Ticket #49295: 49295.9.diff
File 49295.9.diff, 5.5 KB (added by , 5 years ago) |
20 20 21 21 <div class="about__header"> 22 22 <div class="about__header-title"> 23 < h1>23 <p> 24 24 <?php _e( 'WordPress' ); ?> 25 25 <span><?php echo $display_version; ?></span> 26 </ h1>26 </p> 27 27 </div> 28 28 29 29 <div class="about__header-text"> … … 41 41 </div> 42 42 43 43 <div class="about__section is-feature has-accent-background-color"> 44 <p><?php _e( 'Say hello to more and better.' ); ?></p> 44 <h1><?php _e( 'Say hello to more and better.' ); ?></h1> 45 45 46 <p><?php _e( 'More ways to make your pages come alive. With easier ways to get it all done and looking better than ever—and boosts in speed you can feel.' ); ?></p> 46 47 </div> 47 48 -
22 22 23 23 <div class="about__header"> 24 24 <div class="about__header-title"> 25 < h1>25 <p> 26 26 <?php _e( 'WordPress' ); ?> 27 27 <span><?php echo $display_version; ?></span> 28 </ h1>28 </p> 29 29 </div> 30 30 31 31 <div class="about__header-text"> … … 44 44 45 45 <div class="about__section"> 46 46 <div class="column"> 47 <h 2><?php _e( 'WordPress is created by a worldwide team of passionate individuals.' ); ?></h2>47 <h1><?php _e( 'WordPress is created by a worldwide team of passionate individuals.' ); ?></h1> 48 48 49 49 <p> 50 50 <?php -
99 99 .about__section { 100 100 background: #f3f4f5; 101 101 background: var(--background); 102 clear: both; 102 103 } 103 104 104 105 .about__container .has-accent-background-color { … … 302 303 line-height: 1.4; 303 304 } 304 305 305 .about__container h1 { 306 font-size: 5em; 307 line-height: 1; 306 .about__section h1 { 307 font-weight: 600; 308 margin: 0 0 1em; 309 padding: 0; 308 310 } 309 311 312 .about-php .about__section h1 { 313 color: inherit; 314 font-size: inherit; 315 line-height: inherit; 316 margin-bottom: 1rem; 317 } 318 319 .about__section h1, 310 320 .about__container h2 { 311 321 margin-top: 0; 312 322 font-size: 1.4em; 323 line-height: 1.4; 313 324 } 314 325 315 326 .about__container h3 { … … 322 333 line-height: inherit; 323 334 } 324 335 336 .about__header-title p { 337 font-size: 5em; 338 line-height: 1; 339 margin: 0; 340 } 341 325 342 .about__section a { 326 343 color: #1730e5; 327 344 color: var(--accent-1); … … 396 413 } 397 414 398 415 @media screen and (max-width: 782px) { 399 .about__ container h1{416 .about__header-title p { 400 417 font-size: 4em; 401 418 } 402 419 } 403 420 404 421 @media screen and (max-width: 480px) { 405 .about__ container h1{422 .about__header-title p { 406 423 font-size: 3.2em; 407 424 } 408 425 … … 452 469 -ms-writing-mode: tb-rl; 453 470 writing-mode: vertical-rl; 454 471 transform: rotate(180deg); 472 direction: ltr; 455 473 } 456 474 475 /* rtl:ignore */ 476 .rtl .about__header-title { 477 transform: none; 478 direction: rtl; 479 } 480 457 481 /* Needs to be inline-block to use vertical-align, needs specificity to override flex. */ 458 482 .about__header .about__header-title { 459 483 display: inline-block; … … 460 484 vertical-align: top; 461 485 } 462 486 463 .about__header-title h1{487 .about__header-title p { 464 488 padding: 0; 465 489 color: #1730e5; 466 490 color: var(--accent-1); 467 491 } 468 492 469 .about__header-title h1span {493 .about__header-title p span { 470 494 display: block; 471 495 font-weight: 600; 472 496 font-size: 1.2em; … … 543 567 .about__container .about__header-text { 544 568 font-size: 1.4em; 545 569 } 546 }547 570 548 @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {549 571 .about__header { 550 572 display: block; 551 min-height: unset;552 max-height: unset;573 min-height: none; 574 max-height: none; 553 575 height: auto; 554 576 } 555 577 … … 561 583 padding-top: 80%; 562 584 padding-bottom: 0; 563 585 -webkit-writing-mode: initial; 564 -ms-writing-mode: initial;586 -ms-writing-mode: lr-tb; 565 587 writing-mode: initial; 566 588 transform: none; 567 589 } 568 590 591 .rtl .about__header-title { 592 -ms-writing-mode: rl-tb; 593 } 594 569 595 .about__header-text { 570 596 text-align: left; 571 597 } -
25 25 26 26 <div class="about__header"> 27 27 <div class="about__header-title"> 28 < h1>28 <p> 29 29 <?php _e( 'WordPress' ); ?> 30 30 <span><?php echo $display_version; ?></span> 31 </ h1>31 </p> 32 32 </div> 33 33 34 34 <div class="about__header-text"> … … 46 46 </div> 47 47 48 48 <div class="about__section has-subtle-background-color is-feature"> 49 <h 2><?php _e( 'Freedoms' ); ?></h2>49 <h1><?php _e( 'Freedoms' ); ?></h1> 50 50 51 51 <p class="about-description"> 52 52 <?php -
19 19 20 20 <div class="about__header"> 21 21 <div class="about__header-title"> 22 < h1>22 <p> 23 23 <?php _e( 'WordPress' ); ?> 24 24 <span><?php echo $display_version; ?></span> 25 </ h1>25 </p> 26 26 </div> 27 27 28 28 <div class="about__header-text"> … … 41 41 42 42 <div class="about__section"> 43 43 <div class="column"> 44 <h 2><?php _e( 'Privacy' ); ?></h2>44 <h1><?php _e( 'Privacy' ); ?></h1> 45 45 46 46 <p><?php _e( 'From time to time, your WordPress site may send data to WordPress.org — including, but not limited to — the version of WordPress you are using, and a list of installed plugins and themes.' ); ?></p> 47 47