Ticket #52148: css_updated_01_02_2021_52148.patch
File css_updated_01_02_2021_52148.patch, 4.4 KB (added by , 4 years ago) |
458 458 /* flyout menu arrow */ 459 459 #adminmenu li.wp-has-submenu.wp-not-current-submenu:hover:after { 460 460 right: 0; 461 border: solid transparent;461 border: 8px solid transparent; 462 462 content: " "; 463 463 height: 0; 464 464 width: 0; 465 465 position: absolute; 466 466 pointer-events: none; 467 border-width: 8px;468 467 top: 10px; 469 468 z-index: 10000; 470 469 } -
2700 2700 left: 0; 2701 2701 margin-top: 10px; 2702 2702 margin-right: 250px; /* FYI box */ 2703 padding: 10px 26px ;2703 padding: 10px 26px 99999px; /* equal height column trick */ 2704 2704 margin-bottom: -99932px; /* 67px less than the padding below to accommodate footer height */ 2705 padding-bottom: 99999px; /* equal height column trick */2706 2705 } 2707 2706 2708 2707 #section-holder .notice { … … 2718 2717 position: relative; 2719 2718 top: 0; 2720 2719 right: 0; 2721 padding: 16px ;2720 padding: 16px 16px 99999px; /* equal height column trick */ 2722 2721 margin-bottom: -99932px; /* 67px less than the padding below to accommodate footer height */ 2723 padding-bottom: 99999px; /* equal height column trick */2724 2722 width: 217px; 2725 2723 border-left: 1px solid #dcdcde; 2726 2724 background: #f6f7f7; -
2368 2368 font-size: 24px; 2369 2369 font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; 2370 2370 margin: 30px 0 0 0; 2371 padding: 0; 2372 padding-bottom: 7px; 2371 padding: 0 0 7px; 2373 2372 } 2374 2373 2375 2374 body.cheatin p { … … 2387 2386 #customize-theme-controls .add-new-menu-item { 2388 2387 cursor: pointer; 2389 2388 float: right; 2390 margin: 0; 2391 margin-left: 10px; 2389 margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px; 2392 2390 transition: all 0.2s; 2393 2391 -webkit-user-select: none; 2394 2392 -ms-user-select: none; -
1725 1725 } 1726 1726 1727 1727 .wp_themeSkin .mceSplitButton td a.mceAction { 1728 padding-top: 6px; 1729 padding-bottom: 6px; 1730 padding-left: 6px; 1731 padding-right: 3px; 1728 padding: 6px 3px 6px 6px; 1732 1729 } 1733 1730 1734 1731 .wp_themeSkin .mceSplitButton td a.mceOpen, -
36 36 clear: both; 37 37 color: #646970; 38 38 font-size: 24px; 39 padding: 0; 40 padding-bottom: 7px; 39 padding: 0 0 7px; 41 40 font-weight: 400; 42 41 } 43 42 -
386 386 /* Listings */ 387 387 .nav-menus-php .list li { 388 388 display: none; 389 margin: 0; 390 margin-bottom: 5px; 389 margin: 0 0 5px; 391 390 } 392 391 393 392 .nav-menus-php .list li .menu-item-title { -
225 225 } 226 226 227 227 /** 228 * @global int $post_id229 228 * @global string $comment_status 230 229 * @global string $comment_type 230 * @global int $post_id 231 * @return mixed|void 231 232 */ 232 233 protected function get_views() { 233 234 global $post_id, $comment_status, $comment_type; -
1339 1339 #wp_delimgbtn, 1340 1340 #wp_editgallery, 1341 1341 #wp_delgallery { 1342 border-color: #8c8f94;1343 1342 background-color: #f0f0f1; 1344 1343 margin: 2px; 1345 1344 padding: 2px; 1346 border-width: 1px; 1347 border-style: solid; 1345 border: 1px solid #8c8f94; 1348 1346 border-radius: 3px; 1349 1347 } 1350 1348