Make WordPress Core

Changeset 53592

06/30/2022 03:07:49 PM (3 years ago)

Build/Test Tools: Correct some GitHub Action workflow inline documentation.

See #55652.

7 edited


  • trunk/.github/workflows/coding-standards.yml

    r53582 r53592  
    116116  # Performs the following steps:
    117117  # - Checks out the repository.
    118   # - Logs debug information about the runner container.
    119   # - Installs NodeJS 14.
     118  # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner.
     119  # - Installs NodeJS.
    120120  # - Logs updated debug information.
    121   # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.
     121  # _ Installs NPM dependencies.
    122122  # - Run the WordPress JSHint checks.
    123123  # - Ensures version-controlled files are not modified or deleted.
  • trunk/.github/workflows/end-to-end-tests.yml

    r53581 r53592  
    4   # The end to end test suite was introduced in WordPress 5.3.
     4  # The end-to-end test suite was introduced in WordPress 5.3.
    55  push:
    66    branches:
    3232  #
    3333  # Performs the following steps:
    34   # - Set environment variables.
     34  # - Sets environment variables.
    3535  # - Checks out the repository.
    36   # - Logs debug information about the runner container.
    37   # - Installs NodeJS 14.
    38   # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.
     36  # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner.
     37  # - Installs NodeJS.
     38  # _ Installs NPM dependencies.
    3939  # - Builds WordPress to run from the `build` directory.
    4040  # - Starts the WordPress Docker container.
  • trunk/.github/workflows/javascript-tests.yml

    r53581 r53592  
    4343  # Performs the following steps:
    4444  # - Checks out the repository.
    45   # - Logs debug information about the runner container.
    46   # - Installs NodeJS 14.
     45  # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner.
     46  # - Installs NodeJS.
    4747  # - Logs updated debug information.
    48   # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.
     48  # _ Installs NPM dependencies.
    4949  # - Run the WordPress QUnit tests.
    5050  # - Ensures version-controlled files are not modified or deleted.
  • trunk/.github/workflows/phpunit-tests.yml

    r53582 r53592  
    3939  #
    4040  # Performs the following steps:
    41   # - Set environment variables.
     41  # - Sets environment variables.
    4242  # - Sets up the environment variables needed for testing with memcached (if desired).
    43   # - Installs NodeJS 14.
     43  # - Installs NodeJS.
    4444  # - Installs NPM dependencies
    4545  # - Configures caching for Composer.
    46   # - Installs Composer dependencies (if desired).
    47   # - Logs Docker debug information (about both the Docker installation within the runner).
     46  # - Installs Composer dependencies.
     47  # - Logs Docker debug information (about the Docker installation within the runner).
    4848  # - Starts the WordPress Docker container.
    49   # - Starts the memcached server after the Docker network has been created (if desired).
    50   # - Logs WordPress Docker container debug information.
    51   # - Logs debug general information.
     49  # - Starts the Memcached server after the Docker network has been created (if desired).
     50  # - Logs general debug information about the runner.
    5251  # - Logs the running Docker containers.
     52  # - Logs debug information from inside the WordPress Docker container.
    5353  # - Logs debug information about what's installed within the WordPress Docker containers.
    5454  # - Install WordPress within the Docker container.
  • trunk/.github/workflows/slack-notifications.yml

    r53591 r53592  
    3838  # Performs the following steps:
    3939  # - Retrieves the current workflow run.
    40   # - Determine the conclusion of the previous workflow run or run attempt.
     40  # - Determines the conclusion of the previous workflow run or run attempt.
    4141  # - Sets the previous conclusion as an output.
    4242  # - Prepares the commit message.
  • trunk/.github/workflows/test-coverage.yml

    r53582 r53592  
    3636  #
    3737  # Performs the following steps:
    38   # - Set environment variables.
     38  # - Sets environment variables.
    3939  # - Checks out the repository.
    4040  # - Checks out the WordPress Importer plugin (needed for the Core PHPUnit tests).
    41   # - Logs debug information about the runner container.
    42   # - Installs NodeJS 14.
    43   # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.
     41  # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner.
     42  # - Installs NodeJS.
     43  # _ Installs NPM dependencies.
    4444  # - Logs Docker debug information (about the Docker installation within the runner).
    4545  # - Starts the WordPress Docker container.
  • trunk/.github/workflows/test-npm.yml

    r53581 r53592  
    3939  # Performs the following steps:
    4040  # - Checks out the repository.
    41   # - Logs debug information about the runner container.
    42   # - Installs NodeJS 14.
    43   # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.
     41  # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner.
     42  # - Installs NodeJS.
     43  # _ Installs NPM dependencies.
    4444  # - Builds WordPress to run from the `build` directory.
    4545  # - Cleans up after building WordPress to the `build` directory.
    9999  # Verifies that installing NPM dependencies and building WordPress works as expected on MacOS.
    100100  #
    101   # This is a separate job in order to that more strict conditions can be used.
     101  # This is separate from the job above in order to use stricter conditions about when to run.
     102  # This avoids unintentionally consuming excessive minutes, as MacOS jobs consume minutes at a 10x rate.
    102103  #
    103104  # Performs the following steps:
    104105  # - Checks out the repository.
    105   # - Logs debug information about the runner container.
    106   # - Installs NodeJS 14.
    107   # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.
     106  # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner.
     107  # - Installs NodeJS.
     108  # _ Installs NPM dependencies.
    108109  # - Builds WordPress to run from the `build` directory.
    109110  # - Cleans up after building WordPress to the `build` directory.
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.