Make WordPress Core

Ticket #49231: 49231.782.patch

File 49231.782.patch, 885 bytes (added by sabernhardt, 5 years ago)

Sets search box top margin at 782px breakpoint and edits padding for select all checkbox

  • src/wp-admin/css/common.css

    40054005        .wp-filter .search-form input[type="search"] {
    40064006                font-size: 1rem;
     4007                margin-top: 5px;
    40074008        }
  • src/wp-admin/css/list-tables.css

    20282028        #wpbody-content .wp-list-table.plugins td {
    20292029                display: block;
    20302030                width: auto;
    2031                 padding: 10px 9px; /* reset from other list tables that have a label at this width */
     2031                padding: 10px 6px; /* reset from other list tables that have a label at this width */
    20322032        }
    20342034        /* Plugin description hidden via Screen Options */