Make WordPress Core

Changeset 5449

05/11/2007 03:54:56 AM (18 years ago)

Some fixes for the Textpattern importer.

1 edited


  • trunk/wp-admin/import/textpattern.php

    r5404 r5449  
    560560        echo '<p>'.__('Welcome to WordPress.  We hope (and expect!) that you will find this platform incredibly rewarding!  As a new WordPress user coming from Textpattern, there are some things that we would like to point out.  Hopefully, they will help your transition go as smoothly as possible.').'</p>';
    561561        echo '<h3>'.__('Users').'</h3>';
    562         echo '<p>'.sprintf(__('You have already setup WordPress and have been assigned an administrative login and password.  Forget it.  You didn\'t have that login in Textpattern, why should you have it here?  Instead we have taken care to import all of your users into our system.  Unfortunately there is one downside.  Because both WordPress and Textpattern uses a strong encryption hash with passwords, it is impossible to decrypt it and we are forced to assign temporary passwords to all your users.  <strong>Every user has the same username, but their passwords are reset to password123.</strong>  So <a href="%1$s">Login</a> and change it.'), '/wp-login.php').'</p>';
     562        echo '<p>'.sprintf(__('You have already setup WordPress and have been assigned an administrative login and password.  Forget it.  You didn&#8217;t have that login in Textpattern, why should you have it here?  Instead we have taken care to import all of your users into our system.  Unfortunately there is one downside.  Because both WordPress and Textpattern uses a strong encryption hash with passwords, it is impossible to decrypt it and we are forced to assign temporary passwords to all your users.  <strong>Every user has the same username, but their passwords are reset to password123.</strong>  So <a href="%1$s">Login</a> and change it.'), get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '/wp-login.php').'</p>';
    563563        echo '<h3>'.__('Preserving Authors').'</h3>';
    564564        echo '<p>'.__('Secondly, we have attempted to preserve post authors.  If you are the only author or contributor to your blog, then you are safe.  In most cases, we are successful in this preservation endeavor.  However, if we cannot ascertain the name of the writer due to discrepancies between database tables, we assign it to you, the administrative user.').'</p>';
    565565        echo '<h3>'.__('Textile').'</h3>';
    566         echo '<p>'.__('Also, since you\'re coming from Textpattern, you probably have been using Textile to format your comments and posts.  If this is the case, we recommend downloading and installing <a href="">Textile for WordPress</a>.  Trust me... You\'ll want it.').'</p>';
     566        echo '<p>'.__('Also, since you&#8217;re coming from Textpattern, you probably have been using Textile to format your comments and posts.  If this is the case, we recommend downloading and installing <a href="">Textile for WordPress</a>.  Trust me... You&#8217;ll want it.').'</p>';
    567567        echo '<h3>'.__('WordPress Resources').'</h3>';
    568568        echo '<p>'.__('Finally, there are numerous WordPress resources around the internet.  Some of them are:').'</p>';
    572572        echo '<li>'.__('<a href="">The Codex (In other words, the WordPress Bible)</a>').'</li>';
    573573        echo '</ul>';
    574         echo '<p>'.sprintf(__('That\'s it! What are you waiting for? Go <a href="%1$s">login</a>!'), '/wp-login.php').'</p>';
     574        echo '<p>'.sprintf(__('That&#8217;s it! What are you waiting for? Go <a href="%1$s">login</a>!'), get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '/wp-login.php').'</p>';
    575575    }
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