Changeset 58637
- Timestamp:
- 07/03/2024 02:35:03 PM (7 months ago)
- Location:
- branches/4.8
- Files:
- 1 deleted
- 8 edited
- 1 moved
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/trunk merged: 51673,53552,56464,57124-57125,57249,57918,58157
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
r55528 r58637 41 41 cancel-in-progress: true 42 42 43 # Disable permissions for all available scopes by default. 44 # Any needed permissions should be configured at the job level. 45 permissions: {} 46 43 47 jobs: 44 48 # Runs the JavaScript coding standards checks. 45 #46 # JSHint violations are not currently reported inline with annotations.47 #48 # Performs the following steps:49 # - Checks out the repository.50 # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner.51 # - Installs NodeJS.52 # - Logs updated debug information.53 # _ Installs npm dependencies.54 # - Run the WordPress JSHint checks.55 49 jshint: 56 50 name: JavaScript coding standards 57 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 58 timeout-minutes: 20 51 uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/reusable-coding-standards-javascript.yml@trunk 52 permissions: 53 contents: read 59 54 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' || github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} 60 env:61 PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD: ${{ true }}62 63 steps:64 - name: Checkout repository65 uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.066 67 - name: Log debug information68 run: |69 npm --version70 node --version71 git --version72 svn --version73 74 - name: Set up Node.js75 uses: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c # v3.6.076 with:77 node-version-file: '.nvmrc'78 cache: npm79 80 - name: Log debug information81 run: |82 npm --version83 node --version84 85 - name: Install Dependencies86 run: npm ci87 88 - name: Run JSHint89 run: npm run grunt jshint90 55 91 56 slack-notifications: 92 57 name: Slack Notifications 93 58 uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/slack-notifications.yml@trunk 59 permissions: 60 actions: read 61 contents: read 94 62 needs: [ jshint ] 95 63 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.event_name != 'pull_request' && always() }} … … 105 73 name: Failed workflow tasks 106 74 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 75 permissions: 76 actions: write 107 77 needs: [ jshint, slack-notifications ] 108 78 if: | … … 117 87 steps: 118 88 - name: Dispatch workflow run 119 uses: actions/github-script@ 98814c53be79b1d30f795b907e553d8679345975 # v6.4.089 uses: actions/github-script@60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea # v7.0.1 120 90 with: 121 91 retries: 2 -
r55528 r58637 39 39 cancel-in-progress: true 40 40 41 # Disable permissions for all available scopes by default. 42 # Any needed permissions should be configured at the job level. 43 permissions: {} 44 41 45 jobs: 42 # Runs the QUnit tests for WordPress. 43 # 44 # Performs the following steps: 45 # - Checks out the repository. 46 # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner. 47 # - Installs NodeJS. 48 # - Logs updated debug information. 49 # _ Installs npm dependencies. 50 # - Run the WordPress QUnit tests. 46 # Runs the WordPress Core JavaScript tests. 51 47 test-js: 52 48 name: QUnit Tests 53 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 54 timeout-minutes: 20 49 uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/reusable-javascript-tests.yml@trunk 50 permissions: 51 contents: read 55 52 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' || github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} 56 57 steps:58 - name: Checkout repository59 uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.060 61 - name: Log debug information62 run: |63 npm --version64 node --version65 git --version66 svn --version67 68 - name: Set up Node.js69 uses: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c # v3.6.070 with:71 node-version-file: '.nvmrc'72 cache: npm73 74 - name: Log debug information75 run: |76 npm --version77 node --version78 79 - name: Install Dependencies80 run: npm ci81 82 - name: Run QUnit tests83 run: npm run grunt qunit:compiled84 53 85 54 slack-notifications: 86 55 name: Slack Notifications 87 56 uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/slack-notifications.yml@trunk 57 permissions: 58 actions: read 59 contents: read 88 60 needs: [ test-js ] 89 61 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.event_name != 'pull_request' && always() }} 90 62 with: 91 calling_status: ${{ needs.test-js.result == 'success' && 'success' || needs.test-js.result == 'cancelled' && 'cancelled' || 'failure' }}63 calling_status: ${{ contains( needs.*.result, 'cancelled' ) && 'cancelled' || contains( needs.*.result, 'failure' ) && 'failure' || 'success' }} 92 64 secrets: 93 65 SLACK_GHA_SUCCESS_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_GHA_SUCCESS_WEBHOOK }} … … 99 71 name: Failed workflow tasks 100 72 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 101 needs: [ test-js, slack-notifications ] 73 permissions: 74 actions: write 75 needs: [ slack-notifications ] 102 76 if: | 103 77 always() && … … 106 80 github.run_attempt < 2 && 107 81 ( 108 needs.test-js.result == 'cancelled' || needs.test-js.result == 'failure' 82 contains( needs.*.result, 'cancelled' ) || 83 contains( needs.*.result, 'failure' ) 109 84 ) 110 85 111 86 steps: 112 87 - name: Dispatch workflow run 113 uses: actions/github-script@ 98814c53be79b1d30f795b907e553d8679345975 # v6.4.088 uses: actions/github-script@60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea # v7.0.1 114 89 with: 115 90 retries: 2 -
r55528 r58637 22 22 # Cancels all previous workflow runs for pull requests that have not completed. 23 23 concurrency: 24 25 24 # The concurrency group contains the workflow name and the branch name for pull requests 25 # or the commit hash for any other events. 26 26 group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.head_ref || github.sha }} 27 27 cancel-in-progress: true 28 28 29 env: 30 LOCAL_DIR: build 31 PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD: ${{ true }} 32 COMPOSER_INSTALL: ${{ false }} 33 # Controls which npm script to use for running PHPUnit tests. Options ar `php` and `php-composer`. 34 PHPUNIT_SCRIPT: php 35 LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED: ${{ false }} 36 SLOW_TESTS: 'external-http,media,restapi' 29 # Disable permissions for all available scopes by default. 30 # Any needed permissions should be configured at the job level. 31 permissions: {} 37 32 38 33 jobs: 39 # Sets up WordPress for testing or development use.40 34 # 41 # Performs the following steps: 42 # - Cancels all previous workflow runs for pull requests that have not completed. 43 # - Checks out the repository. 44 # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner. 45 # - Installs NodeJS. 46 # _ Installs npm dependencies. 47 # - Builds WordPress to run from the `build` directory. 48 # - Creates a ZIP file of compiled WordPress. 49 # - Uploads ZIP file as an artifact. 50 setup-wordpress: 51 name: Setup WordPress 52 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 35 # Creates a PHPUnit test job for each PHP combination. 36 # 37 test-php: 38 name: PHP ${{ matrix.php }} 39 uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/reusable-phpunit-tests-v1.yml@trunk 40 permissions: 41 contents: read 42 secrets: inherit 53 43 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' || github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} 54 55 steps:56 - name: Checkout repository57 uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.058 59 - name: Log debug information60 run: |61 echo "$GITHUB_REF"62 echo "$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME"63 npm --version64 node --version65 curl --version66 git --version67 svn --version68 php --version69 php -i70 locale -a71 72 - name: Set up Node.js73 uses: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c # v3.6.074 with:75 node-version-file: '.nvmrc'76 cache: npm77 78 - name: Install Dependencies79 run: npm ci80 81 - name: Build WordPress82 run: npm run build83 84 - name: Create ZIP artifact85 uses: thedoctor0/zip-release@a24011d8d445e4da5935a7e73c1f98e22a439464 # v0.7.186 with:87 filename: built-wp-${{ github.sha }}.zip88 exclusions: '*.git* /*node_modules/* packagehash.txt'89 90 - name: Upload build artifact91 uses: actions/upload-artifact@0b7f8abb1508181956e8e162db84b466c27e18ce # v3.1.292 with:93 name: built-wp-${{ github.sha }}94 path: built-wp-${{ github.sha }}.zip95 if-no-files-found: error96 97 # Runs the PHPUnit tests for WordPress.98 #99 # Performs the following steps:100 # - Sets environment variables.101 # - Sets up the environment variables needed for testing with memcached (if desired).102 # - Downloads the built WordPress artifact from the previous job.103 # - Unzips the artifact.104 # - Installs NodeJS.105 # _ Installs npm dependencies.106 # - Configures caching for Composer.107 # _ Installs Composer dependencies (if desired).108 # - Logs Docker debug information (about the Docker installation within the runner).109 # - Starts the WordPress Docker container.110 # - Starts the Memcached server after the Docker network has been created (if desired).111 # - Logs general debug information about the runner.112 # - Logs the running Docker containers.113 # - Logs debug information from inside the WordPress Docker container.114 # - Logs debug information about what's installed within the WordPress Docker containers.115 # - Install WordPress within the Docker container.116 # - Run the PHPUnit tests.117 # - Checks out the WordPress Test reporter repository.118 # - Reconnect the directory to the Git repository.119 # - Submit the test results to the host test results.120 test-php:121 name: ${{ matrix.php }}${{ matrix.multisite && ' multisite' || '' }}${{ matrix.split_slow && ' slow tests' || '' }}${{ matrix.memcached && ' with memcached' || '' }} on ${{ matrix.os }}122 needs: setup-wordpress123 runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}124 timeout-minutes: 20125 44 strategy: 126 45 fail-fast: false 127 46 matrix: 47 os: [ ubuntu-latest ] 128 48 php: [ '5.3', '5.4', '5.5' ] 129 os: [ ubuntu-latest ]130 memcached: [ false ]131 49 split_slow: [ false, true ] 132 50 multisite: [ false, true ] 51 memcached: [ false ] 52 133 53 include: 134 54 # Additional "slow" jobs for PHP 5.6. … … 190 110 split_slow: false 191 111 192 env: 193 LOCAL_PHP: ${{ matrix.php }}-fpm 194 LOCAL_PHPUNIT: ${{ matrix.phpunit && matrix.phpunit || matrix.php }}-fpm 195 LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED: ${{ matrix.memcached }} 196 PHPUNIT_CONFIG: ${{ matrix.multisite && 'tests/phpunit/multisite.xml' || 'phpunit.xml.dist' }} 197 198 steps: 199 - name: Configure environment variables 200 run: | 201 echo "PHP_FPM_UID=$(id -u)" >> $GITHUB_ENV 202 echo "PHP_FPM_GID=$(id -g)" >> $GITHUB_ENV 203 204 - name: Download the built WordPress artifact 205 uses: actions/download-artifact@9bc31d5ccc31df68ecc42ccf4149144866c47d8a # v3.0.2 206 with: 207 name: built-wp-${{ github.sha }} 208 209 - name: Unzip built artifact 210 run: unzip built-wp-${{ github.sha }}.zip 211 212 - name: Set up Node.js 213 uses: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c # v3.6.0 214 with: 215 node-version-file: '.nvmrc' 216 cache: npm 217 218 - name: Install Dependencies 219 run: npm ci 220 221 - name: Cache Composer dependencies 222 if: ${{ env.COMPOSER_INSTALL == true }} 223 uses: actions/cache@69d9d449aced6a2ede0bc19182fadc3a0a42d2b0 # v3.2.6 224 env: 225 cache-name: cache-composer-dependencies 226 with: 227 path: ${{ steps.composer-cache.outputs.dir }} 228 key: ${{ runner.os }}-php-${{ matrix.php }}-composer-${{ hashFiles('**/composer.lock') }} 229 230 - name: Install Composer dependencies 231 if: ${{ env.COMPOSER_INSTALL == true }} 232 run: | 233 docker-compose run --rm php composer --version 234 docker-compose run --rm php composer install 235 236 - name: Docker debug information 237 run: | 238 docker -v 239 docker-compose -v 240 241 - name: Start Docker environment 242 run: | 243 npm run env:start 244 245 # The memcached server needs to start after the Docker network has been set up with `npm run env:start`. 246 - name: Start the Memcached server. 247 if: ${{ matrix.memcached }} 248 run: | 249 cp tests/phpunit/includes/object-cache.php build/wp-content/object-cache.php 250 docker run --name memcached --net $(basename "$PWD")_wpdevnet -d memcached 251 252 - name: General debug information 253 run: | 254 npm --version 255 node --version 256 curl --version 257 git --version 258 svn --version 259 260 - name: Log running Docker containers 261 run: docker ps -a 262 263 - name: WordPress Docker container debug information 264 run: | 265 docker-compose run --rm mysql mysql --version 266 docker-compose run --rm php php --version 267 docker-compose run --rm php php -m 268 docker-compose run --rm php php -i 269 docker-compose run --rm php locale -a 270 271 - name: Install WordPress 272 run: npm run env:install 273 274 - name: Run slow PHPUnit tests 275 if: ${{ matrix.split_slow }} 276 run: npm run test:${{ env.PHPUNIT_SCRIPT }} -- --verbose -c ${{ env.PHPUNIT_CONFIG }} --group ${{ env.SLOW_TESTS }} 277 278 - name: Run PHPUnit tests for single site excluding slow tests 279 if: ${{ matrix.php < '7.0' && ! matrix.split_slow && ! matrix.multisite }} 280 run: npm run test:${{ env.PHPUNIT_SCRIPT }} -- --verbose -c ${{ env.PHPUNIT_CONFIG }} --exclude-group ${{ env.SLOW_TESTS }},ajax,ms-files,ms-required 281 282 - name: Run PHPUnit tests for Multisite excluding slow tests 283 if: ${{ matrix.php < '7.0' && ! matrix.split_slow && matrix.multisite }} 284 run: npm run test:${{ env.PHPUNIT_SCRIPT }} -- --verbose -c ${{ env.PHPUNIT_CONFIG }} --exclude-group ${{ env.SLOW_TESTS }},ajax,ms-files,ms-excluded,oembed-headers 285 286 - name: Run PHPUnit tests 287 if: ${{ matrix.php >= '7.0' }} 288 run: npm run test:${{ env.PHPUNIT_SCRIPT }} -- --verbose -c ${{ env.PHPUNIT_CONFIG }} 289 290 - name: Run AJAX tests 291 if: ${{ ! matrix.multisite && ! matrix.split_slow }} 292 run: npm run test:${{ env.PHPUNIT_SCRIPT }} -- --verbose -c ${{ env.PHPUNIT_CONFIG }} --group ajax 293 294 - name: Run ms-files tests as a multisite install 295 if: ${{ matrix.multisite && ! matrix.split_slow }} 296 run: npm run test:${{ env.PHPUNIT_SCRIPT }} -- --verbose -c tests/phpunit/multisite.xml --group ms-files 297 298 - name: Run external HTTP tests 299 if: ${{ ! matrix.multisite && ! matrix.split_slow }} 300 run: npm run test:${{ env.PHPUNIT_SCRIPT }} -- --verbose -c phpunit.xml.dist --group external-http 301 302 - name: Checkout the WordPress Test Reporter 303 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/trunk' && }} 304 uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 305 with: 306 repository: 'WordPress/phpunit-test-runner' 307 path: 'test-runner' 308 309 - name: Set up the Git repository 310 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/trunk' && }} 311 run: | 312 git init 313 git remote add origin 314 git fetch 315 git reset origin/trunk 316 317 - name: Submit test results to the host test results 318 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/trunk' && }} 319 env: 320 WPT_REPORT_API_KEY: "${{ secrets.WPT_REPORT_API_KEY }}" 321 run: docker-compose run --rm -e WPT_REPORT_API_KEY -e WPT_PREPARE_DIR=/var/www -e WPT_TEST_DIR=/var/www php php test-runner/report.php 112 with: 113 os: ${{ matrix.os }} 114 php: ${{ matrix.php }} 115 phpunit: ${{ matrix.phpunit && matrix.phpunit || matrix.php }} 116 multisite: ${{ matrix.multisite }} 117 split_slow: ${{ matrix.split_slow }} 118 memcached: ${{ matrix.memcached }} 119 phpunit-config: ${{ matrix.multisite && 'tests/phpunit/multisite.xml' || 'phpunit.xml.dist' }} 322 120 323 121 slack-notifications: 324 122 name: Slack Notifications 325 123 uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/slack-notifications.yml@trunk 326 needs: [ setup-wordpress, test-php ] 124 permissions: 125 actions: read 126 contents: read 127 needs: [ test-php ] 327 128 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.event_name != 'pull_request' && always() }} 328 129 with: … … 337 138 name: Failed workflow tasks 338 139 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 140 permissions: 141 actions: write 339 142 needs: [ test-php, slack-notifications ] 340 143 if: | … … 349 152 steps: 350 153 - name: Dispatch workflow run 351 uses: actions/github-script@ 98814c53be79b1d30f795b907e553d8679345975 # v6.4.0154 uses: actions/github-script@60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea # v7.0.1 352 155 with: 353 156 retries: 2 -
r58636 r58637 1 name: Test npm1 name: Test Build Processes 2 2 3 3 on: … … 34 34 cancel-in-progress: true 35 35 36 env: 37 PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD: ${{ true }} 36 # Disable permissions for all available scopes by default. 37 # Any needed permissions should be configured at the job level. 38 permissions: {} 38 39 39 40 jobs: 40 # Verifies that installing npm dependencies and building WordPress works as expected. 41 # 42 # Performs the following steps: 43 # - Checks out the repository. 44 # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner. 45 # - Installs NodeJS. 46 # _ Installs npm dependencies. 47 # - Builds WordPress to run from the `build` directory. 48 # - Cleans up after building WordPress to the `build` directory. 49 # - Builds WordPress to run from the `src` directory. 50 # - Cleans up after building WordPress to the `src` directory. 51 test-npm: 52 name: Test npm on ${{ matrix.os }} 53 runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} 54 timeout-minutes: 20 41 # Tests the WordPress Core build process on multiple operating systems. 42 test-core-build-process: 43 name: Core running from ${{ }} 44 uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/reusable-test-core-build-process.yml@trunk 45 permissions: 46 contents: read 55 47 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' || github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} 56 48 strategy: … … 58 50 matrix: 59 51 os: [ ubuntu-latest, windows-latest ] 52 directory: [ 'build' ] 53 include: 54 # Only prepare artifacts once. 55 - os: ubuntu-latest 56 directory: 'build' 57 prepare-playground: true 58 with: 59 os: ${{ matrix.os }} 60 directory: ${{ }} 61 prepare-playground: ${{ matrix.prepare-playground && matrix.prepare-playground || false }} 62 test-emoji: false 60 63 61 steps: 62 - name: Checkout repository 63 uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 64 65 - name: Log debug information 66 run: | 67 npm --version 68 node --version 69 curl --version 70 git --version 71 svn --version 72 73 - name: Set up Node.js 74 uses: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c # v3.6.0 75 with: 76 node-version-file: '.nvmrc' 77 cache: npm 78 79 - name: Install Dependencies 80 run: npm ci 81 82 - name: Build WordPress 83 run: npm run build 84 85 - name: Clean after building 86 run: npm run grunt clean 87 88 - name: Build WordPress in /src 89 run: npm run build:dev 90 91 - name: Clean after building in /src 92 run: npm run grunt clean -- --dev 93 94 # Verifies that installing npm dependencies and building WordPress works as expected on MacOS. 64 # Tests the WordPress Core build process on MacOS. 95 65 # 96 # This is separate from the job above in order to use stricter conditions aboutwhen to run.66 # This is separate from the job above in order to use stricter conditions when determining when to run. 97 67 # This avoids unintentionally consuming excessive minutes, as MacOS jobs consume minutes at a 10x rate. 98 68 # … … 100 70 # currently no way to determine the OS being used on a given job. 101 71 # See 102 # 103 # Performs the following steps: 104 # - Checks out the repository. 105 # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner. 106 # - Installs NodeJS. 107 # _ Installs npm dependencies. 108 # - Builds WordPress to run from the `build` directory. 109 # - Cleans up after building WordPress to the `build` directory. 110 # - Builds WordPress to run from the `src` directory. 111 # - Cleans up after building WordPress to the `src` directory. 112 test-npm-macos: 113 name: Test npm on MacOS 114 runs-on: macos-latest 115 timeout-minutes: 30 72 test-core-build-process-macos: 73 name: Core running from ${{ }} 74 uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/reusable-test-core-build-process.yml@trunk 75 permissions: 76 contents: read 116 77 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' }} 117 steps: 118 - name: Checkout repository 119 uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 120 121 - name: Log debug information 122 run: | 123 npm --version 124 node --version 125 curl --version 126 git --version 127 svn --version 128 129 - name: Set up Node.js 130 uses: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c # v3.6.0 131 with: 132 node-version-file: '.nvmrc' 133 cache: npm 134 135 - name: Install Dependencies 136 run: npm ci 137 138 - name: Build WordPress 139 run: npm run build 140 141 - name: Clean after building 142 run: npm run grunt clean 143 144 - name: Build WordPress in /src 145 run: npm run build:dev 146 147 - name: Clean after building in /src 148 run: npm run grunt clean --dev 78 strategy: 79 fail-fast: false 80 matrix: 81 os: [ macos-13 ] 82 directory: [ 'build' ] 83 with: 84 os: ${{ matrix.os }} 85 directory: ${{ }} 86 test-emoji: false 149 87 150 88 slack-notifications: 151 89 name: Slack Notifications 152 90 uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/slack-notifications.yml@trunk 153 needs: [ test-npm, test-npm-macos ] 91 permissions: 92 actions: read 93 contents: read 94 needs: [ test-core-build-process, test-core-build-process-macos ] 154 95 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.event_name != 'pull_request' && always() }} 155 96 with: 156 calling_status: ${{ needs.test-npm.result == 'success' && needs.test-npm-macos.result == 'success' && 'success' || ( needs.test-npm.result == 'cancelled' || needs.test-npm-macos.result == 'cancelled' ) && 'cancelled' || 'failure' }}97 calling_status: ${{ contains( needs.*.result, 'cancelled' ) && 'cancelled' || contains( needs.*.result, 'failure' ) && 'failure' || 'success' }} 157 98 secrets: 158 99 SLACK_GHA_SUCCESS_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_GHA_SUCCESS_WEBHOOK }} … … 164 105 name: Failed workflow tasks 165 106 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 166 needs: [ test-npm, test-npm-macos, slack-notifications ] 107 permissions: 108 actions: write 109 needs: [ slack-notifications ] 167 110 if: | 168 111 always() && … … 171 114 github.run_attempt < 2 && 172 115 ( 173 needs.test-npm.result == 'cancelled' || needs.test-npm.result == 'failure'||174 needs.test-npm-macos.result == 'cancelled' || needs.test-npm-macos.result == 'failure'116 contains( needs.*.result, 'cancelled' ) || 117 contains( needs.*.result, 'failure' ) 175 118 ) 176 119 177 120 steps: 178 121 - name: Dispatch workflow run 179 uses: actions/github-script@ 98814c53be79b1d30f795b907e553d8679345975 # v6.4.0122 uses: actions/github-script@60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea # v7.0.1 180 123 with: 181 124 retries: 2 -
r55528 r58637 1 version: '3.7'2 3 1 services: 4 2 … … 26 24 27 25 depends_on: 28 - php 26 php: 27 condition: service_started 28 mysql: 29 condition: service_healthy 29 30 30 31 ## … … 38 39 39 40 environment: 40 LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG:${LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG-false}41 LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED:${LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED-false}42 PHP_FPM_UID:${PHP_FPM_UID-1000}43 PHP_FPM_GID:${PHP_FPM_GID-1000}41 - LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG+${LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG-false} 42 - LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED=${LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED-false} 43 - PHP_FPM_UID=${PHP_FPM_UID-1000} 44 - PHP_FPM_GID=${PHP_FPM_GID-1000} 44 45 45 46 volumes: … … 47 48 - ./:/var/www 48 49 49 depends_on:50 - mysql50 # The init directive ensures the command runs with a PID > 1, so Ctrl+C works correctly. 51 init: true 51 52 52 53 ## … … 54 55 ## 55 56 mysql: 56 image: amd64/${LOCAL_DB_TYPE-mysql}:${LOCAL_DB_VERSION-5.7} 57 image: ${LOCAL_DB_TYPE-mysql}:${LOCAL_DB_VERSION-5.7} 58 platform: linux/amd64 57 59 58 60 networks: … … 72 74 command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password 73 75 76 healthcheck: 77 test: [ "CMD-SHELL", "if [ \"$LOCAL_DB_TYPE\" = \"mariadb\" ]; then mariadb-admin ping -h localhost; else mysqladmin ping -h localhost; fi" ] 78 timeout: 5s 79 interval: 5s 80 retries: 10 81 74 82 ## 75 83 # The WP CLI container. … … 82 90 83 91 environment: 84 LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG:${LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG-false}85 LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED:${LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED-false}86 PHP_FPM_UID:${PHP_FPM_UID-1000}87 PHP_FPM_GID:${PHP_FPM_GID-1000}92 - LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG=${LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG-false} 93 - LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED=${LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED-false} 94 - PHP_FPM_UID=${PHP_FPM_UID-1000} 95 - PHP_FPM_GID=${PHP_FPM_GID-1000} 88 96 89 97 volumes: … … 92 100 # The init directive ensures the command runs with a PID > 1, so Ctrl+C works correctly. 93 101 init: true 102 103 depends_on: 104 php: 105 condition: service_started 106 mysql: 107 condition: service_healthy 94 108 95 109 ## … … 103 117 104 118 environment: 105 LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG:${LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG-false}106 LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED:${LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED-false}107 LOCAL_DIR:${LOCAL_DIR-src}108 WP_MULTISITE:${WP_MULTISITE-false}109 PHP_FPM_UID:${PHP_FPM_UID-1000}110 PHP_FPM_GID:${PHP_FPM_GID-1000}111 TRAVIS_BRANCH:${TRAVIS_BRANCH-false}112 TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST:${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST-false}113 GITHUB_REF:${GITHUB_REF-false}114 GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME-false}119 - LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG=${LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG-false} 120 - LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED=${LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED-false} 121 - LOCAL_DIR=${LOCAL_DIR-src} 122 - WP_MULTISITE=${WP_MULTISITE-false} 123 - PHP_FPM_UID=${PHP_FPM_UID-1000} 124 - PHP_FPM_GID=${PHP_FPM_GID-1000} 125 - TRAVIS_BRANCH=${TRAVIS_BRANCH-false} 126 - TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST=${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST-false} 127 - GITHUB_REF=${GITHUB_REF-false} 128 - GITHUB_EVENT_NAME=${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME-false} 115 129 116 130 volumes: -
r49531 r58637 5 5 dotenvExpand( dotenv.config() ); 6 6 7 // Execute any docker -compose command passed to this script.8 execSync( 'docker -compose ' + process.argv.slice( 2 ).join( ' ' ), { stdio: 'inherit' } );7 // Execute any docker compose command passed to this script. 8 execSync( 'docker compose ' + process.argv.slice( 2 ).join( ' ' ), { stdio: 'inherit' } ); -
r50309 r58637 46 46 */ 47 47 function wp_cli( cmd ) { 48 execSync( `docker -compose run --rm cli ${cmd}`, { stdio: 'inherit' } );48 execSync( `docker compose run --rm cli ${cmd}`, { stdio: 'inherit' } ); 49 49 } 50 50 … … 55 55 const test_plugin_directory = 'tests/phpunit/data/plugins/wordpress-importer'; 56 56 57 execSync( `docker -compose exec -T php rm -rf ${test_plugin_directory} && svn checkout -r ${process.env.WP_IMPORTER_REVISION} ${test_plugin_directory}`, { stdio: 'inherit' } );57 execSync( `docker compose exec -T php rm -rf ${test_plugin_directory} && svn checkout -r ${process.env.WP_IMPORTER_REVISION} ${test_plugin_directory}`, { stdio: 'inherit' } ); 58 58 } -
r49531 r58637 6 6 7 7 // Start the local-env containers. 8 execSync( 'docker -compose up -d wordpress-develop', { stdio: 'inherit' } );8 execSync( 'docker compose up -d wordpress-develop', { stdio: 'inherit' } ); 9 9 10 10 // If Docker Toolbox is being used, we need to manually forward LOCAL_PORT to the Docker VM.
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