Make WordPress Core

02/10/2020 04:10:09 AM (5 years ago)

Administration: Capitalize Trash consistently in various messages and comments.

When used as a noun referring to the "virtual" place, Trash should be capitalized.

Props garrett-eclipse, aandrewdixon, Presskopp.
Fixes #45317.

1 edited


  • trunk/src/wp-admin/edit.php

    r47198 r47233  
    8383    if ( 'delete_all' === $doaction ) {
    84         // Prepare for deletion of all posts with a specified post status (i.e. Empty trash).
     84        // Prepare for deletion of all posts with a specified post status (i.e. Empty Trash).
    8585        $post_status = preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9_-]+/i', '', $_REQUEST['post_status'] );
    8686        // Validate the post status exists.
    257257                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Edit</strong> takes you to the editing screen for that post. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the post title.' ) . '</li>' .
    258258                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Quick Edit</strong> provides inline access to the metadata of your post, allowing you to update post details without leaving this screen.' ) . '</li>' .
    259                         '<li>' . __( '<strong>Trash</strong> removes your post from this list and places it in the trash, from which you can permanently delete it.' ) . '</li>' .
     259                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Trash</strong> removes your post from this list and places it in the Trash, from which you can permanently delete it.' ) . '</li>' .
    260260                        '<li>' . __( '<strong>Preview</strong> will show you what your draft post will look like if you publish it. View will take you to your live site to view the post. Which link is available depends on your post&#8217;s status.' ) . '</li>' .
    261261                    '</ul>',
    267267            'title'   => __( 'Bulk Actions' ),
    268268            'content' =>
    269                     '<p>' . __( 'You can also edit or move multiple posts to the trash at once. Select the posts you want to act on using the checkboxes, then select the action you want to take from the Bulk Actions menu and click Apply.' ) . '</p>' .
     269                    '<p>' . __( 'You can also edit or move multiple posts to the Trash at once. Select the posts you want to act on using the checkboxes, then select the action you want to take from the Bulk Actions menu and click Apply.' ) . '</p>' .
    270270                            '<p>' . __( 'When using Bulk Edit, you can change the metadata (categories, author, etc.) for all selected posts at once. To remove a post from the grouping, just click the x next to its name in the Bulk Edit area that appears.' ) . '</p>',
    271271        )
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