Make WordPress Core

Changeset 14961

05/26/2010 09:07:53 PM (14 years ago)

strong FMI. see #13467

2 edited


  • trunk/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php

    r14929 r14961  
    175175    '<p>' . __('<strong>Discussion</strong> - You can turn comments and pings on or off, and if there are comments on the post, you can see them here and moderate them.') . '</p>' .
    176176    '<p>' . sprintf(__('You can also create posts with the <a href="%s">Press This bookmarklet</a>.'), 'tools.php') . '</p>' .
    177     '<p>' . __('For more information:') . '</p>' .
     177    '<p>' . __('<strong>For more information:</strong>') . '</p>' .
    178178    '<p>' . sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Writing Posts Documentation</a>'), '') . '</p>' .
    179179    '<p>' . sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Support Forums</a>'), '') . '</p>'
    185185    '<p>' . __('<strong>Template</strong> - Some themes have custom templates you can use for certain pages that might have additional features or custom layouts. If so, you&#8217;ll see them in this dropdown menu.') . '</p>' .
    186186    '<p>' . __('<strong>Order</strong> - Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but you can put a number above to change the order pages appear in.') . '</p>' .
    187     '<p>' . __('For more information:') . '</p>' .
     187    '<p>' . __('<strong>For more information:</strong>') . '</p>' .
    188188    '<p>' . sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Page Creation Documentation</a>'), '') . '</p>' .
    189189    '<p>' . sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Support Forums</a>'), '') . '</p>'
  • trunk/wp-admin/edit.php

    r14929 r14961  
    173173    '</ul>' .
    174174    '<p>' . __('You can also edit multiple posts at once. Select the posts you want to edit using the checkboxes, select Edit from the Bulk Actions menu and click Apply. You will be able to change the metadata (categories, author, etc.) for all selected posts at once. To remove a post from the grouping, just click the x next to its name in the Bulk Edit area that appears.') . '</p>' .
    175     '<p>' . __('For more information:') . '</p>' .
     175    '<p>' . __('<strong>For more information:</strong>') . '</p>' .
    176176    '<p>' . sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Edit Posts Documentation</a>'), '') . '</p>' .
    177177    '<p>' . sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Support Forums</a>'), '') . '</p>'
    181181    '<p>' . __('Managing Pages is very similar to managing Posts, and the screens can be customized in the same way. ') . '</p>' .
    182182    '<p>' . __('You can also perform the same types of actions, including narrowing the list by using the filters, acting on a Page using the action links that appear when you hover over a row, or using the Bulk Actions menu to edit the metadata for multiple Pages at once.') . '</p>' .
    183     '<p>' . __('For more information:') . '</p>' .
     183    '<p>' . __('<strong>For more information:</strong>') . '</p>' .
    184184    '<p>' . sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Page Management Documentation</a>'), '') . '</p>' .
    185185    '<p>' . sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Support Forums</a>'), '') . '</p>'
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