Ticket #51441: 51441-multiple-files.patch
File 51441-multiple-files.patch, 3.5 KB (added by , 4 years ago) |
2159 2159 * Uses `<xml:base>` if available, otherwise uses the first link in the 2160 2160 * feed, or failing that, the URL of the feed itself. 2161 2161 * 2162 * @see get_link 2163 * @see subscribe_url 2162 * @see get_link() 2163 * @see subscribe_url() 2164 2164 * 2165 2165 * @param array $element 2166 2166 * @return string … … 2532 2532 * Returns the first link available with a relationship of "alternate". 2533 2533 * Identical to {@see get_link()} with key 0 2534 2534 * 2535 * @see get_link 2535 * @see get_link() 2536 2536 * @since 1.0 (previously called `get_feed_link` since Preview Release, `get_feed_permalink()` since 0.8) 2537 2537 * @internal Added for parity between the parent-level and the item/entry-level. 2538 2538 * @return string|null Link URL … … 3023 3023 * {@see get_items()} is better suited for 3024 3024 * {@link http://php.net/foreach foreach()} loops. 3025 3025 * 3026 * @see get_item_quantity 3026 * @see get_item_quantity() 3027 3027 * @since Beta 2 3028 3028 * @param int $start Index to start at 3029 3029 * @param int $end Number of items to return. 0 for all items after `$start` -
2408 2408 /** 2409 2409 * Purge the cached results of get_calendar. 2410 2410 * 2411 * @see get_calendar 2411 * @see get_calendar() 2412 2412 * @since 2.1.0 2413 2413 */ 2414 2414 function delete_get_calendar_cache() { -
292 292 /** 293 293 * Regular Expression callable for do_shortcode() for calling shortcode hook. 294 294 * 295 * @see get_shortcode_regex for details of the match array contents.295 * @see get_shortcode_regex() for details of the match array contents. 296 296 * 297 297 * @since 2.5.0 298 298 * @access private -
57 57 * Category identifier 58 58 * 59 59 * @var string|null 60 * @see get_term 60 * @see get_term() 61 61 */ 62 62 var $term; 63 63 -
888 888 /** 889 889 * Get the posting date/time for the item (UTC time) 890 890 * 891 * @see get_date 891 * @see get_date() 892 892 * @param string $date_format Supports any PHP date format from {@see http://php.net/date} 893 893 * @return int|string|null 894 894 */ … … 906 906 /** 907 907 * Get the update date/time for the item (UTC time) 908 908 * 909 * @see get_updated_date 909 * @see get_updated_date() 910 910 * @param string $date_format Supports any PHP date format from {@see http://php.net/date} 911 911 * @return int|string|null 912 912 */ … … 927 927 * Returns the first link available with a relationship of "alternate". 928 928 * Identical to {@see get_link()} with key 0 929 929 * 930 * @see get_link 930 * @see get_link() 931 931 * @since 0.8 932 932 * @return string|null Permalink URL 933 933 */