Changeset 55574
- Timestamp:
- 03/21/2023 03:35:25 PM (22 months ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/wp-admin
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r55451 r55574 67 67 68 68 $custom-welcome-panel: "true" !default; 69 $dashboard-accent-1: $ highlight-color!default;70 $dashboard-accent-2: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.33)!default;69 $dashboard-accent-1: $menu-submenu-background !default; 70 $dashboard-accent-2: $menu-background !default; 71 71 $dashboard-icon-background: $dashboard-accent-2 !default; 72 72 -
r54638 r55574 7 7 $form-checked: $base-color; 8 8 9 $dashboard-accent-1: $base-color;10 11 9 @import "../_admin.scss"; -
r54638 r55574 19 19 $menu-collapse-focus-icon: #555; 20 20 21 $dashboard-accent-1: $highlight-color; 22 $dashboard-accent-2: desaturate( lighten( $highlight-color, 7% ), 15% ); 21 23 $dashboard-icon-background: $text-color; 22 24 -
r54638 r55574 4 4 $notification-color: #69a8bb; 5 5 6 $dashboard-accent-1: $notification-color; 7 $dashboard-icon-background: $highlight-color; 6 $dashboard-accent-2: mix($base-color, $notification-color, 90%); 8 7 9 8 @import "../_admin.scss"; -
r55451 r55574 3 3 <path class="curve" d="M1430.91 497.569c63.48-63.482 112.65-137.548 146.13-220.1 32.34-79.71 48.73-163.936 48.73-250.299 0-86.362-16.39-170.588-48.73-250.298-33.48-82.573-82.65-156.618-146.13-220.1-63.48-63.482-137.55-112.651-220.1-146.135-79.71-32.336-163.94-48.725-250.301-48.725-86.363 0-170.589 16.389-250.299 48.725-82.573 33.484-156.618 82.653-220.1 146.135-63.481 63.482-112.65 137.547-146.135 220.1C311.64-143.418 295.25-59.192 295.25 27.19c0 86.383 16.39 170.589 48.725 250.299 33.485 82.573 82.654 156.618 146.135 220.1a683.438 683.438 0 0 0 14.475 14.031l85.576-85.577a560.502 560.502 0 0 1-14.535-13.99C472.814 309.24 416.206 172.56 416.206 27.17c0-145.389 56.608-282.069 159.42-384.882 102.813-102.813 239.494-159.42 384.883-159.42 145.391 0 282.071 56.607 384.881 159.42 102.81 102.813 159.42 239.493 159.42 384.882 0 145.39-56.61 282.07-159.42 384.883L861.587 895.857H747.545l540.815-540.815c87.57-87.572 135.81-204.013 135.81-327.851 0-123.84-48.22-240.28-135.81-327.852-87.57-87.572-204.01-135.814-327.851-135.814-123.839 0-240.28 48.222-327.852 135.814C545.085-213.069 496.844-96.648 496.844 27.19c0 123.839 48.221 240.28 135.813 327.852 4.758 4.758 9.636 9.374 14.575 13.93l85.637-85.637c-5.019-4.475-9.938-9.072-14.696-13.829-133.616-133.616-133.616-351.035 0-484.671 133.616-133.616 351.037-133.616 484.667 0 64.74 64.731 100.38 150.792 100.38 242.335 0 91.544-35.64 177.604-100.38 242.336L576.493 895.857H462.452l683.378-683.362c102.19-102.188 102.19-268.442 0-370.629-49.49-49.492-115.31-76.767-185.301-76.767-69.993 0-135.814 27.255-185.305 76.767-49.491 49.491-76.767 115.311-76.767 185.304 0 69.994 27.256 135.814 76.767 185.305a262.783 262.783 0 0 0 14.797 13.708l86.02-86.02a143.305 143.305 0 0 1-15.281-13.224c-26.65-26.651-41.326-62.09-41.326-99.789 0-37.698 14.676-73.138 41.326-99.789 26.651-26.65 62.091-41.326 99.789-41.326s73.141 14.676 99.791 41.326c55.01 55.015 55.01 144.543 0 199.578L295.29 891.986v124.804h1330.52V895.837h-593.13l398.27-398.268h-.04ZM-1234.11-301.729c-82.74 82.734-146.8 179.217-190.43 286.787-42.11 103.881-63.46 213.608-63.46 326.178s21.35 222.297 63.48 326.158c43.63 107.571 107.69 204.053 190.43 286.787 82.73 82.739 179.21 146.799 286.784 190.429 103.861 42.11 213.608 63.48 326.158 63.48 112.55 0 222.297-21.35 326.158-63.48 107.57-43.63 204.053-107.69 286.787-190.429 82.734-82.734 146.8-179.216 190.425-286.787 42.113-103.861 63.482-213.608 63.482-326.158 0-112.549-21.349-222.297-63.482-326.158C138.597-122.492 74.531-218.975-8.203-301.709c-53.382-53.382-112.711-99.063-177.08-136.519l-88.963 88.963c66.284 34.815 126.883 79.448 180.527 133.092C47.155-75.299 124.748 112.021 124.748 311.256c0 199.235-77.593 386.556-218.467 527.43-140.873 140.873-328.194 218.464-527.429 218.464-199.235 0-386.552-77.591-527.432-218.464-140.87-140.874-218.46-328.195-218.46-527.43 0-199.235 77.59-386.555 218.46-527.429L-484.77-880h-171.052l-578.288 578.271Z" fill="#213FD4"/> 4 4 <path class="curve" d="M85.415-880H-85.637L-949.02-16.635c-87.569 87.572-135.809 204.012-135.809 327.851s48.22 240.28 135.809 327.852c87.572 87.572 204.012 135.813 327.851 135.813s240.3-48.241 327.852-135.813c87.572-87.572 135.813-204.013 135.813-327.852 0-123.839-48.221-240.28-135.813-327.872-55.701-55.68-123.073-95.434-196.574-117.025L-593.209-30.364c81 6.491 156.275 41.145 214.375 99.245 64.731 64.731 100.373 150.792 100.373 242.335 0 91.544-35.642 177.604-100.373 242.336-64.732 64.731-150.792 100.373-242.336 100.373-91.544 0-177.604-35.642-242.335-100.373-64.732-64.732-100.374-150.792-100.374-242.336 0-91.543 35.642-177.604 100.374-242.335L85.415-880Z" fill="#213FD4"/> 5 <path class="dot" d="M961 40c16.569 0 30-13.431 30-30 0-16.569-13.431-30-30-30-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30 0 16.569 13.431 30 30 30Z" fill="# 33F078"/>5 <path class="dot" d="M961 40c16.569 0 30-13.431 30-30 0-16.569-13.431-30-30-30-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30 0 16.569 13.431 30 30 30Z" fill="#213FD4"/> 6 6 </g> 7 7 <defs> -
r55451 r55574 2096 2096 <h3><?php _e( 'Switch up your site’s look & feel with Styles' ); ?></h3> 2097 2097 <p><?php _e( 'Tweak your site, or give it a whole new look! Get creative — how about a new color palette or font?' ); ?></p> 2098 <a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'site-editor.php?styles=open' ) ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Edit styles' ); ?></a>2099 2098 <?php else : ?> 2100 2099 <h3><?php _e( 'Discover a new way to build your site.' ); ?></h3>
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