Changeset 47122 for trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/formatting/RemoveAccents.php
- Timestamp:
- 01/29/2020 12:43:23 AM (5 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r46586 r47122 36 36 37 37 public function test_remove_accents_iso8859() { 38 // File is Latin1 encoded38 // File is Latin1-encoded. 39 39 $file = DIR_TESTDATA . '/formatting/remove_accents.01.input.txt'; 40 40 $input = file_get_contents( $file ); … … 49 49 */ 50 50 public function test_remove_accents_vowels_diacritic() { 51 // Vowels with diacritic 52 // unmarked51 // Vowels with diacritic. 52 // Unmarked. 53 53 $this->assertEquals( 'OoUu', remove_accents( 'ƠơƯư' ) ); 54 // grave accent54 // Grave accent. 55 55 $this->assertEquals( 'AaAaEeOoOoUuYy', remove_accents( 'ẦầẰằỀềỒồỜờỪừỲỳ' ) ); 56 // hook56 // Hook. 57 57 $this->assertEquals( 'AaAaAaEeEeIiOoOoOoUuUuYy', remove_accents( 'ẢảẨẩẲẳẺẻỂểỈỉỎỏỔổỞởỦủỬửỶỷ' ) ); 58 // tilde58 // Tilde. 59 59 $this->assertEquals( 'AaAaEeEeOoOoUuYy', remove_accents( 'ẪẫẴẵẼẽỄễỖỗỠỡỮữỸỹ' ) ); 60 // acute accent60 // Acute accent. 61 61 $this->assertEquals( 'AaAaEeOoOoUu', remove_accents( 'ẤấẮắẾếỐốỚớỨứ' ) ); 62 // dot below62 // Dot below. 63 63 $this->assertEquals( 'AaAaAaEeEeIiOoOoOoUuUuYy', remove_accents( 'ẠạẬậẶặẸẹỆệỊịỌọỘộỢợỤụỰựỴỵ' ) ); 64 64 } … … 68 68 */ 69 69 public function test_remove_accents_hanyu_pinyin() { 70 // Vowels with diacritic (Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin) 71 // macron70 // Vowels with diacritic (Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin). 71 // Macron. 72 72 $this->assertEquals( 'aeiouuAEIOUU', remove_accents( 'āēīōūǖĀĒĪŌŪǕ' ) ); 73 // acute accent73 // Acute accent. 74 74 $this->assertEquals( 'aeiouuAEIOUU', remove_accents( 'áéíóúǘÁÉÍÓÚǗ' ) ); 75 // caron75 // Caron. 76 76 $this->assertEquals( 'aeiouuAEIOUU', remove_accents( 'ǎěǐǒǔǚǍĚǏǑǓǙ' ) ); 77 // grave accent77 // Grave accent. 78 78 $this->assertEquals( 'aeiouuAEIOUU', remove_accents( 'àèìòùǜÀÈÌÒÙǛ' ) ); 79 // unmarked79 // Unmarked. 80 80 $this->assertEquals( 'aaeiouuAEIOUU', remove_accents( 'aɑeiouüAEIOUÜ' ) ); 81 81 }
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