Ticket #5220: blogger.php.diff
File blogger.php.diff, 922 bytes (added by , 17 years ago) |
old new 12 12 $auth_url = "https://www.google.com/accounts/AuthSubRequest"; 13 13 $title = __('Import Blogger'); 14 14 $welcome = __('Howdy! This importer allows you to import posts and comments from your Blogger account into your WordPress blog.'); 15 $prereqs = __('To use this importer, you must have a Google account, an upgraded (New, was Beta) blog, and it must be on blogspot or a custom domain (not FTP).');15 $prereqs = __('To use this importer, you must have a Google Account, an upgraded (New, was Beta) blog, and it must be hosted on Blog*Spot or a custom domain (not FTP).'); 16 16 $stepone = __('The first thing you need to do is tell Blogger to let WordPress access your account. You will be sent back here after providing authorization.'); 17 17 $auth = __('Authorize'); 18 18