Make WordPress Core

10/04/2022 01:10:12 AM (2 years ago)

Twenty Twenty-Three: Bug fixes and improvements for beta 3.

This brings over the latest bug fixes and improvements ahead of WordPress 6.1 beta 3.

For a full list of changes being included, see the twentytwentythree repository on GitHub:

Props mikachan, poena, madhudollu, beafialho, colorful-tones, scruffian, tahmidulkarim, joen, taskotr, zoonini, mayuge, ndiego, collet.
See #56383.

1 edited


  • trunk/src/wp-content/themes/twentytwentythree/styles/sherbet.json

    r54235 r54372  
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    169231            },
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.