Make WordPress Core

Ticket #48704: 48704.patch

File 48704.patch, 986 bytes (added by tanvirul, 5 years ago)
  • color-calculations.js

    3838                minSaturation = 65,
    3939                maxSaturation = 100,
    4040                minLightness = 30,
    41                 maxLighness = 80,
     41                maxLightness = 80,
    4242                stepSaturation = 2,
    4343                stepLightness = 2,
    4444                pushColor = function() {
    8787        // We're using `for` loops here because they perform marginally better than other loops.
    8888        for ( s = minSaturation; s <= maxSaturation; s += stepSaturation ) {
    89                 for ( l = minLightness; l <= maxLighness; l += stepLightness ) {
     89                for ( l = minLightness; l <= maxLightness; l += stepLightness ) {
    9090                        pushColor( s, l );
    9191                }
    9292        }
    9696                return 7 <= color.contrastBackground;
    9797        } );
    99         // If we have AAA-compliant colors, alpways prefer them.
     99        // If we have AAA-compliant colors, always prefer them.
    100100        if ( aaa.length ) {
    101101                this.accentColorsArray = aaa;
    102102        }