Make WordPress Core

10/24/2018 06:45:26 AM (6 years ago)

Editor: Minor bug fixes.

Change the default layout slightly, and tweak the HTML stored in post_content.

Props matveb, karmatosed, joen, youknowriad, aduth, iseulde, pento, EphoxJames, mkaz, jnylen0, notnownikki, lonelyvegan, chopinbach, njpanderson, mimo84, intronic, westonruter, mcsf, dmsnell, afercia, paulwilde, mitogh, codebykat, mrahmadawais, kopepasah, circlecube, adamsilverstein, timmydcrawford, ephox-mogran, nbachiyski, JDGrimes, laurelfulford, Soean, mapk, sirjonathan, j-falk, ryelle, helen, netweb, lamosty, willybahuaud, maurobringolf, jorbin, spocke, androb, annaharrison, Afraithe, georgeh, matt, melchoyce, nitrajka, sirreal, babbardel, arush, martinlugton, iandunn, oyously, rileybrook, azaozz, folletto, ianstewart, johnpixle, clorith, joedolson, ipstenu, mrwweb, diegoliv, jeffpaul, lukecavanagh, shaunandrews, hugobaeta, jjj, mizejewski, buzztone, jdembowski, webdevmattcrom, GaryJones, jasonagnew, dd32, ieatwebsites, gma992, swissspidy, dixitadusara, ameeker, stagger-lee, jblz, nicbertino, rahmohn, vladanost, gziolo, lancewillett, lynneux, betsela, fuyuko, msdesign21, thrijith, chanthaboune, Cloud887, hblackett, vishalkakadiya, c-shultz, nfmohit, noisysocks, omarreiss, hedgefield, hideokamoto, mirucon, nosolosw, DannyCooper, burhandodhy, zebulan, benjamin_zekavica, danielbachhuber, jorgefilipecosta, ajitbohra, bph, ChrisVanPatten, dixitadusara, antpb, mikehaydon, jahvi, floriansimeth, Mathiu, amedina, diegoreymendez, etoledom, caxco93, yoavf, welcher, bobbingwide, jonsurrell, notlaura, ocean90, eliorivero, wpscholar, Shelob9, travislopes, earnjam, designsimply, johnwatkins0, dfangstrom, igorsch, jaswrks, daniloercoli, rianrietveld, dimadin, SergioEstevao, dlocc, tinkerbelly, schlessera, sumobi, kjellr, ireneyoast, hypest, tfrommen, intronic, johnny5, samikeijonen, bpayton, atimmer, Rahmon, tg-ephox, nerrad, talldan, Xyfi.

See #45037.

1 edited


  • branches/5.0/src/wp-admin/post.php

    r41829 r43815  
    157157    }
     159    if ( use_block_editor_for_post( $post ) ) {
     160        include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/edit-form-blocks.php' );
     161        break;
     162    }
    159164    if ( ! wp_check_post_lock( $post->ID ) ) {
    160165        $active_post_lock = wp_set_post_lock( $post->ID );
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.