Make WordPress Core

Ticket #5953: absolute-upload-dir-r6957.patch

File absolute-upload-dir-r6957.patch, 2.5 KB (added by tellyworth, 17 years ago)
  • wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php

    10221022        return false;
     1025// Test if a give filesystem path is absolute ('/foo/bar', 'c:\windows')
     1026function path_is_absolute( $path ) {
     1027        // this is definitive if true but fails if $path does not exist or contains a symbolic link
     1028        if ( realpath($path) == $path )
     1029                return true;
     1031        if ( strlen($path) == 0 || $path{0} == '.' )
     1032                return false;
     1034        // windows allows absolute paths like this
     1035        if ( preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z]:\\\\#', $path) )
     1036                return true;
     1038        // a path starting with / or \ is absolute; anything else is relative
     1039        return (bool) preg_match('#^[/\\\\]#', $path);
     1042// Join two filesystem paths together (e.g. 'give me $path relative to $base')
     1043function path_join( $base, $path ) {
     1044        if ( path_is_absolute($path) )
     1045                return $path;
     1047        return rtrim($base, '/') . '/' . ltrim($path, '/');
    10261050// Returns an array containing the current upload directory's path and url, or an error message.
    10271051function wp_upload_dir( $time = NULL ) {
    10281052        $siteurl = get_option( 'siteurl' );
    10291053        $upload_path = $dir = get_option( 'upload_path' );
    1031         if ( $upload_path != realpath( $upload_path ) ) { // not an absolute path
    1032                 //prepend ABSPATH to $dir and $siteurl to $url if they're not already there
    1033                 $path = str_replace( ABSPATH, '', trim( $upload_path ) );
    1034                 $dir = ABSPATH . $path;
    1035         }
     1055        // $dir is absolute, $path is (maybe) relative to ABSPATH
     1056        $dir = path_join( ABSPATH, $upload_path );
     1057        $path = str_replace( ABSPATH, '', trim( $upload_path ) );
    10371059        if ( !$url = get_option( 'upload_url_path' ) )
    10381060                $url = trailingslashit( $siteurl ) . $path;
    10451067                $url = trailingslashit( $siteurl ) . UPLOADS;
    10461068        }
     1070        $subdir = '';
    10481071        if ( get_option( 'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders' ) ) {
    10491072                // Generate the yearly and monthly dirs
    10501073                if ( !$time )
    10511074                        $time = current_time( 'mysql' );
    10521075                $y = substr( $time, 0, 4 );
    10531076                $m = substr( $time, 5, 2 );
    1054                 $dir = $dir . "/$y/$m";
    1055                 $url = $url . "/$y/$m";
     1077                $subdir = "/$y/$m";
    10561078        }
     1080        $dir .= $subdir;
     1081        $url .= $subdir;
    10581083        // Make sure we have an uploads dir
    10591084        if ( ! wp_mkdir_p( $dir ) ) {
    10611086                return array( 'error' => $message );
    10621087        }
    1064                 $uploads = array( 'path' => $dir, 'url' => $url, 'error' => false );
     1089        $uploads = array( 'path' => $dir, 'url' => $url, 'subdir' => $subdir, 'error' => false );
    10651090        return apply_filters( 'upload_dir', $uploads );