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Ticket #50416: About WordPress 5.5.html

File About WordPress 5.5.html, 17.2 KB (added by marybaum, 5 years ago)

First draft of copy

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15            <h1 id="Welcome to WordPress 5.5">Welcome to WordPress 5.5</h1>
16<h2 id="In WordPress 5.5, your site gets new power in three major areas: Speed. Search. And Security.">In WordPress 5.5, your site gets new power in three major areas: Speed. Search. And Security.</h2>
17<p>And by installing this version of WordPress, you’ve already done the work.</p>
18<h3 id="Speed">Speed </h3>
19<h4 id="Posts and pages feel wildly faster, thanks to lazy-loaded images.">Posts and pages feel wildly faster, thanks to lazy-loaded images.</h4>
20<p>We’ve all been there. That maddening, crazy-making time it takes for a page to load a piece of information we need RIGHT NOW … only, it wouldn’t load a single pixel until it’s loaded six images that go with sections farther down the screen … </p>
21<p>Well, never again. </p>
22<p>Because WordPress 5.5 makes those images wait until just before you scroll down to see them—and loads the text you want to read first. </p>
23<p>The technical term is <b>*lazy-loading.</b>* It makes every page feel faster for you and your users, getting them the information they came for and keeping more of them on your site longer. Which, in turn, builds their engagement with your content and community. Boosts the odds they’ll join your community, bump your authority scores and buy your products. </p>
24<p>And rank higher in search, because the engines love speed as much your users do.</p>
25<h3 id="Search">Search</h3>
26<h4 id="XML sitemaps are here and on by default.">XML sitemaps are here and on by default.</h4>
27<p>There’s more to search than speed.</p>
28<p>One of the best things you can do is install an XML sitemap. Because that’s the most efficient way for search engines to crawl your site, and the benefits to your rankings are real.</p>
29<p>So you decide one morning that it’s time to get serious about a sitemap. You look at plugins. You read articles. You ask for advice. And by lunchtime, you’re almost ready to make a decision … and life hauls you back to the real world. So long, sitemaps.</p>
30<p>Until today. </p>
31<p>Because when you upgraded to WordPress 5.5 a couple of minutes ago, you also installed an XML sitemap, and it’s turned on by default. </p>
32<p>Should you finish your research into plugins and best practices? Absolutely! Just know that until then, WordPress has your back, and your most important pages and posts are ready for the search engines to index them exactly as every SEO expert in the community would advise. (And you didn’t have to lift a finger.)</p>
33<h2 id="Security.">Security.</h2>
34<p>You hear it twice a day: The absolute best thing you can do to keep your site secure is to keep your themes and plugins (and WordPress itself!) up to date.</p>
35<p>Have you ever had a few days go by where you thought maybe that was your whole job? </p>
36<p>If so, you’re not alone. And you’re finally done.</p>
37<p>Because now you can update all your themes and plugins automatically in two clicks — one for themes and one for plugins. And if you choose, you never have to think about either one again.</p>
38<p>Of course, life is rarely that simple. So if you have some plugins or themes you need to keep an eye on, you can enable or disable automatic updating for each one. It’s a few more clicks, but you still do it all from just two pages — one for plugins and one for themes.  </p>
39<h2 id="Speed. Search. Security. The power of three big improvements, all packed into WordPress 5.5.">Speed. Search. Security. The power of three big improvements, all packed into WordPress 5.5.</h2>
40<p>They’ve been a long time coming, and they represent a huge step forward for WordPress. </p>
41<p>But that’s not the whole story of this release. </p>
42<p>As we’ve all seen with every release i the last two years, WordPress 5.5 brings a basketful of improvements, refinements and a few things reimagined to the way more than 52 million people tell their stories every day.</p>
43<h2 id="Highlights from the block editor">Highlights from the block editor</h2>
44<p>Once again, WordPress 5.5 Core merges ten releases of the Gutenberg plugin, each packing a long list of exciting new features. </p>
45<p>Check out these favorites of the Gutenberg squad, and see if you agree:</p>
46<ul><li><b>Inline image editing</b> - Crop, rotate, and zoom your photos right from the image block. If you do a lot of work with images, this alone could save you hours every week!
47</li><li><b>Block patterns</b> - Now building elaborate pages is a breeze, with new content templates that have the blocks you need, right where you need them.
48<ul><li>        Sets of columns.
49</li><li>       Combinations of columns with images.
50</li><li>       Sets of two buttons.
51</li><li>       And many, many more – all together, all in a single dropdown. Even if they’re from a variety of different plugins!
52</li></ul></li><li><b>Device previews</b> - Is there a bigger pain in the neck than having to move from device to device to check what your page design looks like before you can move on to the next section? What a way to break your train of thought! Well, forget that nonsense. Because now, in 5.5, you can preview screen sizes on the fly.
53</li><li><b>End block overwhelm forever</b>. The new block inserter panel shows you streamlined categories and collections. Plus, it supports patterns and integrates with the block directory right out of the box.
54</li><li><b>Discover, install, and insert third-party blocks</b> right from your editor, thanks to the new block directory. (It’s that list! No searching!)
55</li><li>A better, <b>smoother editing experience</b>with (to name a few):
56<ul><li>        refined drag-and-drop
57</li><li>       Block movers you can see and grab. For real!
58</li><li>       Finally. You can select a parent block, and keep it selected as long as you need it!
59</li><li>       Highlighting that follows what you’re doing and flows with the context.
60</li><li>       Select a bunch of blocks, change a bunch of blocks. All at once!
61</li><li>       With every iteration, it keeps getting easier to copy blocks and move them where you need them to go.
62</li><li>       And always, better performance. Because who wants to wait for a redraw?
63</li></ul></li><li><b>More design tools, for better control.</b> For starters:
64<ul><li>        Inline image editing
65</li><li>       Theme support for link color
66</li><li>       A full set of alignment options
67</li><li>       (Finally!) padding in the cover block you can actually control
68</li></ul></li><li>Now <b>add backgrounds and gradients</b> to more kinds of blocks, like groups, columns, media & text
69</li><li>And <b>use the units of measure you want</b> -- not just pixels. Choose ems, rems, percentages, vh, vw, and more! Plus, adjust line heights as you type, turning writing and typesetting into the seamless act it always should have been.
71<p>In all, WordPress 5.5 brings more than 1,500 useful improvements to the editor experience. </p>
72<p>To see all of the features for each release in detail check out these release posts:  <a href="">7.5</a> ,  <a href="">7.6</a> ,  <a href="">7.7</a> ,  <a href="">7.8</a> ,  <a href="">7.9</a> ,  <a href="">8.0</a> ,  <a href="">8.1</a> ,  <a href="">8.2</a> ,  <a href="">8.3</a> , and  <a href="">8.4</a> .</p>
73<h1 id="Wait! There’s more!">Wait! There’s more!</h1>
74<h2 id="Better accessibility">Better accessibility</h2>
75<p>With every release, WordPress works hard to improve accessibility. Version 5.5 is no different and packs a parcel of accessibility fixes and enhancements. </p>
76<p>Take a look:</p>
77<ul><li>Now WP List Tables come with alternate view modes, and they’re extensible.
78</li><li>Ever wanted to switch link-list Widgets to HTML5 navigation blocks? Now you can.
79</li><li>Copy links in media screens and modal dialogs by hitting a button – so much easier!
80</li><li>Buttons that <i>are</i> disabled now <i>look</i> disabled.
81</li><li>Move meta boxes with the keyboard, and never drop one again.
82</li><li>A custom logo on the front page doesn’t need to link to the front page. And now it doesn’t.
83</li><li>Assistive devices can see status messages in the Image Editor. So if you’re using such a device, now you can also use the Image Editor.
84</li><li>That shake animation that indicates a login failure? Now it respects your choice if you enabled the <code class='code-inline'>prefers-reduced-motion</code> media query.
85</li><li>And that redundant <code class='code-inline'>Error:</code> prefix in error notices? Gone.
87<h1 id="For Developers">For Developers</h1>
88<p>5.5 also brings a big box of changes just for developers.</p>
89<h2 id="Lazy-loading images">Lazy-loading images</h2>
90<p>You saw the description. Now, here are the details: It works courtesy of a new loading attribute on image tags, which delays loading until the image scrolls into the user’s viewport. </p>
91<h2 id="PHPMailer">PHPMailer</h2>
92<p>Now that the minimum PHP version is 5.6.20, PHPMailer is newly updated to the 6.x library,</p>
93<p>Note: that changes where the file lives and how you’ll call the class. The new setup maintains backward compatibility, but loading the files from the old location will generate a notice.  <a href="">Please read the full notice for more details</a> .</p>
94<h3 id="Other changes for developers">Other changes for developers</h3>
95<ul><li> <a href="">Fine-grained control of redirect_guess_404_permalink()</a> .
96</li><li> Plus, now that the WordPress project supports only PHP 5.6.2 and later, you’ll find updates to these bundled libraries:
97<ul><li>        <a href="">SimplePie is now at 1.5.5</a> .
98<ul><li>         <a href="">Twemoji is now at v13.0</a> .
99</li></ul></li></ul></li><li> <a href="">The Masonry library , formerly at version v3.3.2 to 4.2.2, and the related imagesLoaded library has been updated from v3.2.0 to v4.1.4.</a> 
100</li><li>The getID3 library has been updated from version  <a href="">v1.9.18 to v1.9.20</a> .
101</li><li>The Moment.js library has been updated from version  <a href="">2.22.2 to 2.27.0</a> .
102</li><li>The clipboard.js library has been updated from version  <a href="">v2.0.4 to v2.0.6</a> .
104<p>For all the details, check out the WordPress 5.5 Field Guide, a compendium of all the dev notes you’ll need (and then some!) to keep your sites running smoothly and your clients and colleagues happy with all the great things packed into WordPress 5.5!</p>
105<p><span class='hashtag'>#about-page</span> <span class='hashtag'>#wp55</span> <span class='hashtag'>#releases</span></p>
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