1128 | | $trans['add']['category'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to add this category?'), false); |
1129 | | $trans['delete']['category'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to delete this category: "%s"?'), 'get_catname'); |
1130 | | $trans['update']['category'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to edit this category: "%s"?'), 'get_catname'); |
| 1128 | $trans['add']['category'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to add this category has failed.' ), false ); |
| 1129 | $trans['delete']['category'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to delete this category: "%s" has failed.' ), 'get_catname' ); |
| 1130 | $trans['update']['category'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to edit this category: "%s" has failed.' ), 'get_catname' ); |
1132 | | $trans['delete']['comment'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to delete this comment: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
1133 | | $trans['unapprove']['comment'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to unapprove this comment: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
1134 | | $trans['approve']['comment'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to approve this comment: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
1135 | | $trans['update']['comment'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to edit this comment: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
1136 | | $trans['bulk']['comments'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to bulk modify comments?'), false); |
1137 | | $trans['moderate']['comments'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to moderate comments?'), false); |
| 1132 | $trans['delete']['comment'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to delete this comment: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
| 1133 | $trans['unapprove']['comment'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to unapprove this comment: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
| 1134 | $trans['approve']['comment'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to approve this comment: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
| 1135 | $trans['update']['comment'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to edit this comment: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
| 1136 | $trans['bulk']['comments'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to bulk modify comments has failed.' ), false ); |
| 1137 | $trans['moderate']['comments'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to moderate comments has failed.' ), false ); |
1139 | | $trans['add']['bookmark'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to add this link?'), false); |
1140 | | $trans['delete']['bookmark'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to delete this link: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
1141 | | $trans['update']['bookmark'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to edit this link: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
1142 | | $trans['bulk']['bookmarks'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to bulk modify links?'), false); |
| 1139 | $trans['add']['bookmark'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to add this link has failed.' ), false ); |
| 1140 | $trans['delete']['bookmark'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to delete this link: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
| 1141 | $trans['update']['bookmark'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to edit this link: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
| 1142 | $trans['bulk']['bookmarks'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to bulk modify links has failed.' ), false ); |
1144 | | $trans['add']['page'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to add this page?'), false); |
1145 | | $trans['delete']['page'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to delete this page: "%s"?'), 'get_the_title'); |
1146 | | $trans['update']['page'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to edit this page: "%s"?'), 'get_the_title'); |
| 1144 | $trans['add']['page'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to add this page has failed.' ), false ); |
| 1145 | $trans['delete']['page'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to delete this page: "%s" has failed.' ), 'get_the_title' ); |
| 1146 | $trans['update']['page'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to edit this page: "%s" has failed.' ), 'get_the_title' ); |
1148 | | $trans['edit']['plugin'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to edit this plugin file: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
1149 | | $trans['activate']['plugin'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to activate this plugin: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
1150 | | $trans['deactivate']['plugin'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to deactivate this plugin: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
| 1148 | $trans['edit']['plugin'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to edit this plugin file: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
| 1149 | $trans['activate']['plugin'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to activate this plugin: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
| 1150 | $trans['deactivate']['plugin'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to deactivate this plugin: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
1152 | | $trans['add']['post'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to add this post?'), false); |
1153 | | $trans['delete']['post'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to delete this post: "%s"?'), 'get_the_title'); |
1154 | | $trans['update']['post'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to edit this post: "%s"?'), 'get_the_title'); |
| 1152 | $trans['add']['post'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to add this post has failed.' ), false ); |
| 1153 | $trans['delete']['post'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to delete this post: "%s" has failed.' ), 'get_the_title' ); |
| 1154 | $trans['update']['post'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to edit this post: "%s" has failed.' ), 'get_the_title' ); |
1156 | | $trans['add']['user'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to add this user?'), false); |
1157 | | $trans['delete']['users'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to delete users?'), false); |
1158 | | $trans['bulk']['users'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to bulk modify users?'), false); |
1159 | | $trans['update']['user'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to edit this user: "%s"?'), 'get_author_name'); |
1160 | | $trans['update']['profile'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to modify the profile for: "%s"?'), 'get_author_name'); |
| 1156 | $trans['add']['user'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to add this user has failed.' ), false ); |
| 1157 | $trans['delete']['users'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to delete users has failed.' ), false ); |
| 1158 | $trans['bulk']['users'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to bulk modify users has failed.' ), false ); |
| 1159 | $trans['update']['user'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to edit this user: "%s" has failed.' ), 'get_author_name' ); |
| 1160 | $trans['update']['profile'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to modify the profile for: "%s" has failed.' ), 'get_author_name' ); |
1162 | | $trans['update']['options'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to edit your settings?'), false); |
1163 | | $trans['update']['permalink'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to change your permalink structure to: %s?'), 'use_id'); |
1164 | | $trans['edit']['file'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to edit this file: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
1165 | | $trans['edit']['theme'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to edit this theme file: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
1166 | | $trans['switch']['theme'] = array(__('Are you sure you want to switch to this theme: "%s"?'), 'use_id'); |
| 1162 | $trans['update']['options'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to edit your settings has failed.' ), false ); |
| 1163 | $trans['update']['permalink'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to change your permalink structure to: %s has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
| 1164 | $trans['edit']['file'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to edit this file: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
| 1165 | $trans['edit']['theme'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to edit this theme file: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
| 1166 | $trans['switch']['theme'] = array( __( 'Your attempt to switch to this theme: "%s" has failed.' ), 'use_id' ); |
1189 | | $adminurl = clean_url(wp_get_referer()); |
1190 | | |
1191 | | $title = __('WordPress Confirmation'); |
1192 | | // Remove extra layer of slashes. |
1193 | | $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST ); |
1194 | | if ( $_POST ) { |
1195 | | $q = http_build_query($_POST); |
1196 | | $q = explode( ini_get('arg_separator.output'), $q); |
1197 | | $html .= "\t<form method='post' action='" . attribute_escape($pagenow) . "'>\n"; |
1198 | | foreach ( (array) $q as $a ) { |
1199 | | $v = substr(strstr($a, '='), 1); |
1200 | | $k = substr($a, 0, -(strlen($v)+1)); |
1201 | | $html .= "\t\t<input type='hidden' name='" . attribute_escape(urldecode($k)) . "' value='" . attribute_escape(urldecode($v)) . "' />\n"; |
1202 | | } |
1203 | | $html .= "\t\t<input type='hidden' name='_wpnonce' value='" . wp_create_nonce($action) . "' />\n"; |
1204 | | $html .= "\t\t<div id='message' class='confirm fade'>\n\t\t<p>" . wp_specialchars(wp_explain_nonce($action)) . "</p>\n\t\t<p><a href='$adminurl'>" . __('No') . "</a> <input type='submit' value='" . __('Yes') . "' /></p>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</form>\n"; |
1205 | | } else { |
1206 | | $html .= "\t<div id='message' class='confirm fade'>\n\t<p>" . wp_specialchars(wp_explain_nonce($action)) . "</p>\n\t<p><a href='$adminurl'>" . __('No') . "</a> <a href='" . clean_url(add_query_arg( '_wpnonce', wp_create_nonce($action), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] )) . "'>" . __('Yes') . "</a></p>\n\t</div>\n"; |
1207 | | } |
| 1189 | $html .= "<a href='" . remove_query_arg( 'updated', clean_url( wp_get_referer() ) ) . "'>" . __( 'Please try again.' ) . "</a>"; |
| 1190 | $html .= "</p>\n\t</div>\n"; |