Make WordPress Core

Ticket #62415: 62415.patch

File 62415.patch, 1.6 KB (added by viralsampat, 3 months ago)

I have checked above mentioned issue and I have resolved it and added patch.

  • patterns/footer-centered-logo-nav.php

    diff --git patterns/footer-centered-logo-nav.php patterns/footer-centered-logo-nav.php
    index 4370eac..936961e 100644
    2222                echo sprintf(
    2323                        /* Translators: Designed with WordPress */
    2424                        esc_html__( 'Designed with %1$s', 'twentytwentyfour' ),
    25                         $wordpress_link
     25                        esc_url( $wordpress_link )
    2626                );
    2727                ?>
    2828        </p>
  • patterns/footer-colophon-3-col.php

    diff --git patterns/footer-colophon-3-col.php patterns/footer-colophon-3-col.php
    index cfb15db..1de989f 100644
    9191                                echo sprintf(
    9292                                        /* Translators: Designed with WordPress */
    9393                                        esc_html__( 'Designed with %1$s', 'twentytwentyfour' ),
    94                                         $wordpress_link
     94                                        esc_url( $wordpress_link )
    9595                                );
    9696                                ?>
    9797                        </p>
  • patterns/footer.php

    diff --git patterns/footer.php patterns/footer.php
    index b39b3dd..4631fe8 100644
    117117                        echo sprintf(
    118118                                /* Translators: Designed with WordPress */
    119119                                esc_html__( 'Designed with %1$s', 'twentytwentyfour' ),
    120                                 $wordpress_link
     120                                esc_url( $wordpress_link )
    121121                        );
    122122                        ?>
    123123                </p>
  • patterns/text-centered-statement-small.php

    diff --git patterns/text-centered-statement-small.php patterns/text-centered-statement-small.php
    index c24a51a..40e6ba1 100644
    2020                        echo sprintf(
    2121                                /* Translators: About text placeholder */
    2222                                esc_html__( 'I write about finance, management and economy, my book “%1$s” is out now.', 'twentytwentyfour' ),
    23                                 $about_link
     23                                esc_url( $about_link )
    2424                        );
    2525                        ?>
    2626                </em>