Make WordPress Core

10/20/2016 02:54:12 AM (8 years ago)

REST API: Introduce the Content API endpoints.

REST API endpoints for your WordPress content. These endpoints provide machine-readable external access to your WordPress site with a clear, standards-driven interface, allowing new and innovative apps for interacting with your site. These endpoints support all of the following:

  • Posts: Read and write access to all post data, for all types of post-based data, including pages and media.
  • Comments: Read and write access to all comment data. This includes pingbacks and trackbacks.
  • Terms: Read and write access to all term data.
  • Users: Read and write access to all user data. This includes public access to some data for post authors.
  • Meta: Read and write access to metadata for posts, comments, terms, and users, on an opt-in basis from plugins.
  • Settings: Read and write access to settings, on an opt-in basis from plugins and core. This enables API management of key site content values that are technically stored in options, such as site title and byline.

Love your REST API, WordPress! The infrastructure says, "Let's do lunch!" but the content API endpoints say, "You're paying!"

Props rmccue, rachelbaker, danielbachhuber, joehoyle, adamsilverstein, afurculita, ahmadawais, airesvsg, alisspers, antisilent, apokalyptik, artoliukkonen, attitude, boonebgorges, bradyvercher, brianhogg, caseypatrickdriscoll, chopinbach, chredd, christianesperar, chrisvanpatten, claudiolabarbera, claudiosmweb, cmmarslender, codebykat, coderkevin, codfish, codonnell822, daggerhart, danielpunkass, davidbhayes, delphinus, desrosj, dimadin, dotancohen, DrewAPicture, Dudo1985, duncanjbrown, eherman24, eivhyl, eliorivero, elyobo, en-alis, ericandrewlewis, ericpedia, evansobkowicz, fjarrett, frozzare, georgestephanis, greatislander, guavaworks, hideokamoto, hkdobrev, hubdotcom, hurtige, iandunn, ircrash, ironpaperweight, iseulde, Japh, jaredcobb, JDGrimes, jdolan, jdoubleu, jeremyfelt, jimt, jjeaton, jmusal, jnylen0, johanmynhardt, johnbillion, jonathanbardo, jorbin, joshkadis, JPry, jshreve, jtsternberg, JustinSainton, kacperszurek, kadamwhite, kalenjohnson, kellbot, kjbenk, kokarn, krogsgard, kuchenundkakao, kuldipem, kwight, lgedeon, lukepettway, mantismamita, markoheijnen, matrixik, mattheu, mauteri, maxcutler, mayukojpn, michael-arestad, miyauchi, mjbanks, modemlooper, mrbobbybryant, NateWr, nathanrice, netweb, NikV, nullvariable, oskosk, oso96_2000, oxymoron, pcfreak30, pento, peterwilsoncc, Pezzab, phh, pippinsplugins, pjgalbraith, pkevan, pollyplummer, pushred, quasel, QWp6t, schlessera, schrapel, Shelob9, shprink, simonlampen, Soean, solal, tapsboy, tfrommen, tharsheblows, thenbrent, tierra, tlovett1, tnegri, tobych, Toddses, toro_unit, traversal, vanillalounge, vishalkakadiya, wanecek, web2style, webbgaraget, websupporter, westonruter, whyisjake, wonderboymusic, wpsmith, xknown, zyphonic.
Fixes #38373.

1 edited


  • trunk/tests/phpunit/includes/bootstrap.php

    r38454 r38832  
    4040define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', -1 );
    4141define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', -1 );
     43define( 'REST_TESTS_IMPOSSIBLY_HIGH_NUMBER', 99999999 );
    4345$PHP_SELF = $GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/index.php';
    8991require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/testcase.php';
    9092require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/testcase-rest-api.php';
     93require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/testcase-rest-controller.php';
     94require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/testcase-rest-post-type-controller.php';
    9195require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/testcase-xmlrpc.php';
    9296require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/testcase-ajax.php';
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