Make WordPress Core

Changeset 13432

02/26/2010 05:18:59 PM (15 years ago)

Remove explicit references to the post ID from moderation and comment e-mails. Fixes #12388

1 edited


  • trunk/wp-includes/pluggable.php

    r13385 r13432  
    985985    if ('comment' == $comment_type) {
    986         /* translators: 1: post id, 2: post title */
    987         $notify_message  = sprintf( __('New comment on your post #%1$s "%2$s"'), $comment->comment_post_ID, $post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
     986        $notify_message  = sprintf( __('New comment on your post "%s"'),$post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
    988987        /* translators: 1: comment author, 2: author IP, 3: author domain */
    989988        $notify_message .= sprintf( __('Author : %1$s (IP: %2$s , %3$s)'), $comment->comment_author, $comment->comment_author_IP, $comment_author_domain ) . "\r\n";
    996995        $subject = sprintf( __('[%1$s] Comment: "%2$s"'), $blogname, $post->post_title );
    997996    } elseif ('trackback' == $comment_type) {
    998         /* translators: 1: post id, 2: post title */
    999         $notify_message  = sprintf( __('New trackback on your post #%1$s "%2$s"'), $comment->comment_post_ID, $post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
     997        $notify_message  = sprintf( __('New trackback on your post "%s"'), $post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
    1000998        /* translators: 1: website name, 2: author IP, 3: author domain */
    1001999        $notify_message .= sprintf( __('Website: %1$s (IP: %2$s , %3$s)'), $comment->comment_author, $comment->comment_author_IP, $comment_author_domain ) . "\r\n";
    10061004        $subject = sprintf( __('[%1$s] Trackback: "%2$s"'), $blogname, $post->post_title );
    10071005    } elseif ('pingback' == $comment_type) {
    1008         /* translators: 1: post id, 2: post title */
    1009         $notify_message  = sprintf( __('New pingback on your post #%1$s "%2$s"'), $comment->comment_post_ID, $post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
     1006        $notify_message  = sprintf( __('New pingback on your post "%s"'), $post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
    10101007        /* translators: 1: comment author, 2: author IP, 3: author domain */
    10111008        $notify_message .= sprintf( __('Website: %1$s (IP: %2$s , %3$s)'), $comment->comment_author, $comment->comment_author_IP, $comment_author_domain ) . "\r\n";
    10801077    {
    10811078        case 'trackback':
    1082             $notify_message  = sprintf( __('A new trackback on the post #%1$s "%2$s" is waiting for your approval'), $post->ID, $post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
     1079            $notify_message  = sprintf( __('A new trackback on the post "%s" is waiting for your approval'), $post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
    10831080            $notify_message .= get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID) . "\r\n\r\n";
    10841081            $notify_message .= sprintf( __('Website : %1$s (IP: %2$s , %3$s)'), $comment->comment_author, $comment->comment_author_IP, $comment_author_domain ) . "\r\n";
    10871084            break;
    10881085        case 'pingback':
    1089             $notify_message  = sprintf( __('A new pingback on the post #%1$s "%2$s" is waiting for your approval'), $post->ID, $post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
     1086            $notify_message  = sprintf( __('A new pingback on the post "%s" is waiting for your approval'), $post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
    10901087            $notify_message .= get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID) . "\r\n\r\n";
    10911088            $notify_message .= sprintf( __('Website : %1$s (IP: %2$s , %3$s)'), $comment->comment_author, $comment->comment_author_IP, $comment_author_domain ) . "\r\n";
    10941091            break;
    10951092        default: //Comments
    1096             $notify_message  = sprintf( __('A new comment on the post #%1$s "%2$s" is waiting for your approval'), $post->ID, $post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
     1093            $notify_message  = sprintf( __('A new comment on the post "%s" is waiting for your approval'), $post->post_title ) . "\r\n";
    10971094            $notify_message .= get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID) . "\r\n\r\n";
    10981095            $notify_message .= sprintf( __('Author : %1$s (IP: %2$s , %3$s)'), $comment->comment_author, $comment->comment_author_IP, $comment_author_domain ) . "\r\n";
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.