Make WordPress Core

Ticket #49295: 49295.3.diff

File 49295.3.diff, 830 bytes (added by Ipstenu, 5 years ago)

Small grammar fix - periods go on the outside of HTML.

  • src/wp-admin/about.php

    179179                                <?php
    180180                                printf(
    181181                                        /* translators: %s: WordPress 5.4 Field Guide link. */
    182                                         __( 'There’s lots more for developers to love in WordPress 5.4. To discover more and learn how to make these changes shine on your on your sites, themes, plugins and more, check the <a href="%s">WordPress 5.4 Field Guide.</a>' ),
     182                                        __( 'There’s lots more for developers to love in WordPress 5.4. To discover more and learn how to make these changes shine on your on your sites, themes, plugins and more, check the <a href="%s">WordPress 5.4 Field Guide</a>.' ),
    183183                                        ''
    184184                                );
    185185                                ?>