Make WordPress Core

Changeset 4611

12/05/2006 10:27:02 PM (18 years ago)

upload-js gettext fixes from mdawaffe. fixes #3224

1 edited


  • trunk/wp-admin/upload-js.php

    r4605 r4611  
    7373                params.ID = '';
    7474                params.action = '';
    75                 h += "<a href='" + this.urlData[0] + '?' + params.toQueryString() + "' title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Browse your files'), 1); ?>' class='back'>echo wp_specialchars(__('&laquo; Back'), 1);</a>";
     75                h += "<a href='" + this.urlData[0] + '?' + params.toQueryString() + "' title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Browse your files'), 1); ?>' class='back'><?php echo wp_specialchars(__('&laquo; Back'), 1); ?></a>";
    7676            } else {
    7777                h += "<a href='#' onclick='return theFileList.cancelView();'  title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Browse your files'), 1); ?>' class='back'><?php echo wp_specialchars(__('&laquo; Back'), 1) ?></a>";
    7979            h += "<div id='file-title'>"
    8080            if ( !this.currentImage.isImage )
    81                 h += "<h2><a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Direct link to file'), 1); ?>'>" + this.currentImage.title + "</a></h2>";
     81                h += "<h2><a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Direct link to file'), 1); ?>'" + this.currentImage.title + "</a></h2>";
    8282            else
    8383                h += "<h2>" + this.currentImage.title + "</h2>";
    8888            h += "<div id='upload-file-view' class='alignleft'>";
    8989            if ( this.currentImage.isImage ) {
    90                 h += "<a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Direct link to file'), 1); ?>>";
     90                h += "<a href='" + this.currentImage.srcBase + this.currentImage.src + "' onclick='return false;' title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Direct link to file'), 1); ?>'>";
    9191                h += "<img src='" + ( this.currentImage.thumb ? this.currentImage.thumb : this.currentImage.src ) + "' alt='" + this.currentImage.title + "' width='" + this.currentImage.width + "' height='" + this.currentImage.height + "' />";
    9292                h += "</a>";
    135135                params.ID = '';
    136136                params.action = '';
    137                 h += "<a href='" + this.urlData[0] + '?' + params.toQueryString() + "'  title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Browse your files'), 1); ?>' class='back'>&laquo;  <?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Back'), 1); ?></a>";
    138             } else {
    139                 h += "<a href='#' onclick='return theFileList.cancelView();'  title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Browse your files'), 1); ?>' class='back'>&laquo; <?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Back'), 1); ?></a>";
     137                h += "<a href='" + this.urlData[0] + '?' + params.toQueryString() + "'  title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Browse your files'), 1); ?>' class='back'><?php echo wp_specialchars(__('&laquo; Back'), 1); ?></a>";
     138            } else {
     139                h += "<a href='#' onclick='return theFileList.cancelView();'  title='<?php echo wp_specialchars(__('Browse your files'), 1); ?>' class='back'><?php echo wp_specialchars(__('&laquo; Back'), 1); ?></a>";
    140140            }
    141141            h += "<div id='file-title'>"
    246246        deleteFile: function(id) {
    247             if ( confirm("<?php printf(wp_specialchars(__("Are you sure you want to delete the file '%s'?\nClick ok to delete or cancel to go back."), 1), '" + this.currentImage.title + "'); ?>") ) {
     247            if ( confirm("<?php printf(js_escape(__("Are you sure you want to delete the file '%s'?\nClick ok to delete or cancel to go back.")), '" + this.currentImage.title + "'); ?>") ) {
    248248                $('action-value').value = 'delete';
    249249                $('upload-file').submit();
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