Make WordPress Core

Ticket #52521: 52521.diff

File 52521.diff, 883 bytes (added by Presskopp, 4 years ago)
  • wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php

    18771877                                <?php _e( 'Your site has critical issues that should be addressed as soon as possible to improve its performance and security.' ); ?>
    18781878                        <?php elseif ( $issues_total <= 0 ) : ?>
    18791879                                <?php _e( 'Great job! Your site currently passes all site health checks.' ); ?>
     1880                        <?php elseif ( $issues_total == 1 ) : ?>
     1881                                <?php _e( 'Your site’s health is looking good, but there is still one thing you can do to improve its performance and security.' ); ?>
    18801882                        <?php else : ?>
    18811883                                <?php _e( 'Your site&#8217;s health is looking good, but there are still some things you can do to improve its performance and security.' ); ?>
    18821884                        <?php endif; ?>