Make WordPress Core

02/12/2021 08:36:58 PM (4 years ago)

Build/Test Tools: Restore automated testing in the 4.2 branch.

This commit merges the workflow files required to run automated testing on GitHub Actions.

In addition, [49836] and [50285] have been included in order to keep the local Docker environment consistent across all branches.

Merges [49162,49168-49169,49175,49204,49227-49228,49244,49369,49371,49548,49781-49784,49786,49836,49938,50268,50285,50298] to the 4.2 branch.
See #50401.

1 added
2 edited
1 copied


  • branches/4.2

  • branches/4.2/.github/workflows/end-to-end-tests.yml

    r49162 r50319  
    77      # The end to end test suite was introduced in WordPress 5.3.
    88      - '5.[3-9]'
    9       - '[6-9].*'
     9      - '[6-9].[0-9]'
     10    tags:
     11      - '5.[3-9]*'
     12      - '[6-9].[0-9]*'
    1013  pull_request:
    1720  #
    1821  # Performs the following steps:
    19   # - Cancels all previous workflow runs that have not completed.
     22  # - Cancels all previous workflow runs for pull requests that have not completed.
    2023  # - Set environment variables.
    2124  # - Checks out the repository.
    2225  # - Logs debug information about the runner container.
    23   # - Installs NodeJS 12 (todo: install the version of NPM specified in the `.nvmrc` file to support older branches)
     26  # - Installs NodeJS 14.
    2427  # - Sets up caching for NPM.
    25   # _ Installs NPM dependencies.
     28  # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.
    2629  # - Builds WordPress to run from the `build` directory.
    2730  # - Starts the WordPress Docker container.
    2831  # - Logs general debug information.
    2932  # - Logs the running Docker containers.
    30   # - Logs Docker debug information (about both the Docker installation within the runner and the WordPress container)
     33  # - Logs Docker debug information (about both the Docker installation within the runner and the WordPress container).
    3134  # - Install WordPress within the Docker container.
    3235  # - Run the E2E tests.
    3538    name: E2E Tests
    3639    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
     40    if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' || github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
    3742    steps:
    38       - name: Cancel previous runs of this workflow
     43      - name: Cancel previous runs of this workflow (pull requests only)
     44        if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
    3945        uses: styfle/cancel-workflow-action@0.5.0
    4046        with:
    6369        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
    6470        with:
    65           node-version: 12
     71          node-version: 14
    6773      - name: Cache NodeJS modules
    7884      - name: Install Dependencies
    79         run: npm ci
     85        run: npx install-changed --install-command="npm ci"
    8187      - name: Build WordPress
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