Make WordPress Core

Changeset 50495 for trunk

03/04/2021 07:08:38 PM (4 years ago)

Help/About: Clarify two strings.

The intro text has been updated for accuracy and to make it easier for translation. The button text has been updated for accuracy.

Props jdy68, audrasjb, marybaum, davidbaumwald.
See #52347.

1 edited


  • trunk/src/wp-admin/about.php

    r50483 r50495  
    5959                <p>
    6060                    <?php
    61                     printf(
    62                         /* translators: %s: The current WordPress version number. */
    63                         __( 'With this new version, the editor cleans up the colors and helps you work in a few places you couldn’t before—at least, not without getting into code or hiring a pro. The controls you use most, like changing type sizes, are in more places—right where you need them. And layout changes that should be simple, like full-height images, get even simpler to make.' ),
    64                         $display_version
    65                     );
     61                    _e( 'With this new version, WordPress brings you fresh colors. The editor helps you work in a few places you couldn’t before—at least, not without getting into code or hiring a pro. The controls you use most, like changing font sizes, are in more places—right where you need them. And layout changes that should be simple, like full-height images, are even simpler to make.' );
    6662                    ?>
    6763                </p>
    112108                <p>
    113109                    <?php
    114                     _e( '<strong>Buttons block:</strong> now you can align the content in buttons vertically. And you can set the width of a button to a preset percentage.' );
     110                    _e( '<strong>Buttons block:</strong> now you can choose a vertical or a horizontal layout. And you can set the width of a button to a preset percentage.' );
    115111                    ?>
    116112                </p>
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