Changeset 53596
- Timestamp:
- 06/30/2022 04:25:47 PM (3 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/5.9
- Files:
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/trunk merged: 53112,53581-53582,53592
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
r52233 r53596 64 64 steps: 65 65 - name: Checkout repository 66 uses: actions/checkout@ ec3a7ce113134d7a93b817d10a8272cb61118579 # v2.4.066 uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2 67 67 68 68 - name: Set up PHP 69 uses: shivammathur/setup-php@ ac7d3d7f84d81a029c20ab72d60264bdb7535831 # v2.15.069 uses: shivammathur/setup-php@3eda58347216592f618bb1dff277810b6698e4ca # v2.19.1 70 70 with: 71 71 php-version: '7.4' … … 85 85 86 86 - name: Cache PHPCS scan cache 87 uses: actions/cache@c 64c572235d810460d0d6876e9c705ad5002b353 # v2.1.687 uses: actions/cache@c3f1317a9e7b1ef106c153ac8c0f00fed3ddbc0d # v3.0.4 88 88 with: 89 89 path: .cache/phpcs.json … … 91 91 92 92 - name: Install Composer dependencies 93 uses: ramsey/composer-install@ a7320a0581dcd0432930c48a0e7ced67e6ec17e8 # v1.3.093 uses: ramsey/composer-install@f680dac46551dffb2234a240d65ae806c2999dd6 # v2.1.0 94 94 with: 95 95 composer-options: "--no-progress --no-ansi --no-interaction" … … 116 116 # Performs the following steps: 117 117 # - Checks out the repository. 118 # - Logs debug information about the runner container.119 # - Installs NodeJS 14.118 # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner. 119 # - Installs NodeJS. 120 120 # - Logs updated debug information. 121 # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.121 # _ Installs NPM dependencies. 122 122 # - Run the WordPress JSHint checks. 123 123 # - Ensures version-controlled files are not modified or deleted. … … 132 132 steps: 133 133 - name: Checkout repository 134 uses: actions/checkout@ ec3a7ce113134d7a93b817d10a8272cb61118579 # v2.4.0134 uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2 135 135 136 136 - name: Log debug information … … 142 142 143 143 - name: Install NodeJS 144 uses: actions/setup-node@ 270253e841af726300e85d718a5f606959b2903c # v2.4.1144 uses: actions/setup-node@eeb10cff27034e7acf239c5d29f62154018672fd # v3.3.0 145 145 with: 146 node-version : 14146 node-version-file: '.nvmrc' 147 147 cache: npm 148 148 -
r52233 r53596 2 2 3 3 on: 4 # The end toend test suite was introduced in WordPress 5.3.4 # The end-to-end test suite was introduced in WordPress 5.3. 5 5 push: 6 6 branches: … … 32 32 # 33 33 # Performs the following steps: 34 # - Set environment variables.34 # - Sets environment variables. 35 35 # - Checks out the repository. 36 # - Logs debug information about the runner container.37 # - Installs NodeJS 14.38 # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.36 # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner. 37 # - Installs NodeJS. 38 # _ Installs NPM dependencies. 39 39 # - Builds WordPress to run from the `build` directory. 40 40 # - Starts the WordPress Docker container. … … 58 58 59 59 - name: Checkout repository 60 uses: actions/checkout@ ec3a7ce113134d7a93b817d10a8272cb61118579 # v2.4.060 uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2 61 61 62 62 - name: Log debug information … … 72 72 73 73 - name: Install NodeJS 74 uses: actions/setup-node@ 270253e841af726300e85d718a5f606959b2903c # v2.4.174 uses: actions/setup-node@eeb10cff27034e7acf239c5d29f62154018672fd # v3.3.0 75 75 with: 76 node-version : 1476 node-version-file: '.nvmrc' 77 77 cache: npm 78 78 -
r52233 r53596 43 43 # Performs the following steps: 44 44 # - Checks out the repository. 45 # - Logs debug information about the runner container.46 # - Installs NodeJS 14.45 # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner. 46 # - Installs NodeJS. 47 47 # - Logs updated debug information. 48 # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.48 # _ Installs NPM dependencies. 49 49 # - Run the WordPress QUnit tests. 50 50 # - Ensures version-controlled files are not modified or deleted. … … 57 57 steps: 58 58 - name: Checkout repository 59 uses: actions/checkout@ ec3a7ce113134d7a93b817d10a8272cb61118579 # v2.4.059 uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2 60 60 61 61 - name: Log debug information … … 67 67 68 68 - name: Install NodeJS 69 uses: actions/setup-node@ 270253e841af726300e85d718a5f606959b2903c # v2.4.169 uses: actions/setup-node@eeb10cff27034e7acf239c5d29f62154018672fd # v3.3.0 70 70 with: 71 node-version : 1471 node-version-file: '.nvmrc' 72 72 cache: npm 73 73 -
r52233 r53596 58 58 steps: 59 59 - name: Checkout repository 60 uses: actions/checkout@ ec3a7ce113134d7a93b817d10a8272cb61118579 # v2.4.060 uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2 61 61 62 62 - name: Set up PHP 63 uses: shivammathur/setup-php@ ac7d3d7f84d81a029c20ab72d60264bdb7535831 # v2.15.063 uses: shivammathur/setup-php@3eda58347216592f618bb1dff277810b6698e4ca # v2.19.1 64 64 with: 65 65 php-version: '7.4' … … 79 79 80 80 - name: Cache PHP compatibility scan cache 81 uses: actions/cache@c 64c572235d810460d0d6876e9c705ad5002b353 # v2.1.681 uses: actions/cache@c3f1317a9e7b1ef106c153ac8c0f00fed3ddbc0d # v3.0.4 82 82 with: 83 83 path: .cache/phpcompat.json … … 85 85 86 86 - name: Install Composer dependencies 87 uses: ramsey/composer-install@ a7320a0581dcd0432930c48a0e7ced67e6ec17e8 # v1.3.087 uses: ramsey/composer-install@f680dac46551dffb2234a240d65ae806c2999dd6 # v2.1.0 88 88 with: 89 89 composer-options: "--no-progress --no-ansi --no-interaction" -
r52233 r53596 39 39 # 40 40 # Performs the following steps: 41 # - Set environment variables.41 # - Sets environment variables. 42 42 # - Sets up the environment variables needed for testing with memcached (if desired). 43 # - Installs NodeJS 14.43 # - Installs NodeJS. 44 44 # - Installs NPM dependencies 45 45 # - Configures caching for Composer. 46 # - Installs Composer dependencies (if desired).47 # - Logs Docker debug information (about boththe Docker installation within the runner).46 # - Installs Composer dependencies. 47 # - Logs Docker debug information (about the Docker installation within the runner). 48 48 # - Starts the WordPress Docker container. 49 # - Starts the memcached server after the Docker network has been created (if desired). 50 # - Logs WordPress Docker container debug information. 51 # - Logs debug general information. 49 # - Starts the Memcached server after the Docker network has been created (if desired). 50 # - Logs general debug information about the runner. 52 51 # - Logs the running Docker containers. 52 # - Logs debug information from inside the WordPress Docker container. 53 53 # - Logs debug information about what's installed within the WordPress Docker containers. 54 54 # - Install WordPress within the Docker container. … … 111 111 112 112 - name: Checkout repository 113 uses: actions/checkout@ ec3a7ce113134d7a93b817d10a8272cb61118579 # v2.4.0113 uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2 114 114 115 115 - name: Install NodeJS 116 uses: actions/setup-node@ 270253e841af726300e85d718a5f606959b2903c # v2.4.1116 uses: actions/setup-node@eeb10cff27034e7acf239c5d29f62154018672fd # v3.3.0 117 117 with: 118 node-version : 14118 node-version-file: '.nvmrc' 119 119 cache: npm 120 120 … … 133 133 134 134 - name: Cache Composer dependencies 135 uses: actions/cache@c 64c572235d810460d0d6876e9c705ad5002b353 # v2.1.6135 uses: actions/cache@c3f1317a9e7b1ef106c153ac8c0f00fed3ddbc0d # v3.0.4 136 136 env: 137 137 cache-name: cache-composer-dependencies … … 232 232 - name: Checkout the WordPress Test Reporter 233 233 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/trunk' && }} 234 uses: actions/checkout@ ec3a7ce113134d7a93b817d10a8272cb61118579 # v2.4.0234 uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2 235 235 with: 236 236 repository: 'WordPress/phpunit-test-runner' -
r52233 r53596 39 39 # Performs the following steps: 40 40 # - Checks out the repository. 41 # - Logs debug information about the runner container.42 # - Installs NodeJS 14.43 # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.41 # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner. 42 # - Installs NodeJS. 43 # _ Installs NPM dependencies. 44 44 # - Builds WordPress to run from the `build` directory. 45 45 # - Cleans up after building WordPress to the `build` directory. … … 60 60 steps: 61 61 - name: Checkout repository 62 uses: actions/checkout@ ec3a7ce113134d7a93b817d10a8272cb61118579 # v2.4.062 uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2 63 63 64 64 - name: Log debug information … … 71 71 72 72 - name: Install NodeJS 73 uses: actions/setup-node@ 270253e841af726300e85d718a5f606959b2903c # v2.4.173 uses: actions/setup-node@eeb10cff27034e7acf239c5d29f62154018672fd # v3.3.0 74 74 with: 75 node-version : 1475 node-version-file: '.nvmrc' 76 76 cache: npm 77 77 … … 99 99 # Verifies that installing NPM dependencies and building WordPress works as expected on MacOS. 100 100 # 101 # This is a separate job in order to that more strict conditions can be used. 101 # This is separate from the job above in order to use stricter conditions about when to run. 102 # This avoids unintentionally consuming excessive minutes, as MacOS jobs consume minutes at a 10x rate. 102 103 # 103 104 # Performs the following steps: 104 105 # - Checks out the repository. 105 # - Logs debug information about the runner container.106 # - Installs NodeJS 14.107 # _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.106 # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner. 107 # - Installs NodeJS. 108 # _ Installs NPM dependencies. 108 109 # - Builds WordPress to run from the `build` directory. 109 110 # - Cleans up after building WordPress to the `build` directory. … … 119 120 steps: 120 121 - name: Checkout repository 121 uses: actions/checkout@ ec3a7ce113134d7a93b817d10a8272cb61118579 # v2.4.0122 uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2 122 123 123 124 - name: Log debug information … … 130 131 131 132 - name: Install NodeJS 132 uses: actions/setup-node@ 270253e841af726300e85d718a5f606959b2903c # v2.4.1133 uses: actions/setup-node@eeb10cff27034e7acf239c5d29f62154018672fd # v3.3.0 133 134 with: 134 node-version : 14135 node-version-file: '.nvmrc' 135 136 cache: npm 136 137
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