Make WordPress Core

03/22/2022 04:23:32 PM (3 years ago)

Administration: Replace contracted verb forms for better consistency.

This changeset replaces contracted verb forms like doesn't, can't, or isn't with non-contracted forms like does not, cannot, or is not, for better consistency across the WordPress administration. It also updates some corresponding unit tests strings.

Props Presskopp, socalchristina, aandrewdixon, francina, SergeyBiryukov, JeffPaul, audrasjb, hellofromTonya.
Fixes #38913.
See #39176.

1 edited


  • trunk/src/wp-admin/edit-link-form.php

    r50357 r52978  
    6767        'content' =>
    6868        '<p>' . __( 'You can add or edit links on this screen by entering information in each of the boxes. Only the link&#8217;s web address and name (the text you want to display on your site as the link) are required fields.' ) . '</p>' .
    69         '<p>' . __( 'The boxes for link name, web address, and description have fixed positions, while the others may be repositioned using drag and drop. You can also hide boxes you don&#8217;t use in the Screen Options tab, or minimize boxes by clicking on the title bar of the box.' ) . '</p>' .
     69        '<p>' . __( 'The boxes for link name, web address, and description have fixed positions, while the others may be repositioned using drag and drop. You can also hide boxes you do not use in the Screen Options tab, or minimize boxes by clicking on the title bar of the box.' ) . '</p>' .
    7070        '<p>' . __( 'XFN stands for <a href="">XHTML Friends Network</a>, which is optional. WordPress allows the generation of XFN attributes to show how you are related to the authors/owners of the site to which you are linking.' ) . '</p>',
    7171    )
    123123<div class="inside">
    124124    <input type="text" name="link_url" size="30" maxlength="255" class="code" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $link->link_url ); ?>" id="link_url" />
    125     <p><?php _e( 'Example: <code></code> &#8212; don&#8217;t forget the <code>https://</code>' ); ?></p>
     125    <p><?php _e( 'Example: <code></code> &#8212; do not forget the <code>https://</code>' ); ?></p>
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