Make WordPress Core

Ticket #5802: 5802.patch

File 5802.patch, 1.1 KB (added by peaceablewhale, 15 years ago)
  • feed.php

    311311 * @since 2.1.0
    312312 * @uses apply_filters()
    313313 *
    314  * @param string $type Optional, default is 'rss'. Either 'rss', 'atom', or 'rdf'.
     314 * @param string $type Optional, default is the type returned by get_default_feed().
    315315 * @return string All of the post categories for displaying in the feed.
    316316 */
    317 function get_the_category_rss($type = 'rss') {
     317function get_the_category_rss($type = null) {
     318        if(empty($type)) {
     319                $type = get_default_feed();
     320        }
    318321        $categories = get_the_category();
    319322        $tags = get_the_tags();
    320323        $the_list = '';
    354357 * @since 0.71
    355358 * @see get_the_category_rss() For better explanation.
    356359 *
    357  * @param string $type Optional, default is 'rss'. Either 'rss', 'atom', or 'rdf'.
     360 * @param string $type Optional, default is the type returned by get_default_feed().
    358361 */
    359 function the_category_rss($type = 'rss') {
     362function the_category_rss($type = null) {
     363        if(empty($type)) {
     364                $type = get_default_feed();
     365        }
    360366        echo get_the_category_rss($type);