Make WordPress Core

02/17/2017 02:22:40 AM (8 years ago)

I18N: Remove <code> tags from translatable strings in wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-custom-css-setting.php.

Fixes #39898.

1 edited


  • trunk/src/wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-custom-css-setting.php

    r39559 r40067  
    176176        // Make sure that there is a closing brace for each opening brace.
    177177        if ( ! $this->validate_balanced_characters( '{', '}', $css ) ) {
    178             $validity->add( 'imbalanced_curly_brackets', __( 'Your curly brackets <code>{}</code> are imbalanced. Make sure there is a closing <code>}</code> for every opening <code>{</code>.' ) );
     178            $validity->add( 'imbalanced_curly_brackets', sprintf(
     179                /* translators: 1: {}, 2: }, 3: { */
     180                __( 'Your curly brackets %1$s are imbalanced. Make sure there is a closing %2$s for every opening %3$s.' ),
     181                '<code>{}</code>',
     182                '<code>}</code>',
     183                '<code>{</code>'
     184            ) );
    179185            $imbalanced = true;
    180186        }
    182188        // Ensure brackets are balanced.
    183189        if ( ! $this->validate_balanced_characters( '[', ']', $css ) ) {
    184             $validity->add( 'imbalanced_braces', __( 'Your brackets <code>[]</code> are imbalanced. Make sure there is a closing <code>]</code> for every opening <code>[</code>.' ) );
     190            $validity->add( 'imbalanced_braces', sprintf(
     191                /* translators: 1: [], 2: ], 3: [ */
     192                __( 'Your brackets %1$s are imbalanced. Make sure there is a closing %2$s for every opening %3$s.' ),
     193                '<code>[]</code>',
     194                '<code>]</code>',
     195                '<code>[</code>'
     196            ) );
    185197            $imbalanced = true;
    186198        }
    188200        // Ensure parentheses are balanced.
    189201        if ( ! $this->validate_balanced_characters( '(', ')', $css ) ) {
    190             $validity->add( 'imbalanced_parentheses', __( 'Your parentheses <code>()</code> are imbalanced. Make sure there is a closing <code>)</code> for every opening <code>(</code>.' ) );
     202            $validity->add( 'imbalanced_parentheses', sprintf(
     203                /* translators: 1: (), 2: ), 3: ( */
     204                __( 'Your parentheses %1$s are imbalanced. Make sure there is a closing %2$s for every opening %3$s.' ),
     205                '<code>()</code>',
     206                '<code>)</code>',
     207                '<code>(</code>'
     208            ) );
    191209            $imbalanced = true;
    192210        }
    194212        // Ensure double quotes are equal.
    195213        if ( ! $this->validate_equal_characters( '"', $css ) ) {
    196             $validity->add( 'unequal_double_quotes', __( 'Your double quotes <code>"</code> are uneven. Make sure there is a closing <code>"</code> for every opening <code>"</code>.' ) );
     214            $validity->add( 'unequal_double_quotes', sprintf(
     215                /* translators: %s: " */
     216                __( 'Your double quotes %s are uneven. Make sure there is a closing %s for every opening %s.' ),
     217                '<code>"</code>'
     218            ) );
    197219            $imbalanced = true;
    198220        }
    210232        $unclosed_comment_count = $this->validate_count_unclosed_comments( $css );
    211233        if ( 0 < $unclosed_comment_count ) {
    212             $validity->add( 'unclosed_comment', sprintf( _n( 'There is %s unclosed code comment. Close each comment with <code>*/</code>.', 'There are %s unclosed code comments. Close each comment with <code>*/</code>.', $unclosed_comment_count ), $unclosed_comment_count ) );
     234            $validity->add( 'unclosed_comment', sprintf(
     235                /* translators: 1: number of unclosed comments, 2: *​/ */
     236                _n(
     237                    'There is %1$s unclosed code comment. Close each comment with %2$s.',
     238                    'There are %1$s unclosed code comments. Close each comment with %2$s.',
     239                    $unclosed_comment_count
     240                ),
     241                $unclosed_comment_count,
     242                '<code>*/</code>'
     243            ) );
    213244            $imbalanced = true;
    214245        } elseif ( ! $this->validate_balanced_characters( '/*', '*/', $css ) ) {
    215             $validity->add( 'imbalanced_comments', __( 'There is an extra <code>*/</code>, indicating an end to a comment.  Be sure that there is an opening <code>/*</code> for every closing <code>*/</code>.' ) );
     246            $validity->add( 'imbalanced_comments', sprintf(
     247                /* translators: 1: *​/, 2: /​* */
     248                __( 'There is an extra %1$s, indicating an end to a comment. Be sure that there is an opening %2$s for every closing %1$s.' ),
     249                '<code>*/</code>',
     250                '<code>/*</code>'
     251            ) );
    216252            $imbalanced = true;
    217253        }
    218254        if ( $imbalanced && $this->is_possible_content_error( $css ) ) {
    219             $validity->add( 'possible_false_positive', __( 'Imbalanced/unclosed character errors can be caused by <code>content: "";</code> declarations. You may need to remove this or add it to a custom CSS file.' ) );
     255            $validity->add( 'possible_false_positive', sprintf(
     256                /* translators: %s: content: ""; */
     257                __( 'Imbalanced/unclosed character errors can be caused by %s declarations. You may need to remove this or add it to a custom CSS file.' ),
     258                '<code>content: "";</code>'
     259            ) );
    220260        }
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