Changeset 30212
- Timestamp:
- 11/03/2014 07:01:53 PM (10 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r30046 r30212 74 74 * YouTube 75 75 76 Social networks that aren't currently supported will be indicated by a circular icon with a diagonal line through the center. 77 76 78 = How do I add a description for my menu link in navigation? = 77 79 -
r30208 r30212 769 769 770 770 .social-navigation a:before { 771 content: "\f446"; 771 772 font-size: 24px; 773 opacity: 0.3; 772 774 position: absolute; 773 775 top: 0; … … 777 779 .social-navigation a[href$="/feed/"]:before { 778 780 content: "\f413"; 781 opacity: 1; 779 782 } 780 783 781 784 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 782 785 content: "\f216"; 786 opacity: 1; 783 787 } 784 788 785 789 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 786 790 content: "\f221"; 791 opacity: 1; 787 792 } 788 793 789 794 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 790 795 content: "\f201"; 796 opacity: 1; 791 797 } 792 798 793 799 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 794 800 content: "\f225"; 801 opacity: 1; 795 802 } 796 803 797 804 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 798 805 content: "\f203"; 806 opacity: 1; 799 807 } 800 808 801 809 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 802 810 content: "\f211"; 811 opacity: 1; 803 812 } 804 813 805 814 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 806 815 content: "\f226"; 816 opacity: 1; 807 817 } 808 818 809 819 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 810 820 content: "\f206"; 821 opacity: 1; 811 822 } 812 823 813 824 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 814 825 content: "\f200"; 826 opacity: 1; 815 827 } 816 828 817 829 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 818 830 content: "\f215"; 831 opacity: 1; 819 832 } 820 833 821 834 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 822 835 content: "\f208"; 836 opacity: 1; 823 837 } 824 838 825 839 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 826 840 content: "\f210"; 841 opacity: 1; 827 842 } 828 843 829 844 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 830 845 content: "\f224"; 846 opacity: 1; 831 847 } 832 848 833 849 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 834 850 content: "\f217"; 851 opacity: 1; 835 852 } 836 853 837 854 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 838 855 content: "\f222"; 856 opacity: 1; 839 857 } 840 858 841 859 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 842 860 content: "\f223"; 861 opacity: 1; 843 862 } 844 863 845 864 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 846 865 content: "\f214"; 866 opacity: 1; 847 867 } 848 868 849 869 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 850 870 content: "\f202"; 871 opacity: 1; 851 872 } 852 873 853 874 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 854 875 content: "\f212"; 876 opacity: 1; 855 877 } 856 878 … … 858 880 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 859 881 content: "\f205"; 882 opacity: 1; 860 883 } 861 884 862 885 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 863 886 content: "\f213"; 887 opacity: 1; 864 888 } 865 889 866 890 .social-navigation a[href*="mailto:"]:before { 867 891 content: "\f410"; 892 opacity: 1; 868 893 } 869 894 870 895 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 871 896 content: "\f515"; 897 opacity: 1; 872 898 } 873 899 874 900 .social-navigation a[href*=""]:before { 875 901 content: "\f516"; 902 opacity: 1; 876 903 } 877 904
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