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Changeset 57348

01/24/2024 11:35:46 PM (8 months ago)

HTML API: Scan all syntax tokens in a document, read modifiable text.

Since its introduction in WordPress 6.2 the HTML Tag Processor has
provided a way to scan through all of the HTML tags in a document and
then read and modify their attributes. In order to reliably do this, it
also needed to be aware of other kinds of HTML syntax, but it didn't
expose those syntax tokens to consumers of the API.

In this patch the Tag Processor introduces a new scanning method and a
few helper methods to read information about or from each token. Most
significantly, this introduces the ability to read #text nodes in the

What's new in the Tag Processor?

  • next_token() visits every distinct syntax token in a document.
  • get_token_type() indicates what kind of token it is.
  • get_token_name() returns something akin to DOMNode.nodeName.
  • get_modifiable_text() returns the text associated with a token.
  • get_comment_type() indicates why a token represents an HTML comment.

Example usage.

function strip_all_tags( $html ) {
        $text_content = '';
        $processor    = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $html );

        while ( $processor->next_token() ) {
                if ( '#text' !== $processor->get_token_type() ) {

                $text_content .= $processor->get_modifiable_text();

        return $text_content;

What changes in the Tag Processor?

Previously, the Tag Processor would scan the opening and closing tag of
every HTML element separately. Now, however, there are special tags
which it only visits once, as if those elements were void tags without
a closer.

These are special tags because their content contains no other HTML or
markup, only non-HTML content.

  • SCRIPT elements contain raw text which is isolated from the rest of the HTML document and fed separately into a JavaScript engine. There are complicated rules to avoid escaping the script context in the HTML. The contents are left verbatim, and character references are not decoded.
  • TEXTARA and TITLE elements contain plain text which is decoded before display, e.g. transforming &amp; into &. Any markup which resembles tags is treated as verbatim text and not a tag.
  • IFRAME, NOEMBED, NOFRAMES, STYLE, and XMP elements are similar to the textarea and title elements, but no character references are decoded. For example, &amp; inside a STYLE element is passed to the CSS engine as the literal string &amp; and _not_ as &.

Because it's important not treat this inner content separately from the
elements containing it, the Tag Processor combines them when scanning
into a single match and makes their content available as modifiable
text (see below).

This means that the Tag Processor will no longer visit a closing tag for
any of these elements unless that tag is unexpected.

    <title>There is only a single token in this line</title>
    <title>There are two tokens in this line></title></title>
    </title><title>There are still two tokens in this line></title>

What are tokens?

The term "token" here is a parsing term, which means a primitive unit in
HTML. There are only a few kinds of tokens in HTML:

  • a tag has a name, attributes, and a closing or self-closing flag.
  • a text node, or #text node contains plain text which is displayed in a browser and which is decoded before display.
  • a DOCTYPE declaration indicates how to parse the document.
  • a comment is hidden from the display on a page but present in the HTML.

There are a few more kinds of tokens that the HTML Tag Processor will
recognize, some of which don't exist as concepts in HTML. These mostly
comprise XML syntax elements that aren't part of HTML (such as CDATA and
processing instructions) and invalid HTML syntax that transforms into

What is a funky comment?

This patch treats a specific kind of invalid comment in a special way.
A closing tag with an invalid name is considered a "funky comment." In
the browser these become HTML comments just like any other, but their
syntax is convenient for representing a variety of bits of information
in a well-defined way and which cannot be nested or recursive, given
the parsing rules handling this invalid syntax.

  • </1>
  • </%avatar_url>
  • </{"wp_bit": {"type": "post-author"}}>
  • </[post-author]>
  • </__( 'Save Post' );>

All of these examples become HTML comments in the browser. The content
inside the funky content is easily parsable, whereby the only rule is
that it starts at the < and continues until the nearest >. There
can be no funky comment inside another, because that would imply having
a > inside of one, which would actually terminate the first one.

What is modifiable text?

Modifiable text is similar to the innerText property of a DOM node.
It represents the span of text for a given token which may be modified
without changing the structure of the HTML document or the token.

There is currently no mechanism to change the modifiable text, but this
is planned to arrive in a later patch.


Most tags have no modifiable text because they have child nodes where
text nodes are found. Only the special tags mentioned above have
modifiable text.

    <div class="post">Another day in HTML</div>
    └─ tag ──────────┘└─ text node ─────┘└────┴─ tag
    <title>Is <img> &gt; <image>?</title>
    │      └ modifiable text ───┘       │ "Is <img> > <image>?"
    └─ tag ─────────────────────────────┘

Text nodes

Text nodes are entirely modifiable text.

    This HTML document has no tags.
    └─ modifiable text ───────────┘


The modifiable text inside a comment is the portion of the comment that
doesn't form its syntax. This applies for a number of invalid comments.

    <!-- this is inside a comment -->
    │   └─ modifiable text ──────┘  │
    └─ comment token ───────────────┘
    This invalid comment has no modifiable text.
    <? this is an invalid comment -->
    │ └─ modifiable text ────────┘  │
    └─ comment token ───────────────┘
    <[CDATA[this is an invalid comment]]>
    │       └─ modifiable text ───────┘ │
    └─ comment token ───────────────────┘

Other token types also have modifiable text. Consult the code or tests
for further information.

Developed in
Discussed in

Follows [57575]

Props bernhard-reiter, dlh, dmsnell, jonsurrell, zieladam
Fixes #60170

1 added
4 edited


  • trunk/src/wp-includes/html-api/class-wp-html-processor.php

    r57343 r57348  
    152152    /**
    153      * Static query for instructing the Tag Processor to visit every token.
    154      *
    155      * @access private
    156      *
    157      * @since 6.4.0
    158      *
    159      * @var array
    160      */
    161     const VISIT_EVERYTHING = array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' );
    163     /**
    164153     * Holds the working state of the parser, including the stack of
    165154     * open elements and the stack of active formatting elements.
    424413        return false;
     414    }
     416    /**
     417     * Ensures internal accounting is maintained for HTML semantic rules while
     418     * the underlying Tag Processor class is seeking to a bookmark.
     419     *
     420     * This doesn't currently have a way to represent non-tags and doesn't process
     421     * semantic rules for text nodes. For access to the raw tokens consider using
     422     * WP_HTML_Tag_Processor instead.
     423     *
     424     * @since 6.5.0 Added for internal support; do not use.
     425     *
     426     * @access private
     427     *
     428     * @return bool
     429     */
     430    public function next_token() {
     431        $found_a_token = parent::next_token();
     433        if ( '#tag' === $this->get_token_type() ) {
     434            $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
     435        }
     437        return $found_a_token;
    425438    }
    521534            }
    523             parent::next_tag( self::VISIT_EVERYTHING );
     536            while ( parent::next_token() && '#tag' !== $this->get_token_type() ) {
     537                continue;
     538            }
    524539        }
  • trunk/src/wp-includes/html-api/class-wp-html-tag-processor.php

    r57227 r57348  
    248248 *     }
    249249 *
     250 * ## Tokens and finer-grained processing.
     251 *
     252 * It's possible to scan through every lexical token in the
     253 * HTML document using the `next_token()` function. This
     254 * alternative form takes no argument and provides no built-in
     255 * query syntax.
     256 *
     257 * Example:
     258 *
     259 *      $title = '(untitled)';
     260 *      $text  = '';
     261 *      while ( $processor->next_token() ) {
     262 *          switch ( $processor->get_token_name() ) {
     263 *              case '#text':
     264 *                  $text .= $processor->get_modifiable_text();
     265 *                  break;
     266 *
     267 *              case 'BR':
     268 *                  $text .= "\n";
     269 *                  break;
     270 *
     271 *              case 'TITLE':
     272 *                  $title = $processor->get_modifiable_text();
     273 *                  break;
     274 *          }
     275 *      }
     276 *      return trim( "# {$title}\n\n{$text}" );
     277 *
     278 * ### Tokens and _modifiable text_.
     279 *
     280 * #### Special "atomic" HTML elements.
     281 *
     282 * Not all HTML elements are able to contain other elements inside of them.
     283 * For instance, the contents inside a TITLE element are plaintext (except
     284 * that character references like &amp; will be decoded). This means that
     285 * if the string `<img>` appears inside a TITLE element, then it's not an
     286 * image tag, but rather it's text describing an image tag. Likewise, the
     287 * contents of a SCRIPT or STYLE element are handled entirely separately in
     288 * a browser than the contents of other elements because they represent a
     289 * different language than HTML.
     290 *
     291 * For these elements the Tag Processor treats the entire sequence as one,
     292 * from the opening tag, including its contents, through its closing tag.
     293 * This means that the it's not possible to match the closing tag for a
     294 * SCRIPT element unless it's unexpected; the Tag Processor already matched
     295 * it when it found the opening tag.
     296 *
     297 * The inner contents of these elements are that element's _modifiable text_.
     298 *
     299 * The special elements are:
     300 *  - `SCRIPT` whose contents are treated as raw plaintext but supports a legacy
     301 *    style of including Javascript inside of HTML comments to avoid accidentally
     302 *    closing the SCRIPT from inside a Javascript string. E.g. `console.log( '</script>' )`.
     303 *  - `TITLE` and `TEXTAREA` whose contents are treated as plaintext and then any
     304 *    character references are decoded. E.g. `1 &lt; 2 < 3` becomes `1 < 2 < 3`.
     305 *  - `IFRAME`, `NOSCRIPT`, `NOEMBED`, `NOFRAME`, `STYLE` whose contents are treated as
     306 *    raw plaintext and left as-is. E.g. `1 &lt; 2 < 3` remains `1 &lt; 2 < 3`.
     307 *
     308 * #### Other tokens with modifiable text.
     309 *
     310 * There are also non-elements which are void/self-closing in nature and contain
     311 * modifiable text that is part of that individual syntax token itself.
     312 *
     313 *  - `#text` nodes, whose entire token _is_ the modifiable text.
     314 *  - HTML comments and tokens that become comments due to some syntax error. The
     315 *    text for these tokens is the portion of the comment inside of the syntax.
     316 *    E.g. for `<!-- comment -->` the text is `" comment "` (note the spaces are included).
     317 *  - `CDATA` sections, whose text is the content inside of the section itself. E.g. for
     318 *    `<![CDATA[some content]]>` the text is `"some content"` (with restrictions [1]).
     319 *  - "Funky comments," which are a special case of invalid closing tags whose name is
     320 *    invalid. The text for these nodes is the text that a browser would transform into
     321 *    an HTML comment when parsing. E.g. for `</%post_author>` the text is `%post_author`.
     322 *  - `DOCTYPE` declarations like `<DOCTYPE html>` which have no closing tag.
     323 *  - XML Processing instruction nodes like `<?wp __( "Like" ); ?>` (with restrictions [2]).
     324 *  - The empty end tag `</>` which is ignored in the browser and DOM.
     325 *
     326 * [1]: There are no CDATA sections in HTML. When encountering `<![CDATA[`, everything
     327 *      until the next `>` becomes a bogus HTML comment, meaning there can be no CDATA
     328 *      section in an HTML document containing `>`. The Tag Processor will first find
     329 *      all valid and bogus HTML comments, and then if the comment _would_ have been a
     330 *      CDATA section _were they to exist_, it will indicate this as the type of comment.
     331 *
     332 * [2]: XML allows a broader range of characters in a processing instruction's target name
     333 *      and disallows "xml" as a name, since it's special. The Tag Processor only recognizes
     334 *      target names with an ASCII-representable subset of characters. It also exhibits the
     335 *      same constraint as with CDATA sections, in that `>` cannot exist within the token
     336 *      since Processing Instructions do no exist within HTML and their syntax transforms
     337 *      into a bogus comment in the DOM.
     338 *
    250339 * ## Design and limitations
    251340 *
    321410 * @since 6.3.2 Fix: Skip HTML-like content inside rawtext elements such as STYLE.
    322411 * @since 6.5.0 Pauses processor when input ends in an incomplete syntax token.
    323  *              Introduces "special" elements which act like void elements, e.g. STYLE.
     412 *              Introduces "special" elements which act like void elements, e.g. TITLE, STYLE.
     413 *              Allows scanning through all tokens and processing modifiable text, where applicable.
    324414 */
    325415class WP_HTML_Tag_Processor {
    397487     * Specifies mode of operation of the parser at any given time.
    398488     *
    399      * | State         | Meaning                                                              |
    400      * | --------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|
    401      * | *Ready*       | The parser is ready to run.                                          |
    402      * | *Complete*    | There is nothing left to parse.                                      |
    403      * | *Incomplete*  | The HTML ended in the middle of a token; nothing more can be parsed. |
    404      * | *Matched tag* | Found an HTML tag; it's possible to modify its attributes.           |
     489     * | State           | Meaning                                                              |
     490     * | ----------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|
     491     * | *Ready*         | The parser is ready to run.                                          |
     492     * | *Complete*      | There is nothing left to parse.                                      |
     493     * | *Incomplete*    | The HTML ended in the middle of a token; nothing more can be parsed. |
     494     * | *Matched tag*   | Found an HTML tag; it's possible to modify its attributes.           |
     495     * | *Text node*     | Found a #text node; this is plaintext and modifiable.                |
     496     * | *CDATA node*    | Found a CDATA section; this is modifiable.                           |
     497     * | *Comment*       | Found a comment or bogus comment; this is modifiable.                |
     498     * | *Presumptuous*  | Found an empty tag closer: `</>`.                                    |
     499     * | *Funky comment* | Found a tag closer with an invalid tag name; this is modifiable.     |
    405500     *
    406501     * @since 6.5.0
    408503     * @see WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_READY
    409504     * @see WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_COMPLETE
    410      * @see WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_INCOMPLETE
     505     * @see WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT
    411506     * @see WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_MATCHED_TAG
     507     * @see WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_TEXT_NODE
     508     * @see WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_CDATA_NODE
     509     * @see WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_COMMENT
     510     * @see WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_DOCTYPE
     511     * @see WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_PRESUMPTUOUS_TAG
     512     * @see WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_FUNKY_COMMENT
    412513     *
    413514     * @var string
    414515     */
    415     private $parser_state = self::STATE_READY;
     516    protected $parser_state = self::STATE_READY;
     518    /**
     519     * What kind of syntax token became an HTML comment.
     520     *
     521     * Since there are many ways in which HTML syntax can create an HTML comment,
     522     * this indicates which of those caused it. This allows the Tag Processor to
     523     * represent more from the original input document than would appear in the DOM.
     524     *
     525     * @since 6.5.0
     526     *
     527     * @var string|null
     528     */
     529    protected $comment_type = null;
    417531    /**
    490604     */
    491605    private $tag_name_length;
     607    /**
     608     * Byte offset into input document where current modifiable text starts.
     609     *
     610     * @since 6.5.0
     611     *
     612     * @var int
     613     */
     614    private $text_starts_at;
     616    /**
     617     * Byte length of modifiable text.
     618     *
     619     * @since 6.5.0
     620     *
     621     * @var string
     622     */
     623    private $text_length;
    493625    /**
    706838     */
    707839    public function next_token() {
     840        $was_at = $this->bytes_already_parsed;
    708841        $this->get_updated_html();
    709         $was_at = $this->bytes_already_parsed;
    711843        // Don't proceed if there's nothing more to scan.
    712844        if (
    713845            self::STATE_COMPLETE === $this->parser_state ||
    714             self::STATE_INCOMPLETE === $this->parser_state
     846            self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT === $this->parser_state
    715847        ) {
    716848            return false;
    730862        // Find the next tag if it exists.
    731863        if ( false === $this->parse_next_tag() ) {
    732             if ( self::STATE_INCOMPLETE === $this->parser_state ) {
     864            if ( self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT === $this->parser_state ) {
    733865                $this->bytes_already_parsed = $was_at;
    734866            }
    736868            return false;
     869        }
     871        /*
     872         * For legacy reasons the rest of this function handles tags and their
     873         * attributes. If the processor has reached the end of the document
     874         * or if it matched any other token then it should return here to avoid
     875         * attempting to process tag-specific syntax.
     876         */
     877        if (
     878            self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT !== $this->parser_state &&
     879            self::STATE_COMPLETE !== $this->parser_state &&
     880            self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG !== $this->parser_state
     881        ) {
     882            return true;
    737883        }
    744890        // Ensure that the tag closes before the end of the document.
    745891        if (
    746             self::STATE_INCOMPLETE === $this->parser_state ||
     892            self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT === $this->parser_state ||
    747893            $this->bytes_already_parsed >= strlen( $this->html )
    748894        ) {
    749895            // Does this appropriately clear state (parsed attributes)?
    750             $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     896            $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    751897            $this->bytes_already_parsed = $was_at;
    756902        $tag_ends_at = strpos( $this->html, '>', $this->bytes_already_parsed );
    757903        if ( false === $tag_ends_at ) {
    758             $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     904            $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    759905            $this->bytes_already_parsed = $was_at;
    763909        $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG;
    764910        $this->token_length         = $tag_ends_at - $this->token_starts_at;
    765         $this->bytes_already_parsed = $tag_ends_at;
     911        $this->bytes_already_parsed = $tag_ends_at + 1;
    767913        /*
    772918        $t = $this->html[ $this->tag_name_starts_at ];
    773919        if (
    774             ! $this->is_closing_tag &&
    775             (
     920            $this->is_closing_tag ||
     921            ! (
    776922                'i' === $t || 'I' === $t ||
    777923                'n' === $t || 'N' === $t ||
    781927            )
    782928        ) {
    783             $tag_name = $this->get_tag();
    785             if ( 'SCRIPT' === $tag_name && ! $this->skip_script_data() ) {
    786                 $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
    787                 $this->bytes_already_parsed = $was_at;
    789                 return false;
    790             } elseif (
    791                 ( 'TEXTAREA' === $tag_name || 'TITLE' === $tag_name ) &&
    792                 ! $this->skip_rcdata( $tag_name )
    793             ) {
    794                 $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
    795                 $this->bytes_already_parsed = $was_at;
    797                 return false;
    798             } elseif (
    799                 (
    800                     'IFRAME' === $tag_name ||
    801                     'NOEMBED' === $tag_name ||
    802                     'NOFRAMES' === $tag_name ||
    803                     'STYLE' === $tag_name ||
    804                     'XMP' === $tag_name
    805                 ) &&
    806                 ! $this->skip_rawtext( $tag_name )
    807             ) {
    808                 $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
    809                 $this->bytes_already_parsed = $was_at;
    811                 return false;
    812             }
    813         }
     929            return true;
     930        }
     932        $tag_name = $this->get_tag();
     934        /*
     935         * Preserve the opening tag pointers, as these will be overwritten
     936         * when finding the closing tag. They will be reset after finding
     937         * the closing to tag to point to the opening of the special atomic
     938         * tag sequence.
     939         */
     940        $tag_name_starts_at   = $this->tag_name_starts_at;
     941        $tag_name_length      = $this->tag_name_length;
     942        $tag_ends_at          = $this->token_starts_at + $this->token_length;
     943        $attributes           = $this->attributes;
     944        $duplicate_attributes = $this->duplicate_attributes;
     946        // Find the closing tag if necessary.
     947        $found_closer = false;
     948        switch ( $tag_name ) {
     949            case 'SCRIPT':
     950                $found_closer = $this->skip_script_data();
     951                break;
     953            case 'TEXTAREA':
     954            case 'TITLE':
     955                $found_closer = $this->skip_rcdata( $tag_name );
     956                break;
     958            /*
     959             * In the browser this list would include the NOSCRIPT element,
     960             * but the Tag Processor is an environment with the scripting
     961             * flag disabled, meaning that it needs to descend into the
     962             * NOSCRIPT element to be able to properly process what will be
     963             * sent to a browser.
     964             *
     965             * Note that this rule makes HTML5 syntax incompatible with XML,
     966             * because the parsing of this token depends on client application.
     967             * The NOSCRIPT element cannot be represented in the XHTML syntax.
     968             */
     969            case 'IFRAME':
     970            case 'NOEMBED':
     971            case 'NOFRAMES':
     972            case 'STYLE':
     973            case 'XMP':
     974                $found_closer = $this->skip_rawtext( $tag_name );
     975                break;
     977            // No other tags should be treated in their entirety here.
     978            default:
     979                return true;
     980        }
     982        if ( ! $found_closer ) {
     983            $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
     984            $this->bytes_already_parsed = $was_at;
     985            return false;
     986        }
     988        /*
     989         * The values here look like they reference the opening tag but they reference
     990         * the closing tag instead. This is why the opening tag values were stored
     991         * above in a variable. It reads confusingly here, but that's because the
     992         * functions that skip the contents have moved all the internal cursors past
     993         * the inner content of the tag.
     994         */
     995        $this->token_starts_at      = $was_at;
     996        $this->token_length         = $this->bytes_already_parsed - $this->token_starts_at;
     997        $this->text_starts_at       = $tag_ends_at + 1;
     998        $this->text_length          = $this->tag_name_starts_at - $this->text_starts_at;
     999        $this->tag_name_starts_at   = $tag_name_starts_at;
     1000        $this->tag_name_length      = $tag_name_length;
     1001        $this->attributes           = $attributes;
     1002        $this->duplicate_attributes = $duplicate_attributes;
    8151004        return true;
    8311020     */
    8321021    public function paused_at_incomplete_token() {
    833         return self::STATE_INCOMPLETE === $this->parser_state;
     1022        return self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT === $this->parser_state;
    8341023    }
    10081197    public function set_bookmark( $name ) {
    10091198        // It only makes sense to set a bookmark if the parser has paused on a concrete token.
    1010         if ( self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG !== $this->parser_state ) {
     1199        if (
     1200            self::STATE_COMPLETE === $this->parser_state ||
     1201            self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT === $this->parser_state
     1202        ) {
    10111203            return false;
    10121204        }
    10841276        while ( false !== $at && $at < $doc_length ) {
    1085             $at = strpos( $this->html, '</', $at );
     1277            $at                       = strpos( $this->html, '</', $at );
     1278            $this->tag_name_starts_at = $at;
    10871280            // Fail if there is no possible tag closer.
    10901283            }
    1092             $closer_potentially_starts_at = $at;
    1093             $at                          += 2;
     1285            $at += 2;
    10951287            /*
    11321324                continue;
    11331325            }
    11341327            $at = $this->bytes_already_parsed;
    11351328            if ( $at >= strlen( $this->html ) ) {
    11371330            }
    1139             if ( '>' === $html[ $at ] || '/' === $html[ $at ] ) {
    1140                 $this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_potentially_starts_at;
     1332            if ( '>' === $html[ $at ] ) {
     1333                $this->bytes_already_parsed = $at + 1;
     1334                return true;
     1335            }
     1337            if ( $at + 1 >= strlen( $this->html ) ) {
     1338                return false;
     1339            }
     1341            if ( '/' === $html[ $at ] && '>' === $html[ $at + 1 ] ) {
     1342                $this->bytes_already_parsed = $at + 2;
    11411343                return true;
    11421344            }
    12601462            if ( $is_closing ) {
    12611463                $this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_potentially_starts_at;
     1464                $this->tag_name_starts_at   = $closer_potentially_starts_at;
    12621465                if ( $this->bytes_already_parsed >= $doc_length ) {
    12631466                    return false;
    12701473                if ( $this->bytes_already_parsed >= $doc_length ) {
    1271                     $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1474                    $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    12731476                    return false;
    12761479                if ( '>' === $html[ $this->bytes_already_parsed ] ) {
    1277                     $this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_potentially_starts_at;
     1480                    ++$this->bytes_already_parsed;
    12781481                    return true;
    12791482                }
    13041507        $html       = $this->html;
    13051508        $doc_length = strlen( $html );
    1306         $at         = $this->bytes_already_parsed;
     1509        $was_at     = $this->bytes_already_parsed;
     1510        $at         = $was_at;
    13081512        while ( false !== $at && $at < $doc_length ) {
    13091513            $at = strpos( $html, '<', $at );
     1515            if ( $at > $was_at ) {
     1516                $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_TEXT_NODE;
     1517                $this->token_starts_at      = $was_at;
     1518                $this->token_length         = $at - $was_at;
     1519                $this->text_starts_at       = $was_at;
     1520                $this->text_length          = $this->token_length;
     1521                $this->bytes_already_parsed = $at;
     1522                return true;
     1523            }
    13111525            /*
    13141528             */
    13151529            if ( false === $at ) {
    1316                 return false;
     1530                $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_TEXT_NODE;
     1531                $this->token_starts_at      = $was_at;
     1532                $this->token_length         = strlen( $html ) - $was_at;
     1533                $this->text_starts_at       = $was_at;
     1534                $this->text_length          = $this->token_length;
     1535                $this->bytes_already_parsed = strlen( $html );
     1536                return true;
    13171537            }
    13431563            if ( $tag_name_prefix_length > 0 ) {
    13441564                ++$at;
     1565                $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG;
     1566                $this->tag_name_starts_at   = $at;
    13451567                $this->tag_name_length      = $tag_name_prefix_length + strcspn( $html, " \t\f\r\n/>", $at + $tag_name_prefix_length );
    1346                 $this->tag_name_starts_at   = $at;
    13471568                $this->bytes_already_parsed = $at + $this->tag_name_length;
    13481569                return true;
    13541575             */
    13551576            if ( $at + 1 >= $doc_length ) {
    1356                 $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1577                $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    13581579                return false;
    13611582            /*
    1362              * <! transitions to markup declaration open state
     1583             * `<!` transitions to markup declaration open state
    13631584             *
    13641585             */
    13651586            if ( '!' === $html[ $at + 1 ] ) {
    13661587                /*
    1367                  * <!-- transitions to a bogus comment state – skip to the nearest -->
     1588                 * `<!--` transitions to a comment state – apply further comment rules.
    13681589                 *
    13691590                 */
    13761597                    // If it's not possible to close the comment then there is nothing more to scan.
    13771598                    if ( $doc_length <= $closer_at ) {
    1378                         $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1599                        $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    13801601                        return false;
    13841605                    $span_of_dashes = strspn( $html, '-', $closer_at );
    13851606                    if ( '>' === $html[ $closer_at + $span_of_dashes ] ) {
    1386                         $at = $closer_at + $span_of_dashes + 1;
    1387                         continue;
     1607                        /*
     1608                         * @todo When implementing `set_modifiable_text()` ensure that updates to this token
     1609                         *       don't break the syntax for short comments, e.g. `<!--->`. Unlike other comment
     1610                         *       and bogus comment syntax, these leave no clear insertion point for text and
     1611                         *       they need to be modified specially in order to contain text. E.g. to store
     1612                         *       `?` as the modifiable text, the `<!--->` needs to become `<!--?-->`, which
     1613                         *       involves inserting an additional `-` into the token after the modifiable text.
     1614                         */
     1615                        $this->parser_state = self::STATE_COMMENT;
     1616                        $this->comment_type = self::COMMENT_AS_ABRUPTLY_CLOSED_COMMENT;
     1617                        $this->token_length = $closer_at + $span_of_dashes + 1 - $this->token_starts_at;
     1619                        // Only provide modifiable text if the token is long enough to contain it.
     1620                        if ( $span_of_dashes >= 2 ) {
     1621                            $this->comment_type   = self::COMMENT_AS_HTML_COMMENT;
     1622                            $this->text_starts_at = $this->token_starts_at + 4;
     1623                            $this->text_length    = $span_of_dashes - 2;
     1624                        }
     1626                        $this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + $span_of_dashes + 1;
     1627                        return true;
    13881628                    }
    13981638                        $closer_at = strpos( $html, '--', $closer_at );
    13991639                        if ( false === $closer_at ) {
    1400                             $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1640                            $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    14021642                            return false;
    14051645                        if ( $closer_at + 2 < $doc_length && '>' === $html[ $closer_at + 2 ] ) {
    1406                             $at = $closer_at + 3;
    1407                             continue 2;
     1646                            $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_COMMENT;
     1647                            $this->comment_type         = self::COMMENT_AS_HTML_COMMENT;
     1648                            $this->token_length         = $closer_at + 3 - $this->token_starts_at;
     1649                            $this->text_starts_at       = $this->token_starts_at + 4;
     1650                            $this->text_length          = $closer_at - $this->text_starts_at;
     1651                            $this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + 3;
     1652                            return true;
    14081653                        }
    1410                         if ( $closer_at + 3 < $doc_length && '!' === $html[ $closer_at + 2 ] && '>' === $html[ $closer_at + 3 ] ) {
    1411                             $at = $closer_at + 4;
    1412                             continue 2;
     1655                        if (
     1656                            $closer_at + 3 < $doc_length &&
     1657                            '!' === $html[ $closer_at + 2 ] &&
     1658                            '>' === $html[ $closer_at + 3 ]
     1659                        ) {
     1660                            $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_COMMENT;
     1661                            $this->comment_type         = self::COMMENT_AS_HTML_COMMENT;
     1662                            $this->token_length         = $closer_at + 4 - $this->token_starts_at;
     1663                            $this->text_starts_at       = $this->token_starts_at + 4;
     1664                            $this->text_length          = $closer_at - $this->text_starts_at;
     1665                            $this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + 4;
     1666                            return true;
    14131667                        }
    14141668                    }
    14171671                /*
    1418                  * <![CDATA[ transitions to CDATA section state – skip to the nearest ]]>
    1419                  * The CDATA is case-sensitive.
    1420                  *
    1421                  */
    1422                 if (
    1423                     $doc_length > $at + 8 &&
    1424                     '[' === $html[ $at + 2 ] &&
    1425                     'C' === $html[ $at + 3 ] &&
    1426                     'D' === $html[ $at + 4 ] &&
    1427                     'A' === $html[ $at + 5 ] &&
    1428                     'T' === $html[ $at + 6 ] &&
    1429                     'A' === $html[ $at + 7 ] &&
    1430                     '[' === $html[ $at + 8 ]
    1431                 ) {
    1432                     $closer_at = strpos( $html, ']]>', $at + 9 );
    1433                     if ( false === $closer_at ) {
    1434                         $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
    1436                         return false;
    1437                     }
    1439                     $at = $closer_at + 3;
    1440                     continue;
    1441                 }
    1443                 /*
    1444                  * <!DOCTYPE transitions to DOCTYPE state – skip to the nearest >
     1672                 * `<!DOCTYPE` transitions to DOCTYPE state – skip to the nearest >
    14451673                 * These are ASCII-case-insensitive.
    14461674                 *
    14581686                    $closer_at = strpos( $html, '>', $at + 9 );
    14591687                    if ( false === $closer_at ) {
    1460                         $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1688                        $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    14621690                        return false;
    14631691                    }
    1465                     $at = $closer_at + 1;
    1466                     continue;
     1693                    $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_DOCTYPE;
     1694                    $this->token_length         = $closer_at + 1 - $this->token_starts_at;
     1695                    $this->text_starts_at       = $this->token_starts_at + 9;
     1696                    $this->text_length          = $closer_at - $this->text_starts_at;
     1697                    $this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + 1;
     1698                    return true;
    14671699                }
    14721704                 * found then the HTML was truncated inside the markup declaration.
    14731705                 */
    1474                 $at = strpos( $html, '>', $at + 1 );
    1475                 if ( false === $at ) {
    1476                     $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1706                $closer_at = strpos( $html, '>', $at + 1 );
     1707                if ( false === $closer_at ) {
     1708                    $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    14781710                    return false;
    14791711                }
    1481                 continue;
     1713                $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_COMMENT;
     1714                $this->comment_type         = self::COMMENT_AS_INVALID_HTML;
     1715                $this->token_length         = $closer_at + 1 - $this->token_starts_at;
     1716                $this->text_starts_at       = $this->token_starts_at + 2;
     1717                $this->text_length          = $closer_at - $this->text_starts_at;
     1718                $this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + 1;
     1720                /*
     1721                 * Identify nodes that would be CDATA if HTML had CDATA sections.
     1722                 *
     1723                 * This section must occur after identifying the bogus comment end
     1724                 * because in an HTML parser it will span to the nearest `>`, even
     1725                 * if there's no `]]>` as would be required in an XML document. It
     1726                 * is therefore not possible to parse a CDATA section containing
     1727                 * a `>` in the HTML syntax.
     1728                 *
     1729                 * Inside foreign elements there is a discrepancy between browsers
     1730                 * and the specification on this.
     1731                 *
     1732                 * @todo Track whether the Tag Processor is inside a foreign element
     1733                 *       and require the proper closing `]]>` in those cases.
     1734                 */
     1735                if (
     1736                    $this->token_length >= 10 &&
     1737                    '[' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 2 ] &&
     1738                    'C' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 3 ] &&
     1739                    'D' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 4 ] &&
     1740                    'A' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 5 ] &&
     1741                    'T' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 6 ] &&
     1742                    'A' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 7 ] &&
     1743                    '[' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 8 ] &&
     1744                    ']' === $html[ $closer_at - 1 ]
     1745                ) {
     1746                    $this->parser_state    = self::STATE_COMMENT;
     1747                    $this->comment_type    = self::COMMENT_AS_CDATA_LOOKALIKE;
     1748                    $this->text_starts_at += 7;
     1749                    $this->text_length    -= 9;
     1750                }
     1752                return true;
    14821753            }
    14921763             */
    14931764            if ( '>' === $html[ $at + 1 ] ) {
    1494                 ++$at;
    1495                 continue;
     1765                $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_PRESUMPTUOUS_TAG;
     1766                $this->token_length         = $at + 2 - $this->token_starts_at;
     1767                $this->bytes_already_parsed = $at + 2;
     1768                return true;
    14961769            }
    14981771            /*
    1499              * <? transitions to a bogus comment state – skip to the nearest >
     1772             * `<?` transitions to a bogus comment state – skip to the nearest >
    15001773             * See
    15011774             */
    15031776                $closer_at = strpos( $html, '>', $at + 2 );
    15041777                if ( false === $closer_at ) {
    1505                     $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1778                    $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    15071780                    return false;
    15081781                }
    1510                 $at = $closer_at + 1;
    1511                 continue;
     1783                $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_COMMENT;
     1784                $this->comment_type         = self::COMMENT_AS_INVALID_HTML;
     1785                $this->token_length         = $closer_at + 1 - $this->token_starts_at;
     1786                $this->text_starts_at       = $this->token_starts_at + 2;
     1787                $this->text_length          = $closer_at - $this->text_starts_at;
     1788                $this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + 1;
     1790                /*
     1791                 * Identify a Processing Instruction node were HTML to have them.
     1792                 *
     1793                 * This section must occur after identifying the bogus comment end
     1794                 * because in an HTML parser it will span to the nearest `>`, even
     1795                 * if there's no `?>` as would be required in an XML document. It
     1796                 * is therefore not possible to parse a Processing Instruction node
     1797                 * containing a `>` in the HTML syntax.
     1798                 *
     1799                 * XML allows for more target names, but this code only identifies
     1800                 * those with ASCII-representable target names. This means that it
     1801                 * may identify some Processing Instruction nodes as bogus comments,
     1802                 * but it will not misinterpret the HTML structure. By limiting the
     1803                 * identification to these target names the Tag Processor can avoid
     1804                 * the need to start parsing UTF-8 sequences.
     1805                 *
     1806                 * > NameStartChar ::= ":" | [A-Z] | "_" | [a-z] | [#xC0-#xD6] | [#xD8-#xF6] | [#xF8-#x2FF] |
     1807                 *                     [#x370-#x37D] | [#x37F-#x1FFF] | [#x200C-#x200D] | [#x2070-#x218F] |
     1808                 *                     [#x2C00-#x2FEF] | [#x3001-#xD7FF] | [#xF900-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFFD] |
     1809                 *                     [#x10000-#xEFFFF]
     1810                 * > NameChar      ::= NameStartChar | "-" | "." | [0-9] | #xB7 | [#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040]
     1811                 *
     1812                 * @see
     1813                 */
     1814                if ( $this->token_length >= 5 && '?' === $html[ $closer_at - 1 ] ) {
     1815                    $comment_text     = substr( $html, $this->token_starts_at + 2, $this->token_length - 4 );
     1816                    $pi_target_length = strspn( $comment_text, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:_' );
     1818                    if ( 0 < $pi_target_length ) {
     1819                        $pi_target_length += strspn( $comment_text, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789:_-.', $pi_target_length );
     1821                        $this->comment_type       = self::COMMENT_AS_PI_NODE_LOOKALIKE;
     1822                        $this->tag_name_starts_at = $this->token_starts_at + 2;
     1823                        $this->tag_name_length    = $pi_target_length;
     1824                        $this->text_starts_at    += $pi_target_length;
     1825                        $this->text_length       -= $pi_target_length + 1;
     1826                    }
     1827                }
     1829                return true;
    15121830            }
    15151833             * If a non-alpha starts the tag name in a tag closer it's a comment.
    15161834             * Find the first `>`, which closes the comment.
     1835             *
     1836             * This parser classifies these particular comments as special "funky comments"
     1837             * which are made available for further processing.
    15171838             *
    15181839             * See
    15261847                $closer_at = strpos( $html, '>', $at + 3 );
    15271848                if ( false === $closer_at ) {
    1528                     $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1849                    $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    15301851                    return false;
    15311852                }
    1533                 $at = $closer_at + 1;
    1534                 continue;
     1854                $this->parser_state         = self::STATE_FUNKY_COMMENT;
     1855                $this->token_length         = $closer_at + 1 - $this->token_starts_at;
     1856                $this->text_starts_at       = $this->token_starts_at + 2;
     1857                $this->text_length          = $closer_at - $this->text_starts_at;
     1858                $this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + 1;
     1859                return true;
    15351860            }
    15521877        $this->bytes_already_parsed += strspn( $this->html, " \t\f\r\n/", $this->bytes_already_parsed );
    15531878        if ( $this->bytes_already_parsed >= strlen( $this->html ) ) {
    1554             $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1879            $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    15561881            return false;
    15761901        $this->bytes_already_parsed += $name_length;
    15771902        if ( $this->bytes_already_parsed >= strlen( $this->html ) ) {
    1578             $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1903            $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    15801905            return false;
    15831908        $this->skip_whitespace();
    15841909        if ( $this->bytes_already_parsed >= strlen( $this->html ) ) {
    1585             $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1910            $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    15871912            return false;
    15931918            $this->skip_whitespace();
    15941919            if ( $this->bytes_already_parsed >= strlen( $this->html ) ) {
    1595                 $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1920                $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    15971922                return false;
    16221947        if ( $attribute_end >= strlen( $this->html ) ) {
    1623             $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE;
     1948            $this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;
    16251950            return false;
    16932018        $this->tag_name_starts_at   = null;
    16942019        $this->tag_name_length      = null;
     2020        $this->text_starts_at       = 0;
     2021        $this->text_length          = 0;
    16952022        $this->is_closing_tag       = null;
    16962023        $this->attributes           = array();
     2024        $this->comment_type         = null;
    16972025        $this->duplicate_attributes = null;
    16982026    }
    19862314        // Point this tag processor before the sought tag opener and consume it.
    19872315        $this->bytes_already_parsed = $this->bookmarks[ $bookmark_name ]->start;
    1988         return $this->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) );
     2316        return $this->next_token();
    19892317    }
    22172545     */
    22182546    public function get_tag() {
    2219         if ( self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG !== $this->parser_state ) {
     2547        if ( null === $this->tag_name_starts_at ) {
    22202548            return null;
    22212549        }
    22232551        $tag_name = substr( $this->html, $this->tag_name_starts_at, $this->tag_name_length );
    2225         return strtoupper( $tag_name );
     2553        if ( self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG === $this->parser_state ) {
     2554            return strtoupper( $tag_name );
     2555        }
     2557        if (
     2558            self::STATE_COMMENT === $this->parser_state &&
     2559            self::COMMENT_AS_PI_NODE_LOOKALIKE === $this->get_comment_type()
     2560        ) {
     2561            return $tag_name;
     2562        }
     2564        return null;
    22262565    }
    22802619            $this->is_closing_tag
    22812620        );
     2621    }
     2623    /**
     2624     * Indicates the kind of matched token, if any.
     2625     *
     2626     * This differs from `get_token_name()` in that it always
     2627     * returns a static string indicating the type, whereas
     2628     * `get_token_name()` may return values derived from the
     2629     * token itself, such as a tag name or processing
     2630     * instruction tag.
     2631     *
     2632     * Possible values:
     2633     *  - `#tag` when matched on a tag.
     2634     *  - `#text` when matched on a text node.
     2635     *  - `#cdata-section` when matched on a CDATA node.
     2636     *  - `#comment` when matched on a comment.
     2637     *  - `#doctype` when matched on a DOCTYPE declaration.
     2638     *  - `#presumptuous-tag` when matched on an empty tag closer.
     2639     *  - `#funky-comment` when matched on a funky comment.
     2640     *
     2641     * @since 6.5.0
     2642     *
     2643     * @return string|null What kind of token is matched, or null.
     2644     */
     2645    public function get_token_type() {
     2646        switch ( $this->parser_state ) {
     2647            case self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG:
     2648                return '#tag';
     2650            case self::STATE_DOCTYPE:
     2651                return '#doctype';
     2653            default:
     2654                return $this->get_token_name();
     2655        }
     2656    }
     2658    /**
     2659     * Returns the node name represented by the token.
     2660     *
     2661     * This matches the DOM API value `nodeName`. Some values
     2662     * are static, such as `#text` for a text node, while others
     2663     * are dynamically generated from the token itself.
     2664     *
     2665     * Dynamic names:
     2666     *  - Uppercase tag name for tag matches.
     2667     *  - `html` for DOCTYPE declarations.
     2668     *
     2669     * Note that if the Tag Processor is not matched on a token
     2670     * then this function will return `null`, either because it
     2671     * hasn't yet found a token or because it reached the end
     2672     * of the document without matching a token.
     2673     *
     2674     * @since 6.5.0
     2675     *
     2676     * @return string|null Name of the matched token.
     2677     */
     2678    public function get_token_name() {
     2679        switch ( $this->parser_state ) {
     2680            case self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG:
     2681                return $this->get_tag();
     2683            case self::STATE_TEXT_NODE:
     2684                return '#text';
     2686            case self::STATE_CDATA_NODE:
     2687                return '#cdata-section';
     2689            case self::STATE_COMMENT:
     2690                return '#comment';
     2692            case self::STATE_DOCTYPE:
     2693                return 'html';
     2695            case self::STATE_PRESUMPTUOUS_TAG:
     2696                return '#presumptuous-tag';
     2698            case self::STATE_FUNKY_COMMENT:
     2699                return '#funky-comment';
     2700        }
     2701    }
     2703    /**
     2704     * Indicates what kind of comment produced the comment node.
     2705     *
     2706     * Because there are different kinds of HTML syntax which produce
     2707     * comments, the Tag Processor tracks and exposes this as a type
     2708     * for the comment. Nominally only regular HTML comments exist as
     2709     * they are commonly known, but a number of unrelated syntax errors
     2710     * also produce comments.
     2711     *
     2712     * @see self::COMMENT_AS_ABRUPTLY_CLOSED_COMMENT
     2713     * @see self::COMMENT_AS_CDATA_LOOKALIKE
     2714     * @see self::COMMENT_AS_INVALID_HTML
     2715     * @see self::COMMENT_AS_HTML_COMMENT
     2716     * @see self::COMMENT_AS_PI_NODE_LOOKALIKE
     2717     *
     2718     * @since 6.5.0
     2719     *
     2720     * @return string|null
     2721     */
     2722    public function get_comment_type() {
     2723        if ( self::STATE_COMMENT !== $this->parser_state ) {
     2724            return null;
     2725        }
     2727        return $this->comment_type;
     2728    }
     2730    /**
     2731     * Returns the modifiable text for a matched token, or an empty string.
     2732     *
     2733     * Modifiable text is text content that may be read and changed without
     2734     * changing the HTML structure of the document around it. This includes
     2735     * the contents of `#text` nodes in the HTML as well as the inner
     2736     * contents of HTML comments, Processing Instructions, and others, even
     2737     * though these nodes aren't part of a parsed DOM tree. They also contain
     2738     * the contents of SCRIPT and STYLE tags, of TEXTAREA tags, and of any
     2739     * other section in an HTML document which cannot contain HTML markup (DATA).
     2740     *
     2741     * If a token has no modifiable text then an empty string is returned to
     2742     * avoid needless crashing or type errors. An empty string does not mean
     2743     * that a token has modifiable text, and a token with modifiable text may
     2744     * have an empty string (e.g. a comment with no contents).
     2745     *
     2746     * @since 6.5.0
     2747     *
     2748     * @return string
     2749     */
     2750    public function get_modifiable_text() {
     2751        if ( null === $this->text_starts_at ) {
     2752            return '';
     2753        }
     2755        $text = substr( $this->html, $this->text_starts_at, $this->text_length );
     2757        // Comment data is not decoded.
     2758        if (
     2759            self::STATE_CDATA_NODE === $this->parser_state ||
     2760            self::STATE_COMMENT === $this->parser_state ||
     2761            self::STATE_DOCTYPE === $this->parser_state ||
     2762            self::STATE_FUNKY_COMMENT === $this->parser_state
     2763        ) {
     2764            return $text;
     2765        }
     2767        $tag_name = $this->get_tag();
     2768        if (
     2769            // Script data is not decoded.
     2770            'SCRIPT' === $tag_name ||
     2772            // RAWTEXT data is not decoded.
     2773            'IFRAME' === $tag_name ||
     2774            'NOEMBED' === $tag_name ||
     2775            'NOFRAMES' === $tag_name ||
     2776            'STYLE' === $tag_name ||
     2777            'XMP' === $tag_name
     2778        ) {
     2779            return $text;
     2780        }
     2782        $decoded = html_entity_decode( $text, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5 | ENT_SUBSTITUTE );
     2784        if ( empty( $decoded ) ) {
     2785            return '';
     2786        }
     2788        /*
     2789         * TEXTAREA skips a leading newline, but this newline may appear not only as the
     2790         * literal character `\n`, but also as a character reference, such as in the
     2791         * following markup: `<textarea>&#x0a;Content</textarea>`.
     2792         *
     2793         * For these cases it's important to first decode the text content before checking
     2794         * for a leading newline and removing it.
     2795         */
     2796        if (
     2797            self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG === $this->parser_state &&
     2798            'TEXTAREA' === $tag_name &&
     2799            strlen( $decoded ) > 0 &&
     2800            "\n" === $decoded[0]
     2801        ) {
     2802            return substr( $decoded, 1 );
     2803        }
     2805        return $decoded;
    22822806    }
    27483272    /**
    2749      * Parser Ready State
     3273     * Parser Ready State.
    27503274     *
    27513275     * Indicates that the parser is ready to run and waiting for a state transition.
    27613285    /**
    2762      * Parser Complete State
     3286     * Parser Complete State.
    27633287     *
    27643288     * Indicates that the parser has reached the end of the document and there is
    27733297    /**
    2774      * Parser Incomplete State
     3298     * Parser Incomplete Input State.
    27753299     *
    27763300     * Indicates that the parser has reached the end of the document before finishing
    27853309     * @access private
    27863310     */
    2789     /**
    2790      * Parser Matched Tag State
     3313    /**
     3314     * Parser Matched Tag State.
    27913315     *
    27923316     * Indicates that the parser has found an HTML tag and it's possible to get
    27983322     */
    27993323    const STATE_MATCHED_TAG = 'STATE_MATCHED_TAG';
     3325    /**
     3326     * Parser Text Node State.
     3327     *
     3328     * Indicates that the parser has found a text node and it's possible
     3329     * to read and modify that text.
     3330     *
     3331     * @since 6.5.0
     3332     *
     3333     * @access private
     3334     */
     3335    const STATE_TEXT_NODE = 'STATE_TEXT_NODE';
     3337    /**
     3338     * Parser CDATA Node State.
     3339     *
     3340     * Indicates that the parser has found a CDATA node and it's possible
     3341     * to read and modify its modifiable text. Note that in HTML there are
     3342     * no CDATA nodes outside of foreign content (SVG and MathML). Outside
     3343     * of foreign content, they are treated as HTML comments.
     3344     *
     3345     * @since 6.5.0
     3346     *
     3347     * @access private
     3348     */
     3349    const STATE_CDATA_NODE = 'STATE_CDATA_NODE';
     3351    /**
     3352     * Indicates that the parser has found an HTML comment and it's
     3353     * possible to read and modify its modifiable text.
     3354     *
     3355     * @since 6.5.0
     3356     *
     3357     * @access private
     3358     */
     3359    const STATE_COMMENT = 'STATE_COMMENT';
     3361    /**
     3362     * Indicates that the parser has found a DOCTYPE node and it's
     3363     * possible to read and modify its modifiable text.
     3364     *
     3365     * @since 6.5.0
     3366     *
     3367     * @access private
     3368     */
     3369    const STATE_DOCTYPE = 'STATE_DOCTYPE';
     3371    /**
     3372     * Indicates that the parser has found an empty tag closer `</>`.
     3373     *
     3374     * Note that in HTML there are no empty tag closers, and they
     3375     * are ignored. Nonetheless, the Tag Processor still
     3376     * recognizes them as they appear in the HTML stream.
     3377     *
     3378     * These were historically discussed as a "presumptuous tag
     3379     * closer," which would close the nearest open tag, but were
     3380     * dismissed in favor of explicitly-closing tags.
     3381     *
     3382     * @since 6.5.0
     3383     *
     3384     * @access private
     3385     */
     3388    /**
     3389     * Indicates that the parser has found a "funky comment"
     3390     * and it's possible to read and modify its modifiable text.
     3391     *
     3392     * Example:
     3393     *
     3394     *     </%url>
     3395     *     </{"wp-bit":"query/post-author"}>
     3396     *     </2>
     3397     *
     3398     * Funky comments are tag closers with invalid tag names. Note
     3399     * that in HTML these are turn into bogus comments. Nonetheless,
     3400     * the Tag Processor recognizes them in a stream of HTML and
     3401     * exposes them for inspection and modification.
     3402     *
     3403     * @since 6.5.0
     3404     *
     3405     * @access private
     3406     */
     3407    const STATE_FUNKY_COMMENT = 'STATE_WP_FUNKY';
     3409    /**
     3410     * Indicates that a comment was created when encountering abruptly-closed HTML comment.
     3411     *
     3412     * Example:
     3413     *
     3414     *     <!-->
     3415     *     <!--->
     3416     *
     3417     * @since 6.5.0
     3418     */
     3421    /**
     3422     * Indicates that a comment would be parsed as a CDATA node,
     3423     * were HTML to allow CDATA nodes outside of foreign content.
     3424     *
     3425     * Example:
     3426     *
     3427     *     <![CDATA[This is a CDATA node.]]>
     3428     *
     3429     * This is an HTML comment, but it looks like a CDATA node.
     3430     *
     3431     * @since 6.5.0
     3432     */
     3435    /**
     3436     * Indicates that a comment was created when encountering
     3437     * normative HTML comment syntax.
     3438     *
     3439     * Example:
     3440     *
     3441     *     <!-- this is a comment -->
     3442     *
     3443     * @since 6.5.0
     3444     */
     3447    /**
     3448     * Indicates that a comment would be parsed as a Processing
     3449     * Instruction node, were they to exist within HTML.
     3450     *
     3451     * Example:
     3452     *
     3453     *     <?wp __( 'Like' ) ?>
     3454     *
     3455     * This is an HTML comment, but it looks like a CDATA node.
     3456     *
     3457     * @since 6.5.0
     3458     */
     3461    /**
     3462     * Indicates that a comment was created when encountering invalid
     3463     * HTML input, a so-called "bogus comment."
     3464     *
     3465     * Example:
     3466     *
     3467     *     <?nothing special>
     3468     *     <!{nothing special}>
     3469     *
     3470     * @since 6.5.0
     3471     */
  • trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/html-api/wpHtmlProcessorBreadcrumbs.php

    r57343 r57348  
    515515     */
    516516    public function test_can_seek_back_and_forth() {
    517         $p = WP_HTML_Processor::create_fragment( '<div><p one><div><p><div two><p><div><p><div><p three>' );
     517        $p = WP_HTML_Processor::create_fragment(
     518            <<<'HTML'
     519<div>text<p one>more stuff<div><![CDATA[this is not real CDATA]]><p><!-- hi --><div two><p><div><p>three comes soon<div><p three>' );
     521        );
    519523        // Find first tag of interest.
  • trunk/tests/phpunit/tests/html-api/wpHtmlTagProcessor.php

    r57211 r57348  
    559559        $p->next_tag();
    560         $this->assertTrue( $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) ), 'Did not find the </script> tag closer' );
    561         $this->assertTrue( $p->is_tag_closer(), 'Indicated a <script> tag opener is a tag closer' );
     560        $this->assertFalse(
     561            $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) ),
     562            'Should not have found closing SCRIPT tag when closing an opener.'
     563        );
    563565        $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( 'abc</script>' );
    568570        $p->next_tag();
    569         $this->assertTrue( $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) ), 'Did not find the </textarea> tag closer' );
    570         $this->assertTrue( $p->is_tag_closer(), 'Indicated a <textarea> tag opener is a tag closer' );
     571        $this->assertFalse(
     572            $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) ),
     573            'Should not have found closing TEXTAREA when closing an opener.'
     574        );
    572576        $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( 'abc</textarea>' );
    577581        $p->next_tag();
    578         $this->assertTrue( $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) ), 'Did not find the </title> tag closer' );
    579         $this->assertTrue( $p->is_tag_closer(), 'Indicated a <title> tag opener is a tag closer' );
     582        $this->assertFalse(
     583            $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => 'visit' ) ),
     584            'Should not have found closing TITLE when closing an opener.'
     585        );
    581587        $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( 'abc</title>' );
    23582364            'Text with comments'     => array( 'One <!-- sneaky --> comment.' ),
    23592365            'Empty tag closer'       => array( '</>' ),
     2366            'CDATA as HTML comment'  => array( '<![CDATA[this closes at the first &gt;]>' ),
    23602367            'Processing instruction' => array( '<?xml version="1.0"?>' ),
    23612368            'Combination XML-like'   => array( '<!DOCTYPE xml><?xml version=""?><!-- this is not a real document. --><![CDATA[it only serves as a test]]>' ),
    24112418            'Partial CDATA'                        => array( '<![CDA' ),
    24122419            'Partially closed CDATA]'              => array( '<![CDATA[cannot escape]' ),
    2413             'Partially closed CDATA]>'             => array( '<![CDATA[cannot escape]>' ),
    24142420            'Unclosed IFRAME'                      => array( '<iframe><div>' ),
    24152421            'Unclosed NOEMBED'                     => array( '<noembed><div>' ),
    25082514            'tag inside of CDATA'      => array(
    25092515                'input'    => '<![CDATA[This <is> a <strong id="yes">HTML Tag</strong>]]><span>test</span>',
    2510                 'expected' => '<![CDATA[This <is> a <strong id="yes">HTML Tag</strong>]]><span class="firstTag" foo="bar">test</span>',
     2516                'expected' => '<![CDATA[This <is> a <strong class="firstTag" foo="bar" id="yes">HTML Tag</strong>]]><span class="secondTag">test</span>',
    25112517            ),
    25122518        );
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.