { // Old style: Append the HTML returned by the server -- thumbnail and form inputs 133 item.append( serverData ); 134 prepareMediaItemInit( fileObj ); 132 135 } else { // New style: server data is just the attachment ID, fetch the thumbnail and form html from the server 133 item.load( 'async-upload.php', {attachment_id:serverData, fetch:f}, function(){prepareMediaItemInit(fileObj);updateMediaForm();});136 item.load( 'async-upload.php', {attachment_id:serverData, fetch:f}, function(){prepareMediaItemInit( fileObj );updateMediaForm();}); 134 137 } 135 138 } 136 139 137 function prepareMediaItemInit( fileObj) {138 var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id);140 function prepareMediaItemInit( fileObj ) { 141 var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id ); 139 142 // Clone the thumbnail as a "pinkynail" -- a tiny image to the left of the filename 140 jQuery( '.thumbnail', item).clone().attr('class', 'pinkynail toggle').prependTo(item);143 jQuery( '.thumbnail', item ).clone().attr( 'class', 'pinkynail toggle' ).prependTo( item ); 141 144 142 145 // Replace the original filename with the new (unique) one assigned during upload 143 jQuery( '.filename.original', item).replaceWith( jQuery('.filename.new', item) );146 jQuery( '.filename.original', item ).replaceWith( jQuery( '.filename.new', item ) ); 144 147 145 148 // Bind AJAX to the new Delete button 146 jQuery( 'a.delete', item).click(function(){149 jQuery( 'a.delete', item ).click( function(){ 147 150 // Tell the server to delete it. TODO: handle exceptions 148 151 jQuery.ajax({ 149 152 url: ajaxurl, … … 152 155 error: deleteError, 153 156 id: fileObj.id, 154 157 data: { 155 id : this.id.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '' ),158 id : this.id.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '' ), 156 159 action : 'trash-post', 157 _ajax_nonce : this.href.replace(/^.*wpnonce=/,'' )160 _ajax_nonce : this.href.replace(/^.*wpnonce=/,'' ) 158 161 } 159 162 }); 160 163 return false; … … 161 164 }); 162 165 163 166 // Bind AJAX to the new Undo button 164 jQuery( 'a.undo', item).click(function(){167 jQuery( 'a.undo', item ).click( function(){ 165 168 // Tell the server to untrash it. TODO: handle exceptions 166 169 jQuery.ajax({ 167 170 url: ajaxurl, … … 168 171 type: 'post', 169 172 id: fileObj.id, 170 173 data: { 171 id : this.id.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'' ),174 id : this.id.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'' ), 172 175 action: 'untrash-post', 173 _ajax_nonce: this.href.replace(/^.*wpnonce=/,'' )176 _ajax_nonce: this.href.replace(/^.*wpnonce=/,'' ) 174 177 }, 175 178 success: function( ){ 176 179 var type, 177 item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id);180 item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id ); 178 181 179 if ( type = jQuery( '#type-of-' + fileObj.id).val() )180 jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter').text(jQuery('#' + type + '-counter').text()-0+1);182 if ( type = jQuery( '#type-of-' + fileObj.id ).val() ) 183 jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text( jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text()-0+1 ); 181 184 182 if ( post_id && item.hasClass( 'child-of-'+post_id) )183 jQuery( '#attachments-count').text(jQuery('#attachments-count').text()-0+1);185 if ( post_id && item.hasClass( 'child-of-'+post_id ) ) 186 jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text( jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text()-0+1 ); 184 187 185 jQuery( '.filename .trashnotice', item).remove();186 jQuery( '.filename .title', item).css('font-weight','normal');187 jQuery( 'a.undo', item).addClass('hidden');188 jQuery( '.menu_order_input', item).show();189 item.css( {backgroundColor:'#ceb'} ).animate( {backgroundColor: '#fff'}, { queue: false, duration: 500, complete: function(){ jQuery( this).css({backgroundColor:''}); } }).removeClass('undo');188 jQuery( '.filename .trashnotice', item ).remove(); 189 jQuery( '.filename .title', item ).css( 'font-weight','normal' ); 190 jQuery( 'a.undo', item ).addClass( 'hidden' ); 191 jQuery( '.menu_order_input', item ).show(); 192 item.css( {backgroundColor:'#ceb'} ).animate( {backgroundColor: '#fff'}, { queue: false, duration: 500, complete: function(){ jQuery( this ).css({backgroundColor:''}); } }).removeClass( 'undo' ); 190 193 } 191 194 }); 192 195 return false; … … 193 196 }); 194 197 195 198 // Open this item if it says to start open (e.g. to display an error) 196 jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id + '.startopen').removeClass('startopen').addClass('open').find('slidetoggle').fadeIn();199 jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id + '.startopen' ).removeClass( 'startopen' ).addClass( 'open' ).find( 'slidetoggle' ).fadeIn(); 197 200 } 198 201 199 202 // generic error message 200 function wpQueueError( message) {201 jQuery( '#media-upload-error').show().html( '<div class="error"><p>' + message + '</p></div>' );203 function wpQueueError( message ) { 204 jQuery( '#media-upload-error' ).show().html( '<div class="error"><p>' + message + '</p></div>' ); 202 205 } 203 206 204 207 // file-specific error messages 205 function wpFileError( fileObj, message) {206 itemAjaxError( fileObj.id, message);208 function wpFileError( fileObj, message ) { 209 itemAjaxError( fileObj.id, message ); 207 210 } 208 211 209 function itemAjaxError( id, message) {210 var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + id), filename = item.find('.filename').text(), last_err = item.data('last-err');212 function itemAjaxError( id, message ) { 213 var item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + id ), filename = item.find( '.filename' ).text(), last_err = item.data( 'last-err' ); 211 214 212 215 if ( last_err == id ) // prevent firing an error for the same file twice 213 216 return; 214 217 215 item.html( '<div class="error-div">' +218 item.html( '<div class="error-div">' + 216 219 '<a class="dismiss" href="#">' + pluploadL10n.dismiss + '</a>' + 217 '<strong>' + pluploadL10n.error_uploading.replace( '%s', jQuery.trim(filename)) + '</strong> ' +220 '<strong>' + pluploadL10n.error_uploading.replace( '%s', jQuery.trim( filename )) + '</strong> ' + 218 221 message + 219 '</div>' ).data('last-err', id);222 '</div>' ).data( 'last-err', id ); 220 223 } 221 224 222 function deleteSuccess( data) {225 function deleteSuccess( data ) { 223 226 var type, id, item; 224 227 if ( data == '-1' ) 225 return itemAjaxError( this.id, 'You do not have permission. Has your session expired?');228 return itemAjaxError( this.id, 'You do not have permission. Has your session expired?' ); 226 229 227 230 if ( data == '0' ) 228 return itemAjaxError( this.id, 'Could not be deleted. Has it been deleted already?');231 return itemAjaxError( this.id, 'Could not be deleted. Has it been deleted already?' ); 229 232 230 233 id = this.id; 231 item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + id);234 item = jQuery( '#media-item-' + id ); 232 235 233 236 // Decrement the counters. 234 if ( type = jQuery( '#type-of-' + id).val() )235 jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter').text( jQuery('#' + type + '-counter').text() - 1 );237 if ( type = jQuery( '#type-of-' + id ).val() ) 238 jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text( jQuery( '#' + type + '-counter' ).text() - 1 ); 236 239 237 if ( post_id && item.hasClass( 'child-of-'+post_id) )238 jQuery( '#attachments-count').text( jQuery('#attachments-count').text() - 1 );240 if ( post_id && item.hasClass( 'child-of-'+post_id ) ) 241 jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text( jQuery( '#attachments-count' ).text() - 1 ); 239 242 240 if ( jQuery( 'form.type-form #media-items').children().length == 1 && jQuery('.hidden', '#media-items').length > 0 ) {241 jQuery( '.toggle').toggle();242 jQuery( '.slidetoggle').slideUp(200).siblings().removeClass('hidden');243 if ( jQuery( 'form.type-form #media-items' ).children().length == 1 && jQuery( '.hidden', '#media-items' ).length > 0 ) { 244 jQuery( '.toggle' ).toggle(); 245 jQuery( '.slidetoggle' ).slideUp( 200 ).siblings().removeClass( 'hidden' ); 243 246 } 244 247 245 248 // Vanish it. 246 jQuery( '.toggle', item).toggle();247 jQuery( '.slidetoggle', item).slideUp(200).siblings().removeClass('hidden');248 item.css( {backgroundColor:'#faa'} ).animate( {backgroundColor:'#f4f4f4'}, {queue:false, duration:500} ).addClass( 'undo');249 jQuery( '.toggle', item ).toggle(); 250 jQuery( '.slidetoggle', item ).slideUp( 200 ).siblings().removeClass( 'hidden' ); 251 item.css( {backgroundColor:'#faa'} ).animate( {backgroundColor:'#f4f4f4'}, {queue:false, duration:500} ).addClass( 'undo' ); 249 252 250 jQuery( '.filename:empty', item).remove();251 jQuery( '.filename .title', item).css('font-weight','bold');252 jQuery( '.filename', item).append('<span class="trashnotice"> ' + pluploadL10n.deleted + ' </span>').siblings('a.toggle').hide();253 jQuery( '.filename', item).append( jQuery('a.undo', item).removeClass('hidden') );254 jQuery( '.menu_order_input', item).hide();253 jQuery( '.filename:empty', item ).remove(); 254 jQuery( '.filename .title', item ).css( 'font-weight','bold' ); 255 jQuery( '.filename', item ).append( '<span class="trashnotice"> ' + pluploadL10n.deleted + ' </span>' ).siblings( 'a.toggle' ).hide(); 256 jQuery( '.filename', item ).append( jQuery( 'a.undo', item ).removeClass( 'hidden' ) ); 257 jQuery( '.menu_order_input', item ).hide(); 255 258 256 259 return; 257 260 } 258 261 259 262 function deleteError() { 260 // TODO261 263 } 262 264 263 265 function uploadComplete() { 264 jQuery( '#insert-gallery').prop('disabled', false);266 jQuery( '#insert-gallery' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); 265 267 } 266 268 267 function switchUploader( s) {269 function switchUploader( s ) { 268 270 if ( s ) { 269 deleteUserSetting( 'uploader');270 jQuery( '.media-upload-form').removeClass('html-uploader');271 deleteUserSetting( 'uploader' ); 272 jQuery( '.media-upload-form' ).removeClass( 'html-uploader' ); 271 273 272 if ( typeof( uploader) == 'object' )274 if ( typeof( uploader ) == 'object' ) 273 275 uploader.refresh(); 274 276 } else { 275 setUserSetting( 'uploader', '1'); // 1 == html uploader276 jQuery( '.media-upload-form').addClass('html-uploader');277 setUserSetting( 'uploader', '1' ); // 1 == html uploader 278 jQuery( '.media-upload-form' ).addClass( 'html-uploader' ); 277 279 } 278 280 } 279 281 280 function uploadError( fileObj, errorCode, message, uploader) {282 function uploadError( fileObj, errorCode, message, up ) { 281 283 var hundredmb = 100 * 1024 * 1024, max; 282 284 283 switch ( errorCode) {285 switch ( errorCode ) { 284 286 case plupload.FAILED: 285 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.upload_failed);287 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.upload_failed ); 286 288 break; 287 289 case plupload.FILE_EXTENSION_ERROR: 288 wpFileExtensionError( up loader, fileObj, pluploadL10n.invalid_filetype );290 wpFileExtensionError( up, fileObj, pluploadL10n.invalid_filetype ); 289 291 break; 290 292 case plupload.FILE_SIZE_ERROR: 291 uploadSizeError( uploader, fileObj);293 uploadSizeError( up, fileObj ); 292 294 break; 293 295 case plupload.IMAGE_FORMAT_ERROR: 294 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.not_an_image);296 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.not_an_image ); 295 297 break; 296 298 case plupload.IMAGE_MEMORY_ERROR: 297 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.image_memory_exceeded);299 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.image_memory_exceeded ); 298 300 break; 299 301 case plupload.IMAGE_DIMENSIONS_ERROR: 300 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.image_dimensions_exceeded);302 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.image_dimensions_exceeded ); 301 303 break; 302 304 case plupload.GENERIC_ERROR: 303 wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.upload_failed);305 wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.upload_failed ); 304 306 break; 305 307 case plupload.IO_ERROR: 306 max = parseInt( up loader.settings.filters.max_file_size, 10 );308 max = parseInt( up.settings.filters.max_file_size, 10 ); 307 309 308 if ( max > hundredmb && fileObj.size > hundredmb ) 309 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.big_upload_failed.replace('%1$s', '<a class="uploader-html" href="#">').replace('%2$s', '</a>') ); 310 else 311 wpQueueError(pluploadL10n.io_error); 310 if ( max > hundredmb && fileObj.size > hundredmb ) { 311 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.big_upload_failed.replace( '%1$s', '<a class="uploader-html" href="#">' ).replace( '%2$s', '</a>' ) ); 312 } else { 313 wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.io_error ); 314 } 315 312 316 break; 313 317 case plupload.HTTP_ERROR: 314 wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error);318 wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.http_error ); 315 319 break; 316 320 case plupload.INIT_ERROR: 317 jQuery( '.media-upload-form').addClass('html-uploader');321 jQuery( '.media-upload-form' ).addClass( 'html-uploader' ); 318 322 break; 319 323 case plupload.SECURITY_ERROR: 320 wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.security_error);324 wpQueueError( pluploadL10n.security_error ); 321 325 break; 322 326 /* case plupload.UPLOAD_ERROR.UPLOAD_STOPPED: 323 327 case plupload.UPLOAD_ERROR.FILE_CANCELLED: 324 jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id).remove();328 jQuery( '#media-item-' + fileObj.id ).remove(); 325 329 break;*/ 326 330 default: 327 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.default_error);331 wpFileError( fileObj, pluploadL10n.default_error ); 328 332 } 329 333 } 330 334 … … 331 335 function uploadSizeError( up, file ) { 332 336 var message, errorDiv; 333 337 334 message = pluploadL10n.file_exceeds_size_limit.replace( '%s', file.name);338 message = pluploadL10n.file_exceeds_size_limit.replace( '%s', file.name ); 335 339 336 340 // Construct the error div. 337 341 errorDiv = jQuery( '<div />' ) … … 345 349 ); 346 350 347 351 // Append the error. 348 jQuery( '#media-items').append( errorDiv );349 up.removeFile( file);352 jQuery( '#media-items' ).append( errorDiv ); 353 up.removeFile( file ); 350 354 } 351 355 352 356 function wpFileExtensionError( up, file, message ) { 353 jQuery( '#media-items').append('<div id="media-item-' + file.id + '" class="media-item error"><p>' + message + '</p></div>');354 up.removeFile( file);357 jQuery( '#media-items' ).append( '<div id="media-item-' + file.id + '" class="media-item error"><p>' + message + '</p></div>' ); 358 up.removeFile( file ); 355 359 } 356 360 357 jQuery( document).ready(function($){358 $('.media-upload-form').bind('click.uploader', function(e) {359 var target = $(e.target), tr, c;361 jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { 362 var tryAgainCount = {}; 363 var tryAgain; 360 364 361 if ( target.is('input[type="radio"]') ) { // remember the last used image size and alignment362 tr = target.closest('tr');365 $( '.media-upload-form' ).bind( 'click.uploader', function( e ) { 366 var target = $( e.target ), tr, c; 363 367 364 if ( tr.hasClass('align') ) 365 setUserSetting('align', target.val()); 366 else if ( tr.hasClass('image-size') ) 367 setUserSetting('imgsize', target.val()); 368 if ( target.is( 'input[type="radio"]' ) ) { // remember the last used image size and alignment 369 tr = target.closest( 'tr' ); 368 370 369 } else if ( target.is('button.button') ) { // remember the last used image link url 371 if ( tr.hasClass( 'align' ) ) 372 setUserSetting( 'align', target.val() ); 373 else if ( tr.hasClass( 'image-size' ) ) 374 setUserSetting( 'imgsize', target.val() ); 375 376 } else if ( target.is( 'button.button' ) ) { // remember the last used image link url 370 377 c = e.target.className || ''; 371 c = c.match( /url([^ '"]+)/);378 c = c.match( /url([^ '"]+)/ ); 372 379 373 380 if ( c && c[1] ) { 374 setUserSetting( 'urlbutton', c[1]);375 target.siblings( '.urlfield').val( target.data('link-url') );381 setUserSetting( 'urlbutton', c[1] ); 382 target.siblings( '.urlfield' ).val( target.data( 'link-url' ) ); 376 383 } 377 } else if ( target.is( 'a.dismiss') ) {378 target.parents( '.media-item').fadeOut(200, function(){379 $( this).remove();380 } );381 } else if ( target.is( '.upload-flash-bypass a') || target.is('a.uploader-html') ) { // switch uploader to html4382 $( '#media-items, p.submit, span.big-file-warning').css('display', 'none');383 switchUploader( 0);384 } else if ( target.is( 'a.dismiss' ) ) { 385 target.parents( '.media-item' ).fadeOut( 200, function() { 386 $( this ).remove(); 387 } ); 388 } else if ( target.is( '.upload-flash-bypass a' ) || target.is( 'a.uploader-html' ) ) { // switch uploader to html4 389 $( '#media-items, p.submit, span.big-file-warning' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); 390 switchUploader( 0 ); 384 391 e.preventDefault(); 385 } else if ( target.is( '.upload-html-bypass a') ) { // switch uploader to multi-file386 $( '#media-items, p.submit, span.big-file-warning').css('display', '');387 switchUploader( 1);392 } else if ( target.is( '.upload-html-bypass a' ) ) { // switch uploader to multi-file 393 $( '#media-items, p.submit, span.big-file-warning' ).css( 'display', '' ); 394 switchUploader( 1 ); 388 395 e.preventDefault(); 389 } else if ( target.is('a.describe-toggle-on') ) { // Show 390 target.parent().addClass('open'); 391 target.siblings('.slidetoggle').fadeIn(250, function(){ 392 var S = $(window).scrollTop(), H = $(window).height(), top = $(this).offset().top, h = $(this).height(), b, B; 396 } else if ( target.is( 'a.describe-toggle-on' ) ) { // Show 397 target.parent().addClass( 'open' ); 398 target.siblings( '.slidetoggle' ).fadeIn( 250, function() { 399 var S = $( window ).scrollTop(), 400 H = $( window ).height(), 401 top = $( this ).offset().top, 402 h = $( this ).height(), 403 b, 404 B; 393 405 394 406 if ( H && top && h ) { 395 407 b = top + h; … … 397 409 398 410 if ( b > B ) { 399 411 if ( b - B < top - S ) 400 window.scrollBy( 0, (b - B) + 10);412 window.scrollBy( 0, ( b - B ) + 10 ); 401 413 else 402 window.scrollBy( 0, top - S - 40);414 window.scrollBy( 0, top - S - 40 ); 403 415 } 404 416 } 405 }); 417 } ); 418 406 419 e.preventDefault(); 407 } else if ( target.is('a.describe-toggle-off') ) { // Hide 408 target.siblings('.slidetoggle').fadeOut(250, function(){ 409 target.parent().removeClass('open'); 410 }); 420 } else if ( target.is( 'a.describe-toggle-off' ) ) { // Hide 421 target.siblings( '.slidetoggle' ).fadeOut( 250, function() { 422 target.parent().removeClass( 'open' ); 423 } ); 424 411 425 e.preventDefault(); 412 426 } 413 427 }); 414 428 415 // init and set the uploader 416 uploader_init = function() { 417 var isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE ') != -1; 429 // Attempt to create image sub-sizes when an image was uploaded successfully 430 // but the server responded with HTTP 500 error. 431 tryAgain = function( up, error ) { 432 var file = error.file; 433 var times; 434 var message; 418 435 419 // Make sure flash sends cookies (seems in IE it does whitout switching to urlstream mode) 420 if ( ! isIE && 'flash' === plupload.predictRuntime( wpUploaderInit ) && 421 ( ! wpUploaderInit.required_features || ! wpUploaderInit.required_features.hasOwnProperty( 'send_binary_string' ) ) ) { 436 if ( ! file || ! file.id ) { 437 wpQueueError( error.message || pluploadL10n.http_error ); 438 return; 439 } 422 440 423 wpUploaderInit.required_features = wpUploaderInit.required_features || {}; 424 wpUploaderInit.required_features.send_binary_string = true; 441 times = tryAgainCount[ file.id ]; 442 443 if ( times && times > 3 ) { 444 wpQueueError( error.message || pluploadL10n.http_error ); 445 return; 425 446 } 426 447 427 uploader = new plupload.Uploader(wpUploaderInit); 448 if ( ! times ) { 449 tryAgainCount[ file.id ] = 1; 450 } else { 451 tryAgainCount[ file.id ] = ++times; 452 } 428 453 429 $('#image_resize').bind('change', function() { 430 var arg = $(this).prop('checked'); 454 // Try to create the missing image sizes three times. 455 $.ajax({ 456 type: 'post', 457 url: ajaxurl, 458 dataType: 'json', 459 data: { 460 action: 'media-create-image-subsizes', 461 _wpnonce: wpUploaderInit.multipart_params._wpnonce, 462 _wp_temp_image_ref: file.id, 463 _legasy_support: 'true', 464 } 465 }).done( function( response ) { 466 var message; 431 467 468 if ( response.success ) { 469 uploadSuccess( file, response.data.id ); 470 } else { 471 if ( response.data && response.data.message ) { 472 message = response.data.message; 473 } else if ( _.isString( response ) ) { 474 // Can be error message coming from PHP that may have few simple HTML tags. Remove them. 475 message = response.replace( /<\/?[a-zA-Z][^>]*>/g, '' ); 476 message = _.escape( message ); 477 } 478 479 wpQueueError( message || pluploadL10n.http_error ); 480 } 481 }).fail( function( jqXHR ) { 482 // If another HTTP 500 error, try again up to 3 times. 483 if ( jqXHR.status === 500 ) { 484 tryAgain( up, error ); 485 return; 486 } 487 488 wpQueueError( jqXHR.responseText || pluploadL10n.http_error ); 489 }); 490 } 491 492 // init and set the uploader 493 uploader_init = function() { 494 uploader = new plupload.Uploader( wpUploaderInit ); 495 496 $( '#image_resize' ).bind( 'change', function() { 497 var arg = $( this ).prop( 'checked' ); 498 432 499 setResize( arg ); 433 500 434 501 if ( arg ) 435 setUserSetting( 'upload_resize', '1');502 setUserSetting( 'upload_resize', '1' ); 436 503 else 437 deleteUserSetting( 'upload_resize');504 deleteUserSetting( 'upload_resize' ); 438 505 }); 439 506 440 uploader.bind( 'Init', function(up) {441 var uploaddiv = $( '#plupload-upload-ui');507 uploader.bind( 'Init', function( up ) { 508 var uploaddiv = $( '#plupload-upload-ui' ); 442 509 443 setResize( getUserSetting( 'upload_resize', false) );510 setResize( getUserSetting( 'upload_resize', false ) ); 444 511 445 if ( up.features.dragdrop && ! $(document.body).hasClass('mobile') ) { 446 uploaddiv.addClass('drag-drop'); 447 $('#drag-drop-area').on('dragover.wp-uploader', function(){ // dragenter doesn't fire right :( 448 uploaddiv.addClass('drag-over'); 449 }).on('dragleave.wp-uploader, drop.wp-uploader', function(){ 450 uploaddiv.removeClass('drag-over'); 512 if ( up.features.dragdrop && ! $( document.body ).hasClass( 'mobile' ) ) { 513 uploaddiv.addClass( 'drag-drop' ); 514 515 $( '#drag-drop-area' ).on( 'dragover.wp-uploader', function() { // dragenter doesn't fire right :( 516 uploaddiv.addClass( 'drag-over' ); 517 }).on( 'dragleave.wp-uploader, drop.wp-uploader', function() { 518 uploaddiv.removeClass( 'drag-over' ); 451 519 }); 452 520 } else { 453 uploaddiv.removeClass( 'drag-drop');454 $( '#drag-drop-area').off('.wp-uploader');521 uploaddiv.removeClass( 'drag-drop' ); 522 $( '#drag-drop-area' ).off( '.wp-uploader' ); 455 523 } 456 524 457 525 if ( up.runtime === 'html4' ) { 458 $( '.upload-flash-bypass').hide();526 $( '.upload-flash-bypass' ).hide(); 459 527 } 460 528 }); 461 529 … … 465 533 466 534 uploader.init(); 467 535 468 uploader.bind( 'FilesAdded', function( up, files ) {469 $( '#media-upload-error').empty();536 uploader.bind( 'FilesAdded', function( up, files ) { 537 $( '#media-upload-error' ).empty(); 470 538 uploadStart(); 471 539 472 540 plupload.each( files, function( file ) { … … 477 545 up.start(); 478 546 }); 479 547 480 uploader.bind( 'UploadFile', function(up, file) {481 fileUploading( up, file);548 uploader.bind( 'UploadFile', function( up, file ) { 549 fileUploading( up, file ); 482 550 }); 483 551 484 uploader.bind( 'UploadProgress', function(up, file) {485 uploadProgress( up, file);552 uploader.bind( 'UploadProgress', function( up, file ) { 553 uploadProgress( up, file ); 486 554 }); 487 555 488 uploader.bind('Error', function(up, err) { 489 uploadError(err.file, err.code, err.message, up); 556 uploader.bind( 'Error', function( up, error ) { 557 var isImage = error.file && error.file.type && error.file.type.indexOf( 'image/' ) === 0; 558 var status = error && error.status; 559 560 // If the file is an image and the error is HTTP 500 try to create sub-sizes again. 561 if ( status === 500 && isImage ) { 562 tryAgain( up, error ); 563 return; 564 } 565 566 uploadError( error.file, error.code, error.message, up ); 490 567 up.refresh(); 491 568 }); 492 569 493 uploader.bind( 'FileUploaded', function(up, file, response) {494 uploadSuccess( file, response.response);570 uploader.bind( 'FileUploaded', function( up, file, response ) { 571 uploadSuccess( file, response.response ); 495 572 }); 496 573 497 uploader.bind( 'UploadComplete', function() {574 uploader.bind( 'UploadComplete', function() { 498 575 uploadComplete(); 499 576 }); 577 578 /** 579 * When uploading images add a file reference used to retrieve the attachment_id 580 * if the uploading fails due to a server timeout of out of memoty error (HTTP 500 errors). 581 * 582 * @param {plupload.Uploader} up Uploader instance. 583 * @param {plupload.File} file File for uploading. 584 */ 585 uploader.bind( 'BeforeUpload', function( up, file ) { 586 if ( file.type && file.type.indexOf( 'image/' ) === 0 ) { 587 up.settings.multipart_params._wp_temp_image_ref = file.id; 588 } else { 589 unset( up.settings.multipart_params._wp_temp_image_ref ); 590 } 591 } ); 500 592 }; 501 593 502 if ( typeof( wpUploaderInit) == 'object' ) {594 if ( typeof( wpUploaderInit ) == 'object' ) { 503 595 uploader_init(); 504 596 } 505 597 -
33 33 */ 34 34 Uploader = function( options ) { 35 35 var self = this, 36 isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE ') != -1,36 isIE, // not used, back-compat 37 37 elements = { 38 38 container: 'container', 39 39 browser: 'browse_button', 40 40 dropzone: 'drop_element' 41 41 }, 42 key, error; 42 tryAgainCount = {}, 43 tryAgain, 44 key, 45 error, 46 fileUploaded; 43 47 44 48 this.supports = { 45 49 upload: Uploader.browser.supported … … 95 99 return; 96 100 } 97 101 98 // Make sure flash sends cookies (seems in IE it does without switching to urlstream mode)99 if ( ! isIE && 'flash' === plupload.predictRuntime( this.plupload ) &&100 ( ! this.plupload.required_features || ! this.plupload.required_features.hasOwnProperty( 'send_binary_string' ) ) ) {101 102 this.plupload.required_features = this.plupload.required_features || {};103 this.plupload.required_features.send_binary_string = true;104 }105 106 102 // Initialize the plupload instance. 107 103 this.uploader = new plupload.Uploader( this.plupload ); 108 104 delete this.plupload; … … 112 108 delete this.params; 113 109 114 110 /** 111 * Attempt to create image sub-sizes when an image was uploaded successfully 112 * but the server responded with HTTP 500 error. 113 * 114 * @since 5.3.0 115 * 116 * @param {string} message Error message. 117 * @param {object} data Error data from Plupload. 118 * @param {plupload.File} file File that was uploaded. 119 */ 120 tryAgain = function( message, data, file ) { 121 var times; 122 123 if ( ! file || ! file.id ) { 124 error( message, data, file, false ); 125 return; 126 } 127 128 times = tryAgainCount[ file.id ]; 129 130 if ( times && times > 3 ) { 131 error( message, data, file, false ); 132 return; 133 } 134 135 if ( ! times ) { 136 tryAgainCount[ file.id ] = 1; 137 } else { 138 tryAgainCount[ file.id ] = ++times; 139 } 140 141 // Another request to try to create the missing image sub-sizes. 142 $.ajax({ 143 type: 'post', 144 url: ajaxurl, 145 dataType: 'json', 146 data: { 147 action: 'media-create-image-subsizes', 148 _wpnonce: _wpPluploadSettings.defaults.multipart_params._wpnonce, 149 _wp_temp_image_ref: file.id, // Used to find the new attachment_id. 150 } 151 }).done( function( response ) { 152 var newMessage; 153 154 if ( response.success ) { 155 fileUploaded( self.uploader, file, response ); 156 } else { 157 if ( response.data && response.data.message ) { 158 newMessage = response.data.message; 159 } else if ( _.isString( response ) ) { 160 // Can be error message coming from PHP that has few simple HTML tags. Remove them. 161 newMessage = response.replace( /<\/?[a-zA-Z][^>]*>/g, '' ); 162 newMessage = _.escape( newMessage ); 163 } 164 165 if ( ! newMessage ) { 166 newMessage = message; 167 } 168 169 error( newMessage, data, file, false ); 170 } 171 }).fail( function( jqXHR ) { 172 // If another HTTP 500 error, try again up to 3 times. 173 if ( jqXHR.status === 500 ) { 174 tryAgain( message, data, file ); 175 return; 176 } 177 178 error( message, data, file, false ); 179 }); 180 } 181 182 /** 115 183 * Custom error callback. 116 184 * 117 185 * Add a new error to the errors collection, so other modules can track 118 186 * and display errors. @see wp.Uploader.errors. 119 187 * 120 * @param {string} message 121 * @param {object} data 188 * @param {string} message Error message. 189 * @param {object} data Error data from Plupload. 122 190 * @param {plupload.File} file File that was uploaded. 191 * @param {boolean} retry Whether to try again to create image sub-sizes. 123 192 */ 124 error = function( message, data, file ) { 193 error = function( message, data, file, retry ) { 194 var isImage = file.type && file.type.indexOf( 'image/' ) === 0; 195 var status = data && data.status; 196 197 // If the file is an image and the error is HTTP 500 try to create sub-sizes again. 198 if ( retry !== false && status === 500 && isImage ) { 199 tryAgain( message, data, file ); 200 return; 201 } 202 125 203 if ( file.attachment ) { 126 204 file.attachment.destroy(); 127 205 } … … 136 214 }; 137 215 138 216 /** 217 * After a file is successfully uploaded, update its model. 218 * 219 * @param {plupload.Uploader} up Uploader instance. 220 * @param {plupload.File} file File that was uploaded. 221 * @param {Object} response Object with response properties. 222 */ 223 fileUploaded = function( up, file, response ) { 224 var complete; 225 226 // Remove the "uploading" UI elements 227 _.each( ['file','loaded','size','percent'], function( key ) { 228 file.attachment.unset( key ); 229 } ); 230 231 file.attachment.set( _.extend( response.data, { uploading: false } ) ); 232 233 wp.media.model.Attachment.get( response.data.id, file.attachment ); 234 235 complete = Uploader.queue.all( function( attachment ) { 236 return ! attachment.get('uploading'); 237 }); 238 239 if ( complete ) { 240 Uploader.queue.reset(); 241 } 242 243 self.success( file.attachment ); 244 } 245 246 /** 139 247 * After the Uploader has been initialized, initialize some behaviors for the dropzone. 140 248 * 141 249 * @param {plupload.Uploader} uploader Uploader instance. … … 203 311 } 204 312 205 313 /** 314 * When uploading images add a file reference used to retrieve the attachment_id 315 * if the uploading fails due to a server timeout of out of memoty (HTTP 500) error. 316 * 317 * @param {plupload.Uploader} up Uploader instance. 318 * @param {plupload.File} file File for uploading. 319 */ 320 this.uploader.bind( 'BeforeUpload', function( up, file ) { 321 if ( file.type && file.type.indexOf( 'image/' ) === 0 ) { 322 up.settings.multipart_params._wp_temp_image_ref = file.id; 323 } else { 324 unset( up.settings.multipart_params._wp_temp_image_ref ); 325 } 326 } ); 327 328 /** 206 329 * After files were filtered and added to the queue, create a model for each. 207 330 * 208 * @param {plupload.Uploader} up loaderUploader instance.209 * @param {Array} files 331 * @param {plupload.Uploader} up Uploader instance. 332 * @param {Array} files Array of file objects that were added to queue by the user. 210 333 */ 211 334 this.uploader.bind( 'FilesAdded', function( up, files ) { 212 335 _.each( files, function( file ) { … … 259 382 /** 260 383 * After a file is successfully uploaded, update its model. 261 384 * 262 * @param {plupload.Uploader} up loaderUploader instance.385 * @param {plupload.Uploader} up Uploader instance. 263 386 * @param {plupload.File} file File that was uploaded. 264 387 * @param {Object} response Object with response properties. 265 388 * @return {mixed} 266 389 */ 267 390 this.uploader.bind( 'FileUploaded', function( up, file, response ) { 268 var complete;269 391 270 392 try { 271 393 response = JSON.parse( response.response ); … … 273 395 return error( pluploadL10n.default_error, e, file ); 274 396 } 275 397 276 if ( ! _.isObject( response ) || _.isUndefined( response.success ) ) 398 if ( ! _.isObject( response ) || _.isUndefined( response.success ) ) { 277 399 return error( pluploadL10n.default_error, null, file ); 278 else if ( ! response.success )400 } else if ( ! response.success ) { 279 401 return error( response.data && response.data.message, response.data, file ); 402 } 280 403 281 _.each(['file','loaded','size','percent'], function( key ) { 282 file.attachment.unset( key ); 283 }); 284 285 file.attachment.set( _.extend( response.data, { uploading: false }) ); 286 wp.media.model.Attachment.get( response.data.id, file.attachment ); 287 288 complete = Uploader.queue.all( function( attachment ) { 289 return ! attachment.get('uploading'); 290 }); 291 292 if ( complete ) 293 Uploader.queue.reset(); 294 295 self.success( file.attachment ); 404 // Success. Update the UI with the new attachment. 405 fileUploaded( up, file, response ); 296 406 }); 297 407 298 408 /** 299 409 * When plupload surfaces an error, send it to the error handler. 300 410 * 301 * @param {plupload.Uploader} up loaderUploader instance.302 * @param {Object} errorContains code, message and sometimes file and other details.411 * @param {plupload.Uploader} up Uploader instance. 412 * @param {Object} pluploadError Contains code, message and sometimes file and other details. 303 413 */ 304 414 this.uploader.bind( 'Error', function( up, pluploadError ) { 305 415 var message = pluploadL10n.default_error, … … 338 448 'IMAGE_DIMENSIONS_ERROR': pluploadL10n.image_dimensions_exceeded, 339 449 'GENERIC_ERROR': pluploadL10n.upload_failed, 340 450 'IO_ERROR': pluploadL10n.io_error, 341 'HTTP_ERROR': pluploadL10n.http_error,342 451 'SECURITY_ERROR': pluploadL10n.security_error, 343 452 344 453 'FILE_SIZE_ERROR': function( file ) { 345 454 return pluploadL10n.file_exceeds_size_limit.replace('%s', file.name); 455 }, 456 457 'HTTP_ERROR': function( file, pluploadError ) { 458 return pluploadError.response || pluploadL10n.http_error; 346 459 } 347 460 }; 348 461 -
111 111 * @param {Backbone.Model} error 112 112 */ 113 113 error: function( error ) { 114 this.views.add( '.upload-errors', new wp.media.view.UploaderStatusError({ 115 filename: this.filename( error.get('file').name ), 116 message: error.get('message') 117 }), { at: 0 }); 114 var statusError = new wp.media.view.UploaderStatusError( { 115 filename: this.filename( error.get( 'file' ).name ), 116 message: error.get( 'message' ) 117 } ); 118 119 // TBD: perhaps show additional info here while retrying to create image sub-sizes? 120 this.views.add( '.upload-errors', statusError, { at: 0 } ); 118 121 }, 119 122 120 123 dismiss: function() { -
105 105 'send-link-to-editor', 106 106 'send-attachment-to-editor', 107 107 'save-attachment-order', 108 'media-create-image-subsizes', 108 109 'heartbeat', 109 110 'get-revision-diffs', 110 111 'save-user-color-scheme', -
2317 2317 } 2318 2318 2319 2319 /** 2320 * Ajax handler for creating missing image sub-sizes for just uploaded images. 2321 * 2322 * @since 5.3.0 2323 */ 2324 function wp_ajax_media_create_image_subsizes() { 2325 check_ajax_referer( 'media-form' ); 2326 2327 if ( ! current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) ) { 2328 wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to upload files.' ) ) ); 2329 } 2330 2331 // Using Plupload `file.id` as ref. 2332 if ( ! empty( $_POST['_wp_temp_image_ref'] ) ) { 2333 $image_ref = preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', $_POST['_wp_temp_image_ref'] ); 2334 } else { 2335 wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => __( 'Invalid file reference.' ) ) ); 2336 } 2337 2338 // Uploading of images usually fails while creating the sub-sizes, either because of a timeout or out of memory. 2339 // At this point the file has been uploaded and an attachment post created, but because of the PHP fatal error 2340 // the cliend doesn't know the attachment ID yet. 2341 // To be able to find the new attachment_id in these cases we temporarily store an upload reference sent by the client 2342 // in the original upload request. It is used to save a transient with the attachment_id as value. 2343 // That reference currently is Plupload's `file.id` but can be any sufficiently random alpha-numeric string. 2344 $attachment_id = get_transient( '_wp_temp_image_ref:' . $image_ref ); 2345 2346 if ( empty( $attachment_id ) ) { 2347 wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => __( 'Upload failed. Please reload and try again.' ) ) ); 2348 } 2349 2350 // This can still be pretty slow and cause timeout or out of memory errors. 2351 // The js that handles the response would need to also handle HTTP 500 errors. 2352 wp_update_image_subsizes( $attachment_id ); 2353 2354 if ( ! empty( $_POST['_legasy_support'] ) ) { 2355 // The old (inline) uploader. Only needs the attachment_id. 2356 $response = array( 'id' => $attachment_id ); 2357 } else { 2358 // Media modal and Media Library grid view. 2359 $response = wp_prepare_attachment_for_js( $attachment_id ); 2360 2361 if ( ! $response ) { 2362 wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => __( 'Upload failed.' ) ) ); 2363 } 2364 } 2365 2366 // At this point the image has been uploaded successfully. 2367 delete_transient( '_wp_temp_image_ref:' . $image_ref ); 2368 2369 wp_send_json_success( $response ); 2370 } 2371 2372 /** 2320 2373 * Ajax handler for uploading attachments 2321 2374 * 2322 2375 * @since 3.3.0 -
288 288 289 289 $time = current_time( 'mysql' ); 290 290 $post = get_post( $post_id ); 291 291 292 if ( $post ) { 292 293 // The post date doesn't usually matter for pages, so don't backdate this upload. 293 294 if ( 'page' !== $post->post_type && substr( $post->post_date, 0, 4 ) > 0 ) { … … 305 306 $ext = pathinfo( $name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); 306 307 $name = wp_basename( $name, ".$ext" ); 307 308 308 $url = $file['url']; 309 $type = $file['type']; 310 $file = $file['file']; 311 $title = sanitize_text_field( $name ); 312 $content = ''; 313 $excerpt = ''; 309 $url = $file['url']; 310 $type = $file['type']; 311 $file = $file['file']; 312 $title = sanitize_text_field( $name ); 313 $content = ''; 314 $excerpt = ''; 315 $image_ref = false; 314 316 315 317 if ( preg_match( '#^audio#', $type ) ) { 316 318 $meta = wp_read_audio_metadata( $file ); … … 370 372 } 371 373 372 374 // Use image exif/iptc data for title and caption defaults if possible. 373 } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $type, 'image/' ) ) { 375 } elseif ( strpos( $type, 'image/' ) === 0 ) { 376 // Image file reference passed by the uploader. 377 if ( ! empty( $_POST['_wp_temp_image_ref'] ) ) { 378 $image_ref = preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', $_POST['_wp_temp_image_ref'] ); 379 } 380 374 381 $image_meta = wp_read_image_metadata( $file ); 382 375 383 if ( $image_meta ) { 376 384 if ( trim( $image_meta['title'] ) && ! is_numeric( sanitize_title( $image_meta['title'] ) ) ) { 377 385 $title = $image_meta['title']; … … 400 408 unset( $attachment['ID'] ); 401 409 402 410 // Save the data 403 $id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $file, $post_id, true ); 404 if ( ! is_wp_error( $id ) ) { 405 wp_update_attachment_metadata( $id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $id, $file ) ); 411 $attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $file, $post_id, true ); 412 413 if ( ! is_wp_error( $attachment_id ) ) { 414 // If an image, keep the upload reference until all image sub-sizes are created. 415 if ( $image_ref ) { 416 set_transient( '_wp_temp_image_ref:' . $image_ref, $attachment_id, 6 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); 417 } 418 419 // The image sub-sizes are created during wp_generate_attachment_metadata(). 420 // This is generally slow and may cause timeouts or out of memory errors. 421 wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $file ) ); 422 423 // At this point the image is uploaded successfully even if there were specific errors or some sub-sizes were not created. 424 // The transient is not needed any more. 425 if ( $image_ref ) { 426 delete_transient( '_wp_temp_image_ref:' . $image_ref ); 427 } 406 428 } 407 429 408 return $id; 409 430 return $attachment_id; 410 431 } 411 432 412 433 /** -
1124 1124 'default_error' => __( 'An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.' ), 1125 1125 'missing_upload_url' => __( 'There was a configuration error. Please contact the server administrator.' ), 1126 1126 'upload_limit_exceeded' => __( 'You may only upload 1 file.' ), 1127 'http_error' => __( ' HTTP error.' ),1127 'http_error' => __( 'Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Please check in the Media Library or reload the page.' ), 1128 1128 'upload_failed' => __( 'Upload failed.' ), 1129 1129 /* translators: 1: Opening link tag, 2: Closing link tag */ 1130 1130 'big_upload_failed' => __( 'Please try uploading this file with the %1$sbrowser uploader%2$s.' ),