Make WordPress Core

Changeset 10653

02/26/2009 12:44:32 AM (16 years ago)

Try grid layout for theme browser. see #8652

1 edited


  • trunk/wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php

    r10650 r10653  
    300300        <br class="clear" />
    301301    </div>
    302     <div class="theme-listing">
     302    <table id="availablethemes" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    303303        <?php
    304304        $in_column = 0;
    305         foreach ( $themes as $theme ) {
    306             //var_dump($theme);
     305        $rows = ceil(count($themes) / 3);
     306        $i = 0;
     307        for ( $row = 1; $row <= $rows; $row++ ) {
     308            for ( $col = 1; $col <= 3; $col++ ) {
     309                $table[$row][$col] = $i;
     310                $i++;
     311            }
     312        }
     314        foreach ( $table as $row => $cols ) {
     318            foreach ( $cols as $col => $theme_index ) {
     319                $class = array('available-theme');
     320                if ( $row == 1 ) $class[] = 'top';
     321                if ( $col == 1 ) $class[] = 'left';
     322                if ( $row == $rows ) $class[] = 'bottom';
     323                if ( $col == 3 ) $class[] = 'right';
     324                $theme = $themes[$theme_index];
     326    <td class="<?php echo join(' ', $class); ?>">
     328                    //var_dump($theme);
    308             $name = wp_kses($theme->name, $themes_allowedtags);
    309             $desc = wp_kses($theme->description, $themes_allowedtags);
    310             //if ( strlen($desc) > 30 )
    311             //  $desc =  substr($desc, 0, 30) . '<span class="dots">...</span><span>' . substr($desc, 30) . '</span>';
    313             $preview_link = $theme->preview_url . '?TB_iframe=true&amp;width=600&amp;height=400';
    314             $action_links = array();
    315             $action_links[] = '<a href="' . admin_url('theme-install.php?tab=theme-information&amp;theme=' . $theme->slug .
    316                                 '&amp;TB_iframe=true&amp;width=600&amp;height=800') . '" class="button thickbox onclick" title="' . attribute_escape(sprintf(__('Install "%s"'), $name)) . '">' . __('Install') . '</a>';
    317             $action_links[] = '<a href="' . $preview_link . '" class="button thickbox thickbox-preview onclick previewlink" title="' . attribute_escape(sprintf(__('Preview "%s"'), $name)) . '">' . __('Preview') . '</a>';
    319             $action_links = apply_filters('theme_install_action_links', $action_links, $theme);
    320             $actions = implode ( ' ', $action_links );
    321             echo "
    322         <div class='theme-item available-theme'>
    323             <a class='thickbox thickbox-preview screenshot' href='$preview_link' title='" . attribute_escape(sprintf(__('Preview "%s"'), $name)) . "'>
    324             <img src='{$theme->screenshot_url}' width='150' />
    325             </a>
    326             <h3>{$name}</h3>
    327             <span class='action-links'>$actions</span>
    328             <div class='theme-item-info'>
    329                 {$desc}
    330             </div>
    331         </div>";
    332         /*
    333         object(stdClass)[59]
    334           public 'name' => string 'Magazine Basic' (length=14)
    335           public 'slug' => string 'magazine-basic' (length=14)
    336           public 'version' => string '1.1' (length=3)
    337           public 'author' => string 'tinkerpriest' (length=12)
    338           public 'preview_url' => string '' (length=36)
    339           public 'screenshot_url' => string '' (length=68)
    340           public 'rating' => float 80
    341           public 'num_ratings' => int 1
    342           public 'homepage' => string '' (length=49)
    343           public 'description' => string 'A basic magazine style layout with a fully customizable layout through a backend interface. Designed by <a href="">c.bavota</a> of <a href="">Tinker Priest Media</a>.' (length=214)
    344           public 'download_link' => string '' (length=66)
    345           */
    346         }
    348         ?>
    349     </div>
     330                $name = wp_kses($theme->name, $themes_allowedtags);
     331                $desc = wp_kses($theme->description, $themes_allowedtags);
     332                //if ( strlen($desc) > 30 )
     333                //  $desc =  substr($desc, 0, 30) . '<span class="dots">...</span><span>' . substr($desc, 30) . '</span>';
     335                $preview_link = $theme->preview_url . '?TB_iframe=true&amp;width=600&amp;height=400';
     336                $action_links = array();
     337                $action_links[] = '<a href="' . admin_url('theme-install.php?tab=theme-information&amp;theme=' . $theme->slug .
     338                                    '&amp;TB_iframe=true&amp;width=600&amp;height=800') . '" class="button thickbox onclick" title="' . attribute_escape(sprintf(__('Install "%s"'), $name)) . '">' . __('Install') . '</a>';
     339                $action_links[] = '<a href="' . $preview_link . '" class="button thickbox thickbox-preview onclick previewlink" title="' . attribute_escape(sprintf(__('Preview "%s"'), $name)) . '">' . __('Preview') . '</a>';
     341                $action_links = apply_filters('theme_install_action_links', $action_links, $theme);
     342                $actions = implode ( ' ', $action_links );
     343                echo "
     344                <a class='thickbox thickbox-preview screenshot' href='$preview_link' title='" . attribute_escape(sprintf(__('Preview "%s"'), $name)) . "'>
     345                <img src='{$theme->screenshot_url}' width='150' />
     346                </a>
     347                <h3>{$name}</h3>
     348                <span class='action-links'>$actions</span>
     349                    <p>{$desc}</p>";
     350            /*
     351            object(stdClass)[59]
     352              public 'name' => string 'Magazine Basic' (length=14)
     353              public 'slug' => string 'magazine-basic' (length=14)
     354              public 'version' => string '1.1' (length=3)
     355              public 'author' => string 'tinkerpriest' (length=12)
     356              public 'preview_url' => string '' (length=36)
     357              public 'screenshot_url' => string '' (length=68)
     358              public 'rating' => float 80
     359              public 'num_ratings' => int 1
     360              public 'homepage' => string '' (length=49)
     361              public 'description' => string 'A basic magazine style layout with a fully customizable layout through a backend interface. Designed by <a href="">c.bavota</a> of <a href="">Tinker Priest Media</a>.' (length=214)
     362              public 'download_link' => string '' (length=66)
     363              */
     365    </td>
     366<?php } // end foreach $cols ?>
     368<?php } // end foreach $table ?>
    351371    <div class="tablenav">
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