Changeset 38028
- Timestamp:
- 07/10/2016 12:50:21 AM (9 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src
- Files:
- 15 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r37741 r38028 1 1 <?php 2 2 /** 3 * WordPress A JAX Process Execution.3 * WordPress Ajax Process Execution 4 4 * 5 5 * @package WordPress … … 10 10 11 11 /** 12 * Executing A JAXprocess.12 * Executing Ajax process. 13 13 * 14 14 * @since 2.1.0 … … 82 82 if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { 83 83 /** 84 * Fires authenticated A JAXactions for logged-in users.84 * Fires authenticated Ajax actions for logged-in users. 85 85 * 86 86 * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$_REQUEST['action']`, 87 * refers to the name of the A JAXaction callback being fired.87 * refers to the name of the Ajax action callback being fired. 88 88 * 89 89 * @since 2.1.0 … … 92 92 } else { 93 93 /** 94 * Fires non-authenticated A JAXactions for logged-out users.94 * Fires non-authenticated Ajax actions for logged-out users. 95 95 * 96 96 * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$_REQUEST['action']`, 97 * refers to the name of the A JAXaction callback being fired.97 * refers to the name of the Ajax action callback being fired. 98 98 * 99 99 * @since 2.8.0 -
r34566 r38028 411 411 412 412 /** 413 * A JAXhandler for adding custom background context to an attachment.413 * Ajax handler for adding custom background context to an attachment. 414 414 * 415 415 * Triggered when the user adds a new background image from the -
r38022 r38028 33 33 34 34 /** 35 * Filters Heartbeat A JAXresponse in no-privilege environments.35 * Filters Heartbeat Ajax response in no-privilege environments. 36 36 * 37 37 * @since 3.6.0 … … 45 45 46 46 /** 47 * Filters Heartbeat A JAXresponse when no data is passed.47 * Filters Heartbeat Ajax response when no data is passed. 48 48 * 49 49 * @since 3.6.0 … … 133 133 134 134 /** 135 * Filters the minimum number of characters required to fire a tag search via A JAX.135 * Filters the minimum number of characters required to fire a tag search via Ajax. 136 136 * 137 137 * @since 4.0.0 … … 336 336 * Sends back current comment total and new page links if they need to be updated. 337 337 * 338 * Contrary to normal success A JAXresponse ("1"), die with time() on success.338 * Contrary to normal success Ajax response ("1"), die with time() on success. 339 339 * 340 340 * @access private … … 2165 2165 2166 2166 /** 2167 * A JAXhandler for setting the featured image for an attachment.2167 * Ajax handler for setting the featured image for an attachment. 2168 2168 * 2169 2169 * @since 4.0.0 … … 2392 2392 2393 2393 /** 2394 * Filters the arguments passed to WP_Query during an A JAX2394 * Filters the arguments passed to WP_Query during an Ajax 2395 2395 * call for querying attachments. 2396 2396 * … … 2909 2909 2910 2910 /** 2911 * Apply [embed] A JAXhandlers to a string.2911 * Apply [embed] Ajax handlers to a string. 2912 2912 * 2913 2913 * @since 4.0.0 … … 3070 3070 3071 3071 /** 3072 * A JAXhandler for destroying multiple open sessions for a user.3072 * Ajax handler for destroying multiple open sessions for a user. 3073 3073 * 3074 3074 * @since 4.1.0 … … 3105 3105 3106 3106 /** 3107 * A JAXhandler for saving a post from Press This.3107 * Ajax handler for saving a post from Press This. 3108 3108 * 3109 3109 * @since 4.2.0 … … 3120 3120 3121 3121 /** 3122 * A JAXhandler for creating new category from Press This.3122 * Ajax handler for creating new category from Press This. 3123 3123 * 3124 3124 * @since 4.2.0 … … 3135 3135 3136 3136 /** 3137 * A JAXhandler for cropping an image.3137 * Ajax handler for cropping an image. 3138 3138 * 3139 3139 * @since 4.3.0 … … 3279 3279 3280 3280 /** 3281 * A JAXhandler for installing a theme.3281 * Ajax handler for installing a theme. 3282 3282 * 3283 3283 * @since 4.6.0 … … 3375 3375 3376 3376 /** 3377 * A JAXhandler for updating a theme.3377 * Ajax handler for updating a theme. 3378 3378 * 3379 3379 * @since 4.6.0 … … 3456 3456 3457 3457 /** 3458 * A JAXhandler for deleting a theme.3458 * Ajax handler for deleting a theme. 3459 3459 * 3460 3460 * @since 4.6.0 … … 3523 3523 3524 3524 /** 3525 * A JAXhandler for installing a plugin.3525 * Ajax handler for installing a plugin. 3526 3526 * 3527 3527 * @since 4.6.0 … … 3609 3609 3610 3610 /** 3611 * A JAXhandler for updating a plugin.3611 * Ajax handler for updating a plugin. 3612 3612 * 3613 3613 * @since 4.2.0 … … 3711 3711 3712 3712 /** 3713 * A JAXhandler for deleting a plugin.3713 * Ajax handler for deleting a plugin. 3714 3714 * 3715 3715 * @since 4.6.0 … … 3776 3776 3777 3777 /** 3778 * A JAXhandler for searching plugins.3778 * Ajax handler for searching plugins. 3779 3779 * 3780 3780 * @since 4.6.0 … … 3817 3817 3818 3818 /** 3819 * A JAXhandler for searching plugins to install.3819 * Ajax handler for searching plugins to install. 3820 3820 * 3821 3821 * @since 4.6.0 … … 3855 3855 3856 3856 /** 3857 * A JAXhandler for testing if a URL exists.3857 * Ajax handler for testing if a URL exists. 3858 3858 * 3859 3859 * Used in the editor. -
r37912 r38028 124 124 * @type string $singular Singular label for an object being listed, e.g. 'post'. 125 125 * Default empty 126 * @type bool $ajax Whether the list table supports A JAX. This includes loading126 * @type bool $ajax Whether the list table supports Ajax. This includes loading 127 127 * and sorting data, for example. If true, the class will call 128 128 * the _js_vars() method in the footer to provide variables 129 * to any scripts handling A JAXevents. Default false.129 * to any scripts handling Ajax events. Default false. 130 130 * @type string $screen String containing the hook name used to determine the current 131 131 * screen. If left null, the current screen will be automatically set. -
r37537 r38028 97 97 98 98 /** 99 * A JAXhandler for saving the post as draft or published.99 * Ajax handler for saving the post as draft or published. 100 100 * 101 101 * @since 4.2.0 … … 190 190 191 191 /** 192 * A JAXhandler for adding a new category.192 * Ajax handler for adding a new category. 193 193 * 194 194 * @since 4.2.0 -
r37297 r38028 43 43 */ 44 44 public function ajax_user_can() { 45 // Do not check edit_theme_options here. A JAXcalls for available themes require switch_themes.45 // Do not check edit_theme_options here. Ajax calls for available themes require switch_themes. 46 46 return current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ); 47 47 } -
r37972 r38028 956 956 * widget options of $widget_id. If cached, call $callback, a function that 957 957 * echoes out output for this widget. If not cache, echo a "Loading..." stub 958 * which is later replaced by A JAXcall (see top of /wp-admin/index.php)958 * which is later replaced by Ajax call (see top of /wp-admin/index.php) 959 959 * 960 960 * @since 2.5.0 -
r37985 r38028 204 204 foreach ( (array) $terms as $term ) { 205 205 $popular_ids[] = $term->term_id; 206 if ( !$echo ) // hack for AJAX use206 if ( !$echo ) // Hack for Ajax use. 207 207 continue; 208 208 $id = "popular-$taxonomy-$term->term_id"; -
r29206 r38028 4 4 * 5 5 * This page is accessed by the link management pages and handles the forms and 6 * A JAXprocesses for link actions.6 * Ajax processes for link actions. 7 7 * 8 8 * @package WordPress -
r37487 r38028 1 1 <?php 2 2 /** 3 * Send XML response back to A JAXrequest.3 * Send XML response back to Ajax request. 4 4 * 5 5 * @package WordPress -
r37985 r38028 306 306 307 307 /** 308 * Return true if it's an A JAXrequest.308 * Return true if it's an Ajax request. 309 309 * 310 310 * @since 3.4.0 … … 312 312 * @access public 313 313 * 314 * @param string|null $action Whether the supplied A JAXaction is being run.315 * @return bool True if it's an A JAXrequest, false otherwise.314 * @param string|null $action Whether the supplied Ajax action is being run. 315 * @return bool True if it's an Ajax request, false otherwise. 316 316 */ 317 317 public function doing_ajax( $action = null ) { … … 334 334 /** 335 335 * Custom wp_die wrapper. Returns either the standard message for UI 336 * or the A JAXmessage.337 * 338 * @since 3.4.0 339 * 340 * @param mixed $ajax_message A JAXreturn336 * or the Ajax message. 337 * 338 * @since 3.4.0 339 * 340 * @param mixed $ajax_message Ajax return 341 341 * @param mixed $message UI message 342 342 */ … … 354 354 355 355 /** 356 * Return the A JAXwp_die() handler if it's a customized request.356 * Return the Ajax wp_die() handler if it's a customized request. 357 357 * 358 358 * @since 3.4.0 … … 610 610 611 611 /** 612 * Prevents A JAXrequests from following redirects when previewing a theme612 * Prevents Ajax requests from following redirects when previewing a theme 613 613 * by issuing a 200 response instead of a 30x. 614 614 * … … 763 763 /** 764 764 * Prevent sending a 404 status when returning the response for the customize 765 * preview, since it causes the jQuery A JAXto fail. Send 200 instead.765 * preview, since it causes the jQuery Ajax to fail. Send 200 instead. 766 766 * 767 767 * @since 4.0.0 … … 1143 1143 1144 1144 /** 1145 * Filters response data for a successful customize_save A JAXrequest.1145 * Filters response data for a successful customize_save Ajax request. 1146 1146 * 1147 1147 * This filter does not apply if there was a nonce or authentication failure. -
r37627 r38028 39 39 add_filter( 'the_content', array( $this, 'autoembed' ), 8 ); 40 40 41 // After a post is saved, cache oEmbed items via A JAX41 // After a post is saved, cache oEmbed items via Ajax 42 42 add_action( 'edit_form_advanced', array( $this, 'maybe_run_ajax_cache' ) ); 43 43 add_action( 'edit_page_form', array( $this, 'maybe_run_ajax_cache' ) ); … … 76 76 /** 77 77 * If a post/page was saved, then output JavaScript to make 78 * an A JAXrequest that will call WP_Embed::cache_oembed().78 * an Ajax request that will call WP_Embed::cache_oembed(). 79 79 */ 80 80 public function maybe_run_ajax_cache() { -
r38015 r38028 2570 2570 if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) { 2571 2571 /** 2572 * Filters callback for killing WordPress execution for AJAXrequests.2572 * Filters the callback for killing WordPress execution for Ajax requests. 2573 2573 * 2574 2574 * @since 3.4.0 … … 2579 2579 } elseif ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) && XMLRPC_REQUEST ) { 2580 2580 /** 2581 * Filters callback for killing WordPress execution for XML-RPC requests.2581 * Filters the callback for killing WordPress execution for XML-RPC requests. 2582 2582 * 2583 2583 * @since 3.4.0 … … 2588 2588 } else { 2589 2589 /** 2590 * Filters callback for killing WordPress execution for all non-AJAX, non-XML-RPC requests.2590 * Filters the callback for killing WordPress execution for all non-Ajax, non-XML-RPC requests. 2591 2591 * 2592 2592 * @since 3.0.0 -
r37985 r38028 611 611 $expired = $expiration = $cookie_elements['expiration']; 612 612 613 // Allow a grace period for POST and A JAXrequests613 // Allow a grace period for POST and Ajax requests 614 614 if ( defined('DOING_AJAX') || 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) { 615 615 $expired += HOUR_IN_SECONDS; … … 668 668 } 669 669 670 // A JAX/POST grace period set above670 // Ajax/POST grace period set above 671 671 if ( $expiration < time() ) { 672 672 $GLOBALS['login_grace_period'] = 1; … … 1076 1076 if ( !function_exists('check_ajax_referer') ) : 1077 1077 /** 1078 * Verifies the A JAXrequest to prevent processing requests external of the blog.1078 * Verifies the Ajax request to prevent processing requests external of the blog. 1079 1079 * 1080 1080 * @since 2.0.3 … … 1102 1102 1103 1103 /** 1104 * Fires once the A JAXrequest has been validated or not.1104 * Fires once the Ajax request has been validated or not. 1105 1105 * 1106 1106 * @since 2.1.0 1107 1107 * 1108 * @param string $action The A JAXnonce action.1108 * @param string $action The Ajax nonce action. 1109 1109 * @param false|int $result False if the nonce is invalid, 1 if the nonce is valid and generated between 1110 1110 * 0-12 hours ago, 2 if the nonce is valid and generated between 12-24 hours ago. -
r38021 r38028 425 425 * This hook is fired once WP, all plugins, and the theme are fully loaded and instantiated. 426 426 * 427 * A JAXrequests should use wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. admin-ajax.php can handle requests for427 * Ajax requests should use wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. admin-ajax.php can handle requests for 428 428 * users not logged in. 429 429 *
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