Make WordPress Core

10/18/2017 07:49:17 PM (7 years ago)

I18N: Combine two "Warning" strings in network_step1() and network_step2().

Props ramiy.
Fixes #38570.

1 edited


  • trunk/src/wp-admin/includes/network.php

    r41289 r41921  
    104104    if ( defined('DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES') ) {
    105         echo '<div class="error"><p><strong>' . __('ERROR:') . '</strong> ' . __( 'The constant DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES cannot be defined when creating a network.' ) . '</p></div>';
     105        echo '<div class="error"><p><strong>' . __( 'ERROR:' ) . '</strong> ' . __( 'The constant DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES cannot be defined when creating a network.' ) . '</p></div>';
    106106        echo '</div>';
    107107        include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-footer.php' );
    111111    $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' );
    112112    if ( ! empty( $active_plugins ) ) {
    113         echo '<div class="updated"><p><strong>' . __('Warning:') . '</strong> ' . sprintf( __( 'Please <a href="%s">deactivate your plugins</a> before enabling the Network feature.' ), admin_url( 'plugins.php?plugin_status=active' ) ) . '</p></div><p>' . __( 'Once the network is created, you may reactivate your plugins.' ) . '</p>';
     113        echo '<div class="updated"><p><strong>' . __( 'Warning:' ) . '</strong> ' . sprintf( __( 'Please <a href="%s">deactivate your plugins</a> before enabling the Network feature.' ), admin_url( 'plugins.php?plugin_status=active' ) ) . '</p></div><p>' . __( 'Once the network is created, you may reactivate your plugins.' ) . '</p>';
    114114        echo '</div>';
    115115        include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-footer.php' );
    120120    $has_ports = strstr( $hostname, ':' );
    121121    if ( ( false !== $has_ports && ! in_array( $has_ports, array( ':80', ':443' ) ) ) ) {
    122         echo '<div class="error"><p><strong>' . __( 'ERROR:') . '</strong> ' . __( 'You cannot install a network of sites with your server address.' ) . '</p></div>';
     122        echo '<div class="error"><p><strong>' . __( 'ERROR:' ) . '</strong> ' . __( 'You cannot install a network of sites with your server address.' ) . '</p></div>';
    123123        echo '<p>' . sprintf(
    124124            /* translators: %s: port number */
    178178            echo '</p>';
    179179        } elseif ( $is_apache ) {
    180             echo '<div class="error inline"><p><strong>' . __( 'Warning!' ) . '</strong> ';
     180            echo '<div class="error inline"><p><strong>' . __( 'Warning:' ) . '</strong> ';
    181181            /* translators: %s: mod_rewrite */
    182182            printf( __( 'It looks like the Apache %s module is not installed.' ),
    228228        if ( WP_CONTENT_DIR != ABSPATH . 'wp-content' && ( allow_subdirectory_install() || ! allow_subdomain_install() ) )
    229             echo '<div class="error inline"><p><strong>' . __('Warning!') . '</strong> ' . __( 'Subdirectory networks may not be fully compatible with custom wp-content directories.' ) . '</p></div>';
     229            echo '<div class="error inline"><p><strong>' . __( 'Warning:' ) . '</strong> ' . __( 'Subdirectory networks may not be fully compatible with custom wp-content directories.' ) . '</p></div>';
    231231        $is_www = ( 0 === strpos( $hostname, 'www.' ) );
    268268                    // Uh oh:
    269269                    if ( !allow_subdirectory_install() )
    270                         echo ' <strong>' . __( 'Warning!' ) . ' ' . __( 'The main site in a sub-directory installation will need to use a modified permalink structure, potentially breaking existing links.' ) . '</strong>';
     270                        echo ' <strong>' . __( 'Warning:' ) . ' ' . __( 'The main site in a sub-directory installation will need to use a modified permalink structure, potentially breaking existing links.' ) . '</strong>';
    271271                ?></td>
    272272            </tr>
    278278                    // Uh oh:
    279279                    if ( !allow_subdirectory_install() )
    280                         echo ' <strong>' . __( 'Warning!' ) . ' ' . __( 'The main site in a sub-directory installation will need to use a modified permalink structure, potentially breaking existing links.' ) . '</strong>';
     280                        echo ' <strong>' . __( 'Warning:' ) . ' ' . __( 'The main site in a sub-directory installation will need to use a modified permalink structure, potentially breaking existing links.' ) . '</strong>';
    281281                ?></td>
    282282            </tr>
    371371            $subdomain_install = (bool) $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT meta_value FROM $wpdb->sitemeta WHERE site_id = 1 AND meta_key = 'subdomain_install'" );
    373     <div class="error"><p><strong><?php _e('Warning:'); ?></strong> <?php _e( 'An existing WordPress network was detected.' ); ?></p></div>
     373    <div class="error"><p><strong><?php _e( 'Warning:' ); ?></strong> <?php _e( 'An existing WordPress network was detected.' ); ?></p></div>
    374374    <p><?php _e( 'Please complete the configuration steps. To create a new network, you will need to empty or remove the network database tables.' ); ?></p>
    543543        echo '</p>';
    544544        if ( ! $subdomain_install && WP_CONTENT_DIR != ABSPATH . 'wp-content' )
    545             echo '<p><strong>' . __('Warning:') . ' ' . __( 'Subdirectory networks may not be fully compatible with custom wp-content directories.' ) . '</strong></p>';
     545            echo '<p><strong>' . __( 'Warning:' ) . ' ' . __( 'Subdirectory networks may not be fully compatible with custom wp-content directories.' ) . '</strong></p>';
    546546        ?>
    547547        <textarea class="code" readonly="readonly" cols="100" rows="20"><?php echo esc_textarea( $web_config_file ); ?>
    583583        echo '</p>';
    584584        if ( ! $subdomain_install && WP_CONTENT_DIR != ABSPATH . 'wp-content' )
    585             echo '<p><strong>' . __('Warning:') . ' ' . __( 'Subdirectory networks may not be fully compatible with custom wp-content directories.' ) . '</strong></p>';
     585            echo '<p><strong>' . __( 'Warning:' ) . ' ' . __( 'Subdirectory networks may not be fully compatible with custom wp-content directories.' ) . '</strong></p>';
    586586        ?>
    587587        <textarea class="code" readonly="readonly" cols="100" rows="<?php echo substr_count( $htaccess_file, "\n" ) + 1; ?>">
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