- Timestamp:
- 10/24/2013 08:37:53 PM (11 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/wp-content/themes
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r25907 r25911 5 5 "Project-Id-Version: Twenty Thirteen 1.1\n" 6 6 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wordpress.org/tags/twentythirteen\n" 7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-24 19:42:45+00:00\n"7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-24 20:32:06+00:00\n" 8 8 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 9 9 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 164 164 msgstr "" 165 165 166 #: functions.php:129 166 #. Translators: If there are characters in your language that are not 167 #. * supported by Source Sans Pro, translate this to 'off'. Do not translate 168 #. * into your own language. 169 #: functions.php:128 167 170 msgctxt "Source Sans Pro font: on or off" 168 171 msgid "on" 169 172 msgstr "" 170 173 171 #: functions.php:136 174 #. Translators: If there are characters in your language that are not 175 #. * supported by Bitter, translate this to 'off'. Do not translate into your 176 #. * own language. 177 #: functions.php:134 172 178 msgctxt "Bitter font: on or off" 173 179 msgid "on" 174 180 msgstr "" 175 181 176 #: functions.php:22 2182 #: functions.php:220 177 183 msgid "Page %s" 178 184 msgstr "" 179 185 186 #: functions.php:235 187 msgid "Main Widget Area" 188 msgstr "" 189 180 190 #: functions.php:237 181 msgid "Main Widget Area"182 msgstr ""183 184 #: functions.php:239185 191 msgid "Appears in the footer section of the site." 186 192 msgstr "" 187 193 194 #: functions.php:245 195 msgid "Secondary Widget Area" 196 msgstr "" 197 188 198 #: functions.php:247 189 msgid "Secondary Widget Area"190 msgstr ""191 192 #: functions.php:249193 199 msgid "Appears on posts and pages in the sidebar." 194 200 msgstr "" 195 201 196 #: functions.php:27 4202 #: functions.php:272 197 203 msgid "Posts navigation" 198 204 msgstr "" 199 205 200 #: functions.php:27 8206 #: functions.php:276 201 207 msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> Older posts" 202 208 msgstr "" 203 209 204 #: functions.php:28 2210 #: functions.php:280 205 211 msgid "Newer posts <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" 206 212 msgstr "" 207 213 208 #: functions.php:3 10214 #: functions.php:308 209 215 msgid "Post navigation" 210 216 msgstr "" 211 217 212 #: functions.php:31 3218 #: functions.php:311 213 219 msgctxt "Previous post link" 214 220 msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> %title" 215 221 msgstr "" 216 222 217 #: functions.php:31 4223 #: functions.php:312 218 224 msgctxt "Next post link" 219 225 msgid "%title <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" 220 226 msgstr "" 221 227 222 #: functions.php:33 4228 #: functions.php:332 223 229 msgid "Sticky" 224 230 msgstr "" 225 231 226 232 #. Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma. 227 #: functions.php:3 40 functions.php:346233 #: functions.php:338 functions.php:344 228 234 msgid ", " 229 235 msgstr "" 230 236 231 #: functions.php:35 5237 #: functions.php:353 232 238 msgid "View all posts by %s" 233 239 msgstr "" 234 240 235 #: functions.php:37 5241 #: functions.php:373 236 242 msgctxt "1: post format name. 2: date" 237 243 msgid "%1$s on %2$s" 238 244 msgstr "" 239 245 240 #: functions.php:3 81246 #: functions.php:379 241 247 msgid "Permalink to %s" 242 248 msgstr "" -
r25904 r25911 5 5 "Project-Id-Version: Twenty Twelve 1.3\n" 6 6 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wordpress.org/tags/twentytwelve\n" 7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-24 19:42:44+00:00\n"7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-24 20:32:05+00:00\n" 8 8 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 9 9 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 110 110 #: content-aside.php:26 content-image.php:26 content-link.php:24 111 111 #: content-page.php:24 content-quote.php:23 content-status.php:40 112 #: content.php:48 functions.php:3 51image.php:37112 #: content.php:48 functions.php:349 image.php:37 113 113 msgid "Edit" 114 114 msgstr "" … … 158 158 msgstr "" 159 159 160 #: functions.php:102 160 #. translators: If there are characters in your language that are not supported 161 #. * by Open Sans, translate this to 'off'. Do not translate into your own 162 #. language. 163 #: functions.php:101 161 164 msgctxt "Open Sans font: on or off" 162 165 msgid "on" 163 166 msgstr "" 164 167 165 #: functions.php:109 168 #. translators: To add an additional Open Sans character subset specific to 169 #. your language, 170 #. * translate this to 'greek', 'cyrillic' or 'vietnamese'. Do not translate 171 #. into your own language. 172 #: functions.php:107 166 173 msgctxt "Open Sans font: add new subset (greek, cyrillic, vietnamese)" 167 174 msgid "no-subset" 168 175 msgstr "" 169 176 170 #: functions.php:21 7177 #: functions.php:215 171 178 msgid "Page %s" 172 179 msgstr "" 173 180 181 #: functions.php:244 182 msgid "Main Sidebar" 183 msgstr "" 184 174 185 #: functions.php:246 175 msgid "Main Sidebar"176 msgstr ""177 178 #: functions.php:248179 186 msgid "" 180 187 "Appears on posts and pages except the optional Front Page template, which " … … 182 189 msgstr "" 183 190 184 #: functions.php:25 6191 #: functions.php:254 185 192 msgid "First Front Page Widget Area" 186 193 msgstr "" 187 194 188 #: functions.php:25 8 functions.php:268195 #: functions.php:256 functions.php:266 189 196 msgid "" 190 197 "Appears when using the optional Front Page template with a page set as " … … 192 199 msgstr "" 193 200 194 #: functions.php:26 6201 #: functions.php:264 195 202 msgid "Second Front Page Widget Area" 196 203 msgstr "" 197 204 198 #: functions.php:2 90single.php:20205 #: functions.php:288 single.php:20 199 206 msgid "Post navigation" 200 207 msgstr "" 201 208 202 #: functions.php:2 91209 #: functions.php:289 203 210 msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">←</span> Older posts" 204 211 msgstr "" 205 212 206 #: functions.php:29 2213 #: functions.php:290 207 214 msgid "Newer posts <span class=\"meta-nav\">→</span>" 208 215 msgstr "" 209 216 210 #: functions.php:31 9217 #: functions.php:317 211 218 msgid "Pingback:" 212 219 msgstr "" 213 220 214 #: functions.php:31 9221 #: functions.php:317 215 222 msgid "(Edit)" 216 223 msgstr "" 217 224 218 #: functions.php:33 4225 #: functions.php:332 219 226 msgid "Post author" 220 227 msgstr "" 221 228 222 229 #. translators: 1: date, 2: time 223 #: functions.php:3 40230 #: functions.php:338 224 231 msgid "%1$s at %2$s" 225 232 msgstr "" 226 233 227 #: functions.php:34 6234 #: functions.php:344 228 235 msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." 229 236 msgstr "" 230 237 231 #: functions.php:35 5238 #: functions.php:353 232 239 msgid "Reply" 233 240 msgstr "" 234 241 235 242 #. Translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma. 236 #: functions.php:37 8 functions.php:381243 #: functions.php:376 functions.php:379 237 244 msgid ", " 238 245 msgstr "" 239 246 240 #: functions.php:39 2247 #: functions.php:390 241 248 msgid "View all posts by %s" 242 249 msgstr "" … … 244 251 #. Translators: 1 is category, 2 is tag, 3 is the date and 4 is the author's 245 252 #. name. 246 #: functions.php:39 8253 #: functions.php:396 247 254 msgid "" 248 255 "This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s on %3$s<span class=\"by-author" … … 250 257 msgstr "" 251 258 252 #: functions.php: 400259 #: functions.php:398 253 260 msgid "" 254 261 "This entry was posted in %1$s on %3$s<span class=\"by-author\"> by %4$s</" … … 256 263 msgstr "" 257 264 258 #: functions.php:40 2265 #: functions.php:400 259 266 msgid "This entry was posted on %3$s<span class=\"by-author\"> by %4$s</span>." 260 267 msgstr ""
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