Make WordPress Core

Changeset 45058 for trunk/.travis.yml

03/28/2019 09:11:29 PM (6 years ago)

PHP: Finish updating PHP Minimum version

Previous [44982] and [44950].

This bumps the minimum version down slightly based on some research into the usage of php 5.6. This also brings the recommended version in line with .

The travis matrix is also being reduced in order to speed up builds. This is a hard break. PHP 5.2 - 5.5 we are never ever, ever, getting back together. You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me, But we are never ever, ever, ever getting back together.

Props DD32, afergen for research.
Fixes #46594.

1 edited


  • trunk/.travis.yml

    r45027 r45058  
    2727    env: WP_TEST_REPORTER=true
    2828  - php: 5.6
    29   - php: 5.5
    30   - php: 5.4
    31   - php: 5.3
    32     dist: precise
    33   - php: 5.2
    34     dist: precise
    3529  - php: nightly
    3630  allow_failures:
    37   - php: 5.5
    38   - php: 5.4
    39   - php: 5.3
    40     dist: precise
    41   - php: 5.2
    42     dist: precise
    4331  - php: 7.4snapshot
    4432  - php: nightly
    6957- |
    7058  # Export Composer's global bin dir to PATH, but not on PHP 5.2:
    71   if [[ ${TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION:0:3} != "5.2" ]]; then
    72     composer config --list --global
    73     export PATH=`composer config --list --global | grep '\[home\]' | { read a; echo "${a#* }/vendor/bin:$PATH"; }`
    74   fi
     59  composer config --list --global
     60  export PATH=`composer config --list --global | grep '\[home\]' | { read a; echo "${a#* }/vendor/bin:$PATH"; }`
    7561- |
    7662  # Install the specified version of PHPUnit depending on the PHP version:
    8571        travis_retry composer global require "phpunit/phpunit:^6"
    8672        ;;
    87       5.6|5.5|5.4|5.3)
     73      5.6)
    8874        echo "Using PHPUnit 4.x"
    8975        travis_retry composer global require "phpunit/phpunit:^4"
    90         ;;
    91       5.2)
    92         # Do nothing, use default PHPUnit 3.6.x
    93         echo "Using default PHPUnit, hopefully 3.6"
    9476        ;;
    9577      *)
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