Changeset 1411
- Timestamp:
- 06/11/2004 06:23:12 PM (21 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/wp-admin
- Files:
- 14 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1379 r1411 103 103 <select name='cat' class='postform'> 104 104 <option value='0'<?php if (!$category->category_parent) echo " selected='selected'"; ?>><?php _e('None') ?></option> 105 <?php wp_dropdown_cats($category->cat_ID, $category->category_parent); ?> </p>105 <?php wp_dropdown_cats($category->cat_ID, $category->category_parent); ?> 106 106 </select> 107 107 </p> … … 184 184 <select name='cat' class='postform'> 185 185 <option value='0'><?php _e('None') ?></option> 186 <?php wp_dropdown_cats(0); ?> </p>187 </select> 186 <?php wp_dropdown_cats(0); ?> 187 </select></p> 188 188 <p><?php _e('Description: (optional)') ?> <br /> 189 189 <textarea name="category_description" rows="5" cols="50" style="width: 97%;"></textarea></p> -
r1245 r1411 98 98 echo '<input name="advanced" type="submit" id="advancededit" tabindex="7" value="' . __('Advanced Editing »') . '" />'; 99 99 } ?> 100 <input name="referredby" type="hidden" id="referredby" value="<?php if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; ?>" />100 <input name="referredby" type="hidden" id="referredby" value="<?php if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) echo urlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); ?>" /> 101 101 </p> 102 102 -
r1355 r1411 105 105 <?php if ('private' == $post->post_status) _e(' - <strong>Private</strong>'); ?></td> 106 106 <td><?php the_category(','); ?></td> 107 <td><a href="edit.php?p=<?php echo $id ?>& c=1">107 <td><a href="edit.php?p=<?php echo $id ?>&c=1"> 108 108 <?php comments_number(__('no comments'), __('1 comment'), __("% comments")) ?> 109 109 </a></td> -
r1355 r1411 84 84 <tr> 85 85 <th width="33%" scope="row"><?php _e('URI:') ?></th> 86 <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="linkurl" value="<?php echo $_GET['linkurl']; ?>" style="width: 95%; /"></td>86 <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="linkurl" value="<?php echo $_GET['linkurl']; ?>" style="width: 95%;" /></td> 87 87 </tr> 88 88 <tr> … … 108 108 <tr> 109 109 <th width="33%" scope="row"><?php _e('rel:') ?></th> 110 <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="rel" id="rel" size="50" value="" ></td>110 <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="rel" id="rel" size="50" value="" /></td> 111 111 </tr> 112 112 <tr> … … 116 116 <th scope="row"> <?php _e('friendship') ?> </th> 117 117 <td><label for="label"> 118 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="friendship" value="acquaintance" id="label" 118 <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="friendship" value="acquaintance" id="label" /> 119 119 <?php _e('acquaintance') ?></label> 120 120 <label for="label2"> … … 242 242 <input type="radio" name="visible" checked="checked" value="Y" /> 243 243 <?php _e('Yes') ?></label><br /> 244 <label><input type="radio" name="visible" value="N" > <input type="hidden" name="action" value="Add" />244 <label><input type="radio" name="visible" value="N" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="Add" /> 245 245 <?php _e('No') ?></label></td> 246 246 </tr> … … 255 255 256 256 <div class="wrap"> 257 <?php printf(__('<p>You can drag <a href="%s" title="Link add bookmarklet">Link This</a> to your toolbar and when you click it a window will pop up that will allow you to add whatever site you’re on to your links! Right now this only works on Mozilla or Netscape, but we’re working on it.</p>'), "javascript:void('" . get_settings('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/link-add.php?action=popup& linkurl='+escape(location.href)+'&name='+escape(document.title),'LinkManager','scrollbars=yes,width=750,height=550,left=15,top=15,status=yes,resizable=yes'));linkmanpopup.focus();window.focus();linkmanpopup.focus();") ?>257 <?php printf(__('<p>You can drag <a href="%s" title="Link add bookmarklet">Link This</a> to your toolbar and when you click it a window will pop up that will allow you to add whatever site you’re on to your links! Right now this only works on Mozilla or Netscape, but we’re working on it.</p>'), "javascript:void('" . get_settings('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/link-add.php?action=popup&linkurl='+escape(location.href)+'&name='+escape(document.title),'LinkManager','scrollbars=yes,width=750,height=550,left=15,top=15,status=yes,resizable=yes'));linkmanpopup.focus();window.focus();linkmanpopup.focus();") ?> 258 258 </div> 259 259 -
r1355 r1411 157 157 <td> 158 158 <select name="sort_order" size="1"> 159 <option value="name" <?php echo ($row->sort_order == 'name') ? 'selected' : ''?>><?php _e('Name') ?></option>159 <option value="name" <?php echo ($row->sort_order == 'name') ? 'selected="selected"' : ''?>><?php _e('Name') ?></option> 160 160 <option value="id" <?php echo ($row->sort_order == 'id') ? 'selected' : ''?>><?php _e('Id') ?></option> 161 161 <option value="url" <?php echo ($row->sort_order == 'url') ? 'selected' : ''?>><?php _e('URL') ?></option> … … 191 191 <tr> 192 192 <th width="33%" scope="row"><?php _e('Before Link:') ?></th> 193 <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="text_before_link" size="45" value="<?php echo stripslashes($row->text_before_link)?>" /></td>193 <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="text_before_link" size="45" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row->text_before_link))?>" /></td> 194 194 </tr> 195 195 <tr> 196 196 <th scope="row"><?php _e('Between Link and Description:') ?></th> 197 <td><input type="text" name="text_after_link" size="45" value="<?php echo stripslashes($row->text_after_link)?>" /></td>197 <td><input type="text" name="text_after_link" size="45" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row->text_after_link))?>" /></td> 198 198 </tr> 199 199 <tr> 200 200 <th scope="row"><?php _e('After Link:') ?></th> 201 <td><input type="text" name="text_after_all" size="45" value="<?php echo stripslashes($row->text_after_all)?>"/></td>201 <td><input type="text" name="text_after_all" size="45" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row->text_after_all))?>"/></td> 202 202 </tr> 203 203 </table> -
r1355 r1411 138 138 139 139 ?> 140 </div> 140 141 <?php 141 142 break; … … 143 144 } // end switch 144 145 ?> 145 </div>146 146 </body> 147 147 </html> -
r1355 r1411 344 344 <tr> 345 345 <th width="33%" scope="row"><?php _e('URI:') ?></th> 346 <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="linkurl" value="<?php echo $link_url; ?>" style="width: 95%; /"></td>346 <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="linkurl" value="<?php echo $link_url; ?>" style="width: 95%;" /></td> 347 347 </tr> 348 348 <tr> … … 368 368 <tr> 369 369 <th width="33%" scope="row"><?php _e('rel:') ?></th> 370 <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="rel" id="rel" size="50" value="<?php echo $link_rel; ?>" ></td>370 <td width="67%"><input type="text" name="rel" id="rel" size="50" value="<?php echo $link_rel; ?>" /></td> 371 371 </tr> 372 372 <tr> … … 656 656 </div> 657 657 658 <form name="links" id="links" method="post" action=""> 658 659 <div class="wrap"> 659 660 660 <form name="links" id="links" method="post" action="">661 661 <input type="hidden" name="link_id" value="" /> 662 662 <input type="hidden" name="action" value="" /> … … 727 727 if ($show_buttons) { 728 728 echo '<td><a href="link-manager.php?link_id=' . $link->link_id . '&action=linkedit" class="edit">' . __('Edit') . '</a></td>'; 729 echo '<td><a href="link-manager.php?link_id=' . $link->link_id . '&action=Delete"' . " onclick=\"return confirm('" . __("You are about to delete this link.\\n \'Cancel\' to stop, \'OK\' to delete.") . "');" . '" class="delete">' . __('Delete') . '</a></td>';729 echo '<td><a href="link-manager.php?link_id=' . $link->link_id . '&action=Delete"' . " onclick=\"return confirm('" . __("You are about to delete this link.\\n \'Cancel\' to stop, \'OK\' to delete.") . "');" . '" class="delete">' . __('Delete') . '</a></td>'; 730 730 echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="linkcheck[]" value="' . $link->link_id . '" /></td>'; 731 731 } else { … … 774 774 } // end if !popup 775 775 ?> 776 </div> 776 777 </form> 777 </div>778 778 779 779 -
r1355 r1411 30 30 31 31 case 2: // boolean 32 $true_selected = ($option_result->option_value == '1') ? 'selected ' : '';33 $false_selected = ($option_result->option_value == '0') ? 'selected ' : '';32 $true_selected = ($option_result->option_value == '1') ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; 33 $false_selected = ($option_result->option_value == '0') ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; 34 34 return <<<BOOLSELECT 35 35 <label for="$option_result->option_name">$option_result->option_name</label>$between … … 56 56 //error_log("comparing [$option_result->option_value] == [$option->optionvalue]"); 57 57 if ($option_result->option_value == $option->optionvalue) { 58 $ret .=' selected ';58 $ret .=' selected="selected"'; 59 59 } 60 60 $ret .= ">$option->optionvalue_desc</option>\n"; … … 86 86 //error_log("comparing [$option_result->option_value] == [$option->optionvalue]"); 87 87 if ($option_result->option_value == $option->value) { 88 $ret .=' selected ';88 $ret .=' selected="selected"'; 89 89 } 90 90 $ret .= ">$option->label</option>\n"; -
r1240 r1411 71 71 <tr> 72 72 <th scope="row"><?php _e('Maximum size:') ?> </th> 73 <td><input name="fileupload_maxk" type="text" id="fileupload_maxk" value="<?php echo get_settings('fileupload_maxk'); ?>" size="4" >73 <td><input name="fileupload_maxk" type="text" id="fileupload_maxk" value="<?php echo get_settings('fileupload_maxk'); ?>" size="4" /> 74 74 <?php _e('Kilobytes (KB)') ?></td> 75 75 </tr> 76 76 <tr> 77 77 <th valign="top" scope="row"><?php _e('Allowed file extensions:') ?></th> 78 <td><input name="fileupload_allowedtypes" type="text" id="fileupload_allowedtypes" value="<?php echo get_settings('fileupload_allowedtypes'); ?>" size="40" >79 <br >78 <td><input name="fileupload_allowedtypes" type="text" id="fileupload_allowedtypes" value="<?php echo get_settings('fileupload_allowedtypes'); ?>" size="40" /> 79 <br /> 80 80 <?php _e('Recommended: <code>jpg jpeg png gif </code>') ?></td> 81 81 </tr> -
r1373 r1411 101 101 </p> 102 102 <p class="submit"> 103 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Update Permalink Structure »') ?>" >103 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Update Permalink Structure »') ?>" /> 104 104 </p> 105 105 </form> -
r1352 r1411 75 75 <td><label> 76 76 <input name="rss_use_excerpt" type="radio" value="0" <?php checked(0, get_settings('rss_use_excerpt')); ?> /> 77 full text</label> <br >77 full text</label> <br /> 78 78 <label> 79 79 <input name="rss_use_excerpt" type="radio" value="1" <?php checked(1, get_settings('rss_use_excerpt')); ?> /> -
r1405 r1411 748 748 <div class="wrap"> 749 749 <?php _e('<h3>WordPress bookmarklet</h3> 750 <p>You can drag the following link to your links bar or add it to your bookmarks and when you "Press it" it will open up a popup window with information and a link to the site you’ re currently browsing so you can make a quick post about it. Try it out:</p>') ?>750 <p>You can drag the following link to your links bar or add it to your bookmarks and when you "Press it" it will open up a popup window with information and a link to the site you’re currently browsing so you can make a quick post about it. Try it out:</p>') ?> 751 751 <p> 752 752 … … 756 756 if ($is_NS4 || $is_gecko) { 757 757 ?> 758 <a href="javascript:if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') >= 0){Q=getSelection();}else{Q=document.selection?document.selection.createRange().text:document.getSelection();}void('<?php echo get_settings('siteurl') ?>/wp-admin/bookmarklet.php?text='+escape(Q)+'& popupurl='+escape(location.href)+'&popuptitle='+escape(document.title),'<?php _e('WordPress bookmarklet') ?>','scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=460,left=100,top=150,status=yes'));"><?php printf(__('Press It - %s'), get_settings('blogname')); ?></a>758 <a href="javascript:if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') >= 0){Q=getSelection();}else{Q=document.selection?document.selection.createRange().text:document.getSelection();}void('<?php echo get_settings('siteurl') ?>/wp-admin/bookmarklet.php?text='+escape(Q)+'&popupurl='+escape(location.href)+'&popuptitle='+escape(document.title),'<?php _e('WordPress bookmarklet') ?>','scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=460,left=100,top=150,status=yes'));"><?php printf(__('Press It - %s'), get_settings('blogname')); ?></a> 759 759 <?php 760 760 } else if ($is_winIE) { 761 761 ?> 762 <a href="javascript:Q='';if(top.frames.length==0)Q=document.selection.createRange().text;void('<?php echo get_settings('siteurl') ?>/wp-admin/bookmarklet.php?text='+escape(Q)+'<?php echo $bookmarklet_tbpb ?>& popupurl='+escape(location.href)+'&popuptitle='+escape(document.title),'bookmarklet','scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=<?php echo $bookmarklet_height ?>,left=100,top=150,status=yes'));btw.focus();"><?php printf(__('Press it - %s'), get_settings('blogname')); ?></a>762 <a href="javascript:Q='';if(top.frames.length==0)Q=document.selection.createRange().text;void('<?php echo get_settings('siteurl') ?>/wp-admin/bookmarklet.php?text='+escape(Q)+'<?php echo $bookmarklet_tbpb ?>&popupurl='+escape(location.href)+'&popuptitle='+escape(document.title),'bookmarklet','scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=<?php echo $bookmarklet_height ?>,left=100,top=150,status=yes'));btw.focus();"><?php printf(__('Press it - %s'), get_settings('blogname')); ?></a> 763 763 <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> 764 764 <!-- -
r1380 r1411 304 304 <option value="nickname"<?php 305 305 if ($profiledata->user_idmode == 'nickname') 306 echo " selected"; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_nickname ?></option>306 echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_nickname ?></option> 307 307 <option value="login"<?php 308 308 if ($profiledata->user_idmode=="login") 309 echo " selected"; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_login ?></option>309 echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_login ?></option> 310 310 <option value="firstname"<?php 311 311 if ($profiledata->user_idmode=="firstname") 312 echo " selected"; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_firstname ?></option>312 echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_firstname ?></option> 313 313 <option value="lastname"<?php 314 314 if ($profiledata->user_idmode=="lastname") 315 echo " selected"; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_lastname ?></option>315 echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_lastname ?></option> 316 316 <option value="namefl"<?php 317 317 if ($profiledata->user_idmode=="namefl") 318 echo " selected"; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_firstname." ".$profiledata->user_lastname ?></option>318 echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_firstname." ".$profiledata->user_lastname ?></option> 319 319 <option value="namelf"<?php 320 320 if ($profiledata->user_idmode=="namelf") 321 echo " selected"; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_lastname." ".$profiledata->user_firstname ?></option>321 echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>><?php echo $profiledata->user_lastname." ".$profiledata->user_firstname ?></option> 322 322 </select> </td> 323 323 </tr> … … 325 325 <th scope="row"><?php _e('New <strong>Password</strong> (Leave blank to stay the same.)') ?></th> 326 326 <td><input type="password" name="pass1" size="16" value="" /> 327 <br >327 <br /> 328 328 <input type="password" name="pass2" size="16" value="" /></td> 329 329 </tr> … … 332 332 <input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Update Profile »') ?>" name="submit" /> 333 333 </p> 334 </div>335 334 </form> 336 335 </div> 336 337 337 338 <?php if ($is_gecko && $profiledata->user_level != 0) { ?> 338 339 <div class="wrap"> 339 340 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 341 //<![CDATA[ 340 342 function addPanel() 341 343 { … … 345 347 alert(<?php __("'No Sidebar found! You must use Mozilla 0.9.4 or later!'") ?>); 346 348 } 349 //]]> 347 350 </script> 348 351 <strong><?php _e('SideBar') ?></strong><br /> … … 356 359 </div> 357 360 <?php } ?> 361 </div> 358 362 <?php 359 363 -
r1355 r1411 220 220 <td align='center'>"; 221 221 if (($user_level >= 2) and ($user_level > $user_data->user_level) and ($user_data->user_level > 0)) 222 echo " <a href=\"users.php?action=promote& id=".$user_data->ID."&prom=down\">-</a> ";222 echo " <a href=\"users.php?action=promote&id=".$user_data->ID."&prom=down\">-</a> "; 223 223 echo $user_data->user_level; 224 224 if (($user_level >= 2) and ($user_level > ($user_data->user_level + 1))) 225 echo " <a href=\"users.php?action=promote& id=".$user_data->ID."&prom=up\">+</a> ";226 echo "< td align='right'>$numposts</td>";225 echo " <a href=\"users.php?action=promote&id=".$user_data->ID."&prom=up\">+</a> "; 226 echo "</td><td align='right'>$numposts</td>"; 227 227 echo '</tr>'; 228 228 } … … 262 262 echo "\n<tr $style> 263 263 <td align='center'>$user_data->ID</td> 264 <td><strong>$user_data->user_nickname</ td>264 <td><strong>$user_data->user_nickname</strong></td> 265 265 <td>$user_data->user_firstname $user_data->user_lastname</td> 266 266 <td><a href='mailto:$email' title='" . sprintf(__('e-mail: %s'), $email) . "'>$email</a></td> … … 268 268 <td align='center'>"; 269 269 if ($user_level >= 3) 270 echo " <a href=\"users.php?action=delete& id=".$user_data->ID."\" style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold;\">X</a> ";270 echo " <a href=\"users.php?action=delete&id=".$user_data->ID."\" style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold;\">X</a> "; 271 271 echo $user_data->user_level; 272 272 if ($user_level >= 2) 273 echo " <a href=\"users.php?action=promote& id=".$user_data->ID."&prom=up\">+</a> ";273 echo " <a href=\"users.php?action=promote&id=".$user_data->ID."&prom=up\">+</a> "; 274 274 echo "</td>\n</tr>\n"; 275 275 } … … 317 317 </table> 318 318 <p class="submit"> 319 <input name="adduser" type="submit" id="adduser" value="<?php _e('Add User') ?> »" >319 <input name="adduser" type="submit" id="adduser" value="<?php _e('Add User') ?> »" /> 320 320 </p> 321 321 </form>
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.