1515 | | // PEAR Text_Diff is lame; it includes things from include_path rather than it's own path. |
1516 | | // Not sure of the ramifications of disttributing modified code. |
1517 | | ini_set('include_path', '.' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ABSPATH . WPINC ); |
| 1515 | // PEAR Text_Diff depends on the include path matching its directory structure. |
| 1516 | // This prevents modifying source code and maintaining the modifications when |
| 1517 | // the package is updated. |
| 1518 | // If include_path can not be set, then bail. |
| 1519 | if( function_exists('set_include_path') ) { |
| 1520 | set_include_path( get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . ABSPATH . WPINC ); |
| 1521 | } else if( function_exists('ini_set') ) { |
| 1522 | ini_set('include_path', '.' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ABSPATH . WPINC ); |
| 1523 | } else { |
| 1524 | return __('Error: Setting the include path is disabled on your server. Post revisions cannot be displayed. Please contact your hosting company to resolve this error.'); |
| 1525 | } |