Make WordPress Core

Changeset 34292

09/18/2015 06:17:26 PM (9 years ago)

Network Setup: don't use <code> in translation strings in wp-admin/network files.

Props ramiy.
Fixes #31840.

2 edited


  • trunk/src/wp-admin/includes/network.php

    r34213 r34292  
    121121    if ( ( false !== $has_ports && ! in_array( $has_ports, array( ':80', ':443' ) ) ) ) {
    122122        echo '<div class="error"><p><strong>' . __( 'ERROR:') . '</strong> ' . __( 'You cannot install a network of sites with your server address.' ) . '</p></div>';
    123         echo '<p>' . sprintf( __( 'You cannot use port numbers such as <code>%s</code>.' ), $has_ports ) . '</p>';
     123        echo '<p>' . sprintf( __( 'You cannot use port numbers such as %s.' ), '<code>' . $has_ports . '</code>' ) . '</p>';
    124124        echo '<a href="' . esc_url( admin_url() ) . '">' . __( 'Return to Dashboard' ) . '</a>';
    125125        echo '</div>';
    198198        ?>
    199199        <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Server Address' ); ?></h3>
    200         <p><?php printf( __( 'We recommend you change your siteurl to <code>%1$s</code> before enabling the network feature. It will still be possible to visit your site using the <code>www</code> prefix with an address like <code>%2$s</code> but any links will not have the <code>www</code> prefix.' ), substr( $hostname, 4 ), $hostname ); ?></p>
     200        <p><?php printf(
     201            /* translators: 1: site url 2: host name 3. www */
     202            __( 'We recommend you change your siteurl to %1$s before enabling the network feature. It will still be possible to visit your site using the %3$s prefix with an address like %2$s but any links will not have the %3$s prefix.' ),
     203            '<code>' . substr( $hostname, 4 ) . '</code>',
     204            '<code>' . $hostname . '</code>',
     205            '<code>www</code>'
     206        ); ?></p>
    201207        <table class="form-table">
    202208            <tr>
    203209                <th scope='row'><?php esc_html_e( 'Server Address' ); ?></th>
    204210                <td>
    205                     <?php printf( __( 'The internet address of your network will be <code>%s</code>.' ), $hostname ); ?>
     211                    <?php printf(
     212                        /* translators: host name */
     213                        __( 'The internet address of your network will be %s.' ),
     214                        '<code>' . $hostname . '</code>'
     215                    ); ?>
    206216                </td>
    207217            </tr>
    243253                <th scope='row'><?php esc_html_e( 'Server Address' ); ?></th>
    244254                <td>
    245                     <?php printf( __( 'The internet address of your network will be <code>%s</code>.' ), $hostname ); ?>
     255                    <?php printf(
     256                        /* translators: host name */
     257                        __( 'The internet address of your network will be %s.' ),
     258                        '<code>' . $hostname . '</code>'
     259                    ); ?>
    246260                </td>
    247261            </tr>
    332346        <p><?php _e( 'Complete the following steps to enable the features for creating a network of sites.' ); ?></p>
    333347        <div class="updated inline"><p><?php
    334             if ( file_exists( $home_path . '.htaccess' ) )
    335                 printf( __( '<strong>Caution:</strong> We recommend you back up your existing <code>wp-config.php</code> and <code>%s</code> files.' ), '.htaccess' );
    336             elseif ( file_exists( $home_path . 'web.config' ) )
    337                 printf( __( '<strong>Caution:</strong> We recommend you back up your existing <code>wp-config.php</code> and <code>%s</code> files.' ), 'web.config' );
    338             else
    339                 _e( '<strong>Caution:</strong> We recommend you back up your existing <code>wp-config.php</code> file.' );
     348            if ( file_exists( $home_path . '.htaccess' ) ) {
     349                printf(
     350                    /* translators: 1: wp-config.php 2: .htaccess */
     351                    __( '<strong>Caution:</strong> We recommend you back up your existing %1$s and %2$s files.' ),
     352                    '<code>wp-config.php</code>',
     353                    '<code>.htaccess</code>'
     354                );
     355            } elseif ( file_exists( $home_path . 'web.config' ) ) {
     356                printf(
     357                    /* translators: 1: wp-config.php 2: web.config */
     358                    __( '<strong>Caution:</strong> We recommend you back up your existing %1$s and %2$s files.' ),
     359                    '<code>wp-config.php</code>',
     360                    '<code>web.config</code>'
     361                );
     362            } else {
     363                printf(
     364                    /* translators: 1: wp-config.php */
     365                    __( '<strong>Caution:</strong> We recommend you back up your existing %s file.' ),
     366                    '<code>wp-config.php</code>'
     367                );
     368            }
    340369        ?></p></div>
    344373        <ol>
    345             <li><p><?php printf( __( 'Add the following to your <code>wp-config.php</code> file in <code>%s</code> <strong>above</strong> the line reading <code>/* That&#8217;s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */</code>:' ), $location_of_wp_config ); ?></p>
     374            <li><p><?php printf(
     375                /* translators: 1: wp-config.php 2: location of wp-config file */
     376                __( 'Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s <strong>above</strong> the line reading <code>/* That&#8217;s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */</code>:' ),
     377                '<code>wp-config.php</code>',
     378                '<code>' . $location_of_wp_config . '</code>'
     379            ); ?></p>
    346380                <textarea class="code" readonly="readonly" cols="100" rows="7">
    347381define('MULTISITE', true);
    377411        <?php
    378412            if ( 1 == $num_keys_salts ) {
    379                 _e( 'This unique authentication key is also missing from your <code>wp-config.php</code> file.' );
     413                printf(
     414                    /* translators: 1: wp-config.php */
     415                    __( 'This unique authentication key is also missing from your %s file.' ),
     416                    '<code>wp-config.php</code>'
     417                );
    380418            } else {
    381                 _e( 'These unique authentication keys are also missing from your <code>wp-config.php</code> file.' );
     419                printf(
     420                    /* translators: 1: wp-config.php */
     421                    __( 'These unique authentication keys are also missing from your %s file.' ),
     422                    '<code>wp-config.php</code>'
     423                );
    382424            }
    383425        ?>
    445487        echo '<li><p>';
    446         /* translators: 1: a filename like .htaccess. 2: a file path. */
    447         printf( __( 'Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s, <strong>replacing</strong> other WordPress rules:' ),
    448             '<code>web.config</code>', '<code>' . $home_path . '</code>' );
     488        printf(
     489            /* translators: 1: a filename like .htaccess. 2: a file path. */
     490            __( 'Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s, <strong>replacing</strong> other WordPress rules:' ),
     491            '<code>web.config</code>',
     492            '<code>' . $home_path . '</code>'
     493        );
    449494        echo '</p>';
    450495        if ( ! $subdomain_install && WP_CONTENT_DIR != ABSPATH . 'wp-content' )
    482527        echo '<li><p>';
    483         /* translators: 1: a filename like .htaccess. 2: a file path. */
    484         printf( __( 'Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s, <strong>replacing</strong> other WordPress rules:' ),
    485             '<code>.htaccess</code>', '<code>' . $home_path . '</code>' );
     528        printf(
     529            /* translators: 1: a filename like .htaccess. 2: a file path. */
     530            __( 'Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s, <strong>replacing</strong> other WordPress rules:' ),
     531            '<code>.htaccess</code>',
     532            '<code>' . $home_path . '</code>'
     533        );
    486534        echo '</p>';
    487535        if ( ! $subdomain_install && WP_CONTENT_DIR != ABSPATH . 'wp-content' )
  • trunk/src/wp-admin/network.php

    r34023 r34292  
    4040if ( ! network_domain_check() && ( ! defined( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE' ) || ! WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE ) ) {
    41     wp_die( __( 'You must define the <code>WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE</code> constant as true in your wp-config.php file to allow creation of a Network.' ) );
     41    wp_die(
     42        printf(
     43            /* translators: 1: WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE 2: wp-config.php */
     44            __( 'You must define the %1$s constant as true in your %2$s file to allow creation of a Network.' ),
     45            '<code>WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE</code>',
     46            '<code>wp-config.php</code>'
     47        )
     48    );
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