Make WordPress Core

Changeset 23191

12/20/2012 03:55:32 PM (12 years ago)

its <=> it's in documentation, along with a rogue the, The, and looses. props trepmal. fixes #22665.

22 edited


  • trunk/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php

    r22083 r23191  
    205205            //Working from /home/ to /user/ to /wordpress/ see if that file exists within the current folder,
    206             // If its found, change into it and follow through looking for it.
     206            // If it's found, change into it and follow through looking for it.
    207207            // If it cant find WordPress down that route, it'll continue onto the next folder level, and see if that matches, and so on.
    208208            // If it reaches the end, and still cant find it, it'll return false for the entire function.
  • trunk/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php

    r19712 r23191  
    230230            return @rmdir($file);
    232         //At this point its a folder, and we're in recursive mode
     232        //At this point it's a folder, and we're in recursive mode
    233233        $file = trailingslashit($file);
    234234        $filelist = $this->dirlist($file, true);
  • trunk/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpsockets.php

    r21223 r23191  
    9898            fclose($temphandle);
    9999            unlink($temp);
    100             return ''; //Blank document, File does exist, Its just blank.
     100            return ''; //Blank document, File does exist, It's just blank.
    101101        }
  • trunk/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php

    r22396 r23191  
    7474    /**
    75      * Constructor. The child class should call this constructor from it's own constructor
     75     * Constructor. The child class should call this constructor from its own constructor
    7676     *
    7777     * @param array $args An associative array with information about the current table
  • trunk/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php

    r22026 r23191  
    4141        $nonmenu_tabs = apply_filters( 'install_plugins_nonmenu_tabs', $nonmenu_tabs );
    43         // If a non-valid menu tab has been selected, And its not a non-menu action.
     43        // If a non-valid menu tab has been selected, And it's not a non-menu action.
    4444        if ( empty( $tab ) || ( !isset( $tabs[ $tab ] ) && !in_array( $tab, (array) $nonmenu_tabs ) ) )
    4545            $tab = key( $tabs );
  • trunk/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php

    r22019 r23191  
    5252        $nonmenu_tabs = apply_filters( 'install_themes_nonmenu_tabs', $nonmenu_tabs );
    54         // If a non-valid menu tab has been selected, And its not a non-menu action.
     54        // If a non-valid menu tab has been selected, And it's not a non-menu action.
    5555        if ( empty( $tab ) || ( ! isset( $tabs[ $tab ] ) && ! in_array( $tab, (array) $nonmenu_tabs ) ) )
    5656            $tab = key( $tabs );
  • trunk/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php

    r22019 r23191  
    195195        elseif ( count($source_files) == 0 )
    196196            return new WP_Error( 'incompatible_archive', $this->strings['incompatible_archive'], __( 'The plugin contains no files.' ) ); //There are no files?
    197         else //Its only a single file, The upgrader will use the foldername of this file as the destination folder. foldername is based on zip filename.
     197        else //It's only a single file, the upgrader will use the foldername of this file as the destination folder. foldername is based on zip filename.
    198198            $source = trailingslashit($source);
    616616        $this_plugin_dir = trailingslashit( dirname($plugins_dir . $plugin) );
    618         if ( ! $wp_filesystem->exists($this_plugin_dir) ) //If its already vanished.
     618        if ( ! $wp_filesystem->exists($this_plugin_dir) ) //If it's already vanished.
    619619            return $removed;
    621621        // If plugin is in its own directory, recursively delete the directory.
    622         if ( strpos($plugin, '/') && $this_plugin_dir != $plugins_dir ) //base check on if plugin includes directory separator AND that its not the root plugin folder
     622        if ( strpos($plugin, '/') && $this_plugin_dir != $plugins_dir ) //base check on if plugin includes directory separator AND that it's not the root plugin folder
    623623            $deleted = $wp_filesystem->delete($this_plugin_dir, true);
    624624        else
    1600  * Upgrade Skin helper for File uploads. This class handles the upload process and passes it as if its a local file to the Upgrade/Installer functions.
     1600 * Upgrade Skin helper for File uploads. This class handles the upload process and passes it as if it's a local file to the Upgrade/Installer functions.
    16011601 *
    16021602 * @TODO More Detailed docs, for methods as well.
    16161616            wp_die(__('Please select a file'));
    1618         //Handle a newly uploaded file, Else assume its already been uploaded
     1618        //Handle a newly uploaded file, Else assume it's already been uploaded
    16191619        if ( ! empty($_FILES) ) {
    16201620            $overrides = array( 'test_form' => false, 'test_type' => false );
  • trunk/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php

    r22689 r23191  
    261261            $edit .= $this->row_actions( $actions );
    263             // Set up the checkbox ( because the user is editable, otherwise its empty )
     263            // Set up the checkbox ( because the user is editable, otherwise it's empty )
    264264            $checkbox = '<label class="screen-reader-text" for="cb-select-' . $user_object->ID . '">' . sprintf( __( 'Select %s' ), $user_object->user_login ) . '</label>'
    265265                        . "<input type='checkbox' name='users[]' id='user_{$user_object->ID}' class='$role' value='{$user_object->ID}' />";
  • trunk/wp-admin/includes/file.php

    r22800 r23191  
    927927    else if ( !empty($_POST['connection_type']) )
    928928        $credentials['connection_type'] = stripslashes($_POST['connection_type']);
    929     else if ( !isset($credentials['connection_type']) ) //All else fails (And its not defaulted to something else saved), Default to FTP
     929    else if ( !isset($credentials['connection_type']) ) //All else fails (And it's not defaulted to something else saved), Default to FTP
    930930        $credentials['connection_type'] = 'ftp';
  • trunk/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php

    r22393 r23191  
    729729        $this_plugin_dir = trailingslashit( dirname($plugins_dir . $plugin_file) );
    730730        // If plugin is in its own directory, recursively delete the directory.
    731         if ( strpos($plugin_file, '/') && $this_plugin_dir != $plugins_dir ) //base check on if plugin includes directory separator AND that its not the root plugin folder
     731        if ( strpos($plugin_file, '/') && $this_plugin_dir != $plugins_dir ) //base check on if plugin includes directory separator AND that it's not the root plugin folder
    732732            $deleted = $wp_filesystem->delete($this_plugin_dir, true);
    733733        else
  • trunk/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/inc/widgets.php

    r22199 r23191  
    3131     * @param array An array of standard parameters for widgets in this theme
    3232     * @param array An array of settings for this widget instance
    33      * @return void Echoes it's output
     33     * @return void Echoes its output
    3434     **/
    3535    function widget( $args, $instance ) {
  • trunk/wp-includes/class-http.php

    r22118 r23191  
    136136        // If we are streaming to a file but no filename was given drop it in the WP temp dir
    137         // and pick it's name using the basename of the $url
     137        // and pick its name using the basename of the $url
    138138        if ( $r['stream']  && empty( $r['filename'] ) )
    139139            $r['filename'] = get_temp_dir() . basename( $url );
    531531            return !preg_match($wildcard_regex, $check['host']);
    532532        else
    533             return !in_array( $check['host'], $accessible_hosts ); //Inverse logic, If its in the array, then we can't access it.
     533            return !in_array( $check['host'], $accessible_hosts ); //Inverse logic, If it's in the array, then we can't access it.
    535535    }
    556556        $path = ! empty( $url_parts['path'] ) ? $url_parts['path'] : '/';
    558         // If the it's a root-relative path, then great
     558        // If it's a root-relative path, then great
    559559        if ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['path'] ) && '/' == $relative_url_parts['path'][0] ) {
    560560            $path = $relative_url_parts['path'];
  • trunk/wp-includes/comment.php

    r22229 r23191  
    16741674        return false;
    1676     // Now do a GET since we're going to look in the html headers (and we're sure its not a binary file)
     1676    // Now do a GET since we're going to look in the html headers (and we're sure it's not a binary file)
    16771677    $response = wp_remote_get( $url, array( 'timeout' => 2, 'httpversion' => '1.0' ) );
  • trunk/wp-includes/deprecated.php

    r22817 r23191  
    395395 * @param string $before Optional. The html to output before the link.
    396396 * @param string $after Optional. The html to output after the link.
    397  * @param string $between Optional. The html to output between the link/image and it's description. Not used if no image or $show_images is true.
     397 * @param string $between Optional. The html to output between the link/image and its description. Not used if no image or $show_images is true.
    398398 * @param bool $show_images Optional. Whether to show images (if defined).
    399399 * @param string $orderby Optional. The order to output the links. E.g. 'id', 'name', 'url', 'description' or 'rating'. Or maybe owner.
    548548 * @param string $before The html to output before the link
    549549 * @param string $after The html to output after the link
    550  * @param string $between The html to output between the link/image and it's description. Not used if no image or show_images is true
     550 * @param string $between The html to output between the link/image and its description. Not used if no image or show_images is true
    551551 * @param bool $show_images Whether to show images (if defined).
    552552 * @param string $orderby the order to output the links. E.g. 'id', 'name', 'url',
    576576 * @param string $before The html to output before the link
    577577 * @param string $after The html to output after the link
    578  * @param string $between The html to output between the link/image and it's description. Not used if no image or show_images == true
     578 * @param string $between The html to output between the link/image and its description. Not used if no image or show_images == true
    579579 * @param bool $show_images Whether to show images (if defined).
    580580 * @param string $orderby The order to output the links. E.g. 'id', 'name', 'url',
  • trunk/wp-includes/feed-atom-comments.php

    r22431 r23191  
    7676<?php else : // This comment is in reply to another comment
    7777    $parent_comment = get_comment($comment->comment_parent);
    78     // The rel attribute below and the id tag above should be GUIDs, but WP doesn't create them for comments (unlike posts). Either way, its more important that they both use the same system
     78    // The rel attribute below and the id tag above should be GUIDs, but WP doesn't create them for comments (unlike posts). Either way, it's more important that they both use the same system
    8080        <thr:in-reply-to ref="<?php comment_guid($parent_comment) ?>" href="<?php echo get_comment_link($parent_comment) ?>" type="<?php bloginfo_rss('html_type'); ?>" />
  • trunk/wp-includes/js/crop/cropper.css

    r7131 r23191  
    8 /* an extra classname is applied for Opera < 9.0 to fix it's lack of opacity support */
     8/* an extra classname is applied for Opera < 9.0 to fix its lack of opacity support */
    99.imgCrop_wrap.opera8 .imgCrop_overlay,
    1010.imgCrop_wrap.opera8 .imgCrop_clickArea {
  • trunk/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpdialogs/js/popup.js

    r21592 r23191  
    156156    /**
    157157     * Stores the current editor selection for later restoration. This can be useful since some browsers
    158      * looses it's selection if a control element is selected/focused inside the dialogs.
     158     * loses its selection if a control element is selected/focused inside the dialogs.
    159159     *
    160160     * @method storeSelection
    166166    /**
    167167     * Restores any stored selection. This can be useful since some browsers
    168      * looses it's selection if a control element is selected/focused inside the dialogs.
     168     * loses its selection if a control element is selected/focused inside the dialogs.
    169169     *
    170170     * @method restoreSelection
  • trunk/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wplink/editor_plugin_src.js

    r21266 r23191  
    33        /**
    44         * Initializes the plugin, this will be executed after the plugin has been created.
    5          * This call is done before the editor instance has finished it's initialization so use the onInit event
     5         * This call is done before the editor instance has finished its initialization so use the onInit event
    66         * of the editor instance to intercept that event.
    77         *
  • trunk/wp-includes/ms-blogs.php

    r22634 r23191  
    87  * Given a blog's (subdomain or directory) slug, retrieve it's id.
     87 * Given a blog's (subdomain or directory) slug, retrieve its id.
    8888 *
    8989 * @since MU
  • trunk/wp-includes/query.php

    r22718 r23191  
    20802080            $where .= " AND DAYOFMONTH($wpdb->posts.post_date)='" . $q['day'] . "'";
    2082         // If we've got a post_type AND its not "any" post_type.
     2082        // If we've got a post_type AND it's not "any" post_type.
    20832083        if ( !empty($q['post_type']) && 'any' != $q['post_type'] ) {
    20842084            foreach ( (array)$q['post_type'] as $_post_type ) {
  • trunk/wp-includes/rss.php

    r19712 r23191  
    423423        // Flow
    424424        // 1. check cache
    425         // 2. if there is a hit, make sure its fresh
     425        // 2. if there is a hit, make sure it's fresh
    426426        // 3. if cached obj fails freshness check, fetch remote
    427427        // 4. if remote fails, return stale object, or error
  • trunk/wp-includes/theme.php

    r22669 r23191  
    632632function preview_theme_ob_filter_callback( $matches ) {
    633633    if ( strpos($matches[4], 'onclick') !== false )
    634         $matches[4] = preg_replace('#onclick=([\'"]).*?(?<!\\\)\\1#i', '', $matches[4]); //Strip out any onclicks from rest of <a>. (?<!\\\) means to ignore the '" if its escaped by \  to prevent breaking mid-attribute.
     634        $matches[4] = preg_replace('#onclick=([\'"]).*?(?<!\\\)\\1#i', '', $matches[4]); //Strip out any onclicks from rest of <a>. (?<!\\\) means to ignore the '" if it's escaped by \  to prevent breaking mid-attribute.
    635635    if (
    636636        ( false !== strpos($matches[3], '/wp-admin/') )
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