Make WordPress Core

Ticket #58291: 58291.patch

File 58291.patch, 4.4 KB (added by bor0, 21 months ago)
  • src/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php

    7272         * @param int      $accepted_args The number of arguments the function accepts.
    7373         */
    7474        public function add_filter( $hook_name, $callback, $priority, $accepted_args ) {
    75                 $idx = _wp_filter_build_unique_id( $hook_name, $callback, $priority );
     75                $idx = self::build_unique_id( $callback );
     77                if ( ! $idx ) {
     78                        return false;
     79                }
    7781                $priority_existed = isset( $this->callbacks[ $priority ] );
    7983                $this->callbacks[ $priority ][ $idx ] = array(
    177181         * @return bool Whether the callback existed before it was removed.
    178182         */
    179183        public function remove_filter( $hook_name, $callback, $priority ) {
    180                 $function_key = _wp_filter_build_unique_id( $hook_name, $callback, $priority );
     184                $function_key = self::build_unique_id( $callback );
    182186                $exists = isset( $this->callbacks[ $priority ][ $function_key ] );
    217221                        return $this->has_filters();
    218222                }
    220                 $function_key = _wp_filter_build_unique_id( $hook_name, $callback, false );
     224                $function_key = self::build_unique_id( $callback );
    222226                if ( ! $function_key ) {
    223227                        return false;
    433437        }
    435439        /**
     440         * Builds a unique string ID for a hook callback function.
     441         *
     442         * Functions and static method callbacks are just returned as strings and
     443         * shouldn't have any speed penalty.
     444         *
     445         * @since 6.3.0
     446         *
     447         * @param string                $hook_name Unused. The name of the filter to build ID for.
     448         * @param callable|string|array $callback  The callback to generate ID for. The callback may
     449         *                                         or may not exist.
     450         * @param int                   $priority  Unused. The order in which the functions
     451         *                                         associated with a particular action are executed.
     452         * @return string Unique function ID for usage as array key.
     453         */
     454        private static function build_unique_id( $callback ) {
     455                if ( is_string( $callback ) ) {
     456                        return $callback;
     457                }
     459                if ( is_object( $callback ) ) {
     460                        return spl_object_id( $callback );
     461                }
     463                $callback = (array) $callback;
     465                if ( is_object( $callback[0] ) ) {
     466                        // Object class calling.
     467                        return spl_object_id( $callback[0] ) . $callback[1];
     468                } elseif ( is_string( $callback[0] ) ) {
     469                        // Static calling.
     470                        return $callback[0] . $callback[1];
     471                }
     472        }
     474        /**
    436475         * Determines whether an offset value exists.
    437476         *
    438477         * @since 4.7.0
  • src/wp-includes/deprecated.php

    46394639function wlwmanifest_link() {
    46404640        _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' );
     4644 * Builds a unique string ID for a hook callback function.
     4645 *
     4646 * Functions and static method callbacks are just returned as strings and
     4647 * shouldn't have any speed penalty.
     4648 *
     4649 * @link
     4650 *
     4651 * @since 2.2.3
     4652 * @since 5.3.0 Removed workarounds for spl_object_hash().
     4653 *              `$hook_name` and `$priority` are no longer used,
     4654 *              and the function always returns a string.
     4655 * @deprecated 6.3.0
     4656 *
     4657 * @access private
     4658 *
     4659 * @param string                $hook_name Unused. The name of the filter to build ID for.
     4660 * @param callable|string|array $callback  The callback to generate ID for. The callback may
     4661 *                                         or may not exist.
     4662 * @param int                   $priority  Unused. The order in which the functions
     4663 *                                         associated with a particular action are executed.
     4664 * @return string Unique function ID for usage as array key.
     4665 */
     4666function _wp_filter_build_unique_id( $hook_name, $callback, $priority ) {
     4667        _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' );
     4669        if ( is_string( $callback ) ) {
     4670                return $callback;
     4671        }
     4673        if ( is_object( $callback ) ) {
     4674                // Closures are currently implemented as objects.
     4675                $callback = array( $callback, '' );
     4676        } else {
     4677                $callback = (array) $callback;
     4678        }
     4680        if ( is_object( $callback[0] ) ) {
     4681                // Object class calling.
     4682                return spl_object_hash( $callback[0] ) . $callback[1];
     4683        } elseif ( is_string( $callback[0] ) ) {
     4684                // Static calling.
     4685                return $callback[0] . '::' . $callback[1];
     4686        }