Make WordPress Core

Ticket #9674: admin-ajax.php.diff

File admin-ajax.php.diff, 635 bytes (added by jfarthing84, 15 years ago)

Another instance where checking against 'show_ui' is being used and should be changed to check for public in admin-ajax.php for inline-save (which breaks inline saving for custom created UI's not using 'show_ui' argument

  • admin-ajax.php

    11121112        if ( 'page' == $_POST['post_type'] ) {
    11131113                $post[] = get_post($_POST['post_ID']);
    11141114                page_rows($post);
    1115         } elseif ( 'post' == $_POST['post_type'] || in_array($_POST['post_type'], get_post_types( array('show_ui' => true) ) ) ) {
     1115        } elseif ( 'post' == $_POST['post_type'] || in_array($_POST['post_type'], get_post_types( array('public' => true) ) ) ) {
    11161116                $mode = $_POST['post_view'];
    11171117                $post[] = get_post($_POST['post_ID']);
    11181118                post_rows($post);