Changeset 58714
- Timestamp:
- 07/12/2024 10:27:20 PM (7 months ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/wp-includes/html-api
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r58713 r58714 190 190 191 191 /** 192 * Stores context for why the parser bailed on unsupported HTML, if it did. 193 * 194 * @see self::get_unsupported_exception 195 * 196 * @since 6.7.0 197 * 198 * @var WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception|null 199 */ 200 private $unsupported_exception = null; 201 202 /** 192 203 * Releases a bookmark when PHP garbage-collects its wrapping WP_HTML_Token instance. 193 204 * … … 386 397 387 398 /** 399 * Stops the parser and terminates its execution when encountering unsupported markup. 400 * 401 * @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception Halts execution of the parser. 402 * 403 * @since 6.7.0 404 * 405 * @param string $message Explains support is missing in order to parse the current node. 406 * 407 * @return mixed 408 */ 409 private function bail( string $message ) { 410 $here = $this->bookmarks[ $this->state->current_token->bookmark_name ]; 411 $token = substr( $this->html, $here->start, $here->length ); 412 413 $open_elements = array(); 414 foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->stack as $item ) { 415 $open_elements[] = $item->node_name; 416 } 417 418 $active_formats = array(); 419 foreach ( $this->state->active_formatting_elements->walk_down() as $item ) { 420 $active_formats[] = $item->node_name; 421 } 422 423 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 424 425 $this->unsupported_exception = new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( 426 $message, 427 $this->state->current_token->node_name, 428 $here->start, 429 $token, 430 $open_elements, 431 $active_formats 432 ); 433 434 throw $this->unsupported_exception; 435 } 436 437 /** 388 438 * Returns the last error, if any. 389 439 * … … 410 460 public function get_last_error() { 411 461 return $this->last_error; 462 } 463 464 /** 465 * Returns context for why the parser aborted due to unsupported HTML, if it did. 466 * 467 * This is meant for debugging purposes, not for production use. 468 * 469 * @since 6.7.0 470 * 471 * @see self::$unsupported_exception 472 * 473 * @return WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception|null 474 */ 475 public function get_unsupported_exception() { 476 return $this->unsupported_exception; 412 477 } 413 478 … … 842 907 // This should be unreachable but PHP doesn't have total type checking on switch. 843 908 default: 844 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 845 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "Found unrecognized insertion mode '{$this->state->insertion_mode}'." ); 909 $this->bail( "Unaware of the requested parsing mode: '{$this->state->insertion_mode}'." ); 846 910 } 847 911 } catch ( WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception $e ) { … … 923 987 */ 924 988 private function step_initial() { 925 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 926 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 989 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 927 990 } 928 991 … … 943 1006 */ 944 1007 private function step_before_html() { 945 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 946 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1008 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 947 1009 } 948 1010 … … 963 1025 */ 964 1026 private function step_before_head() { 965 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 966 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1027 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 967 1028 } 968 1029 … … 983 1044 */ 984 1045 private function step_in_head() { 985 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 986 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1046 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 987 1047 } 988 1048 … … 1003 1063 */ 1004 1064 private function step_in_head_noscript() { 1005 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1006 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1065 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1007 1066 } 1008 1067 … … 1023 1082 */ 1024 1083 private function step_after_head() { 1025 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1026 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1084 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1027 1085 } 1028 1086 … … 1446 1504 */ 1447 1505 case '-BR': 1448 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1449 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( 'Closing BR tags require unimplemented special handling.' ); 1506 $this->bail( 'Closing BR tags require unimplemented special handling.' ); 1507 // This return required because PHPCS can't determine that the call to bail() throws. 1508 return false; 1450 1509 1451 1510 /* … … 1603 1662 case 'TR': 1604 1663 case 'XMP': 1605 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1606 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "Cannot process {$token_name} element." ); 1664 $this->bail( "Cannot process {$token_name} element." ); 1607 1665 } 1608 1666 … … 1666 1724 */ 1667 1725 private function step_in_table() { 1668 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1669 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1726 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1670 1727 } 1671 1728 … … 1686 1743 */ 1687 1744 private function step_in_table_text() { 1688 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1689 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1745 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1690 1746 } 1691 1747 … … 1706 1762 */ 1707 1763 private function step_in_caption() { 1708 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1709 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1764 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1710 1765 } 1711 1766 … … 1726 1781 */ 1727 1782 private function step_in_column_group() { 1728 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1729 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1783 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1730 1784 } 1731 1785 … … 1746 1800 */ 1747 1801 private function step_in_table_body() { 1748 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1749 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1802 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1750 1803 } 1751 1804 … … 1766 1819 */ 1767 1820 private function step_in_row() { 1768 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1769 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1821 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1770 1822 } 1771 1823 … … 1786 1838 */ 1787 1839 private function step_in_cell() { 1788 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1789 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1840 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1790 1841 } 1791 1842 … … 1987 2038 */ 1988 2039 private function step_in_select_in_table() { 1989 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 1990 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2040 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 1991 2041 } 1992 2042 … … 2007 2057 */ 2008 2058 private function step_in_template() { 2009 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 2010 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2059 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2011 2060 } 2012 2061 … … 2027 2076 */ 2028 2077 private function step_after_body() { 2029 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 2030 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2078 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2031 2079 } 2032 2080 … … 2047 2095 */ 2048 2096 private function step_in_frameset() { 2049 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 2050 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2097 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2051 2098 } 2052 2099 … … 2067 2114 */ 2068 2115 private function step_after_frameset() { 2069 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 2070 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2116 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2071 2117 } 2072 2118 … … 2087 2133 */ 2088 2134 private function step_after_after_body() { 2089 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 2090 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2135 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2091 2136 } 2092 2137 … … 2107 2152 */ 2108 2153 private function step_after_after_frameset() { 2109 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 2110 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2154 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2111 2155 } 2112 2156 … … 2127 2171 */ 2128 2172 private function step_in_foreign_content() { 2129 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 2130 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2173 $this->bail( "No support for parsing in the '{$this->state->insertion_mode}' state." ); 2131 2174 } 2132 2175 … … 2836 2879 } 2837 2880 2838 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 2839 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( 'Cannot reconstruct active formatting elements when advancing and rewinding is required.' ); 2881 $this->bail( 'Cannot reconstruct active formatting elements when advancing and rewinding is required.' ); 2840 2882 } 2841 2883 … … 3073 3115 // > If there is no such element, then return and instead act as described in the "any other end tag" entry above. 3074 3116 if ( null === $formatting_element ) { 3075 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 3076 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( 'Cannot run adoption agency when "any other end tag" is required.' ); 3117 $this->bail( 'Cannot run adoption agency when "any other end tag" is required.' ); 3077 3118 } 3078 3119 … … 3126 3167 } 3127 3168 3128 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 3129 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( 'Cannot extract common ancestor in adoption agency algorithm.' ); 3130 } 3131 3132 $this->last_error = self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; 3133 throw new WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception( 'Cannot run adoption agency when looping required.' ); 3169 $this->bail( 'Cannot extract common ancestor in adoption agency algorithm.' ); 3170 } 3171 3172 $this->bail( 'Cannot run adoption agency when looping required.' ); 3134 3173 } 3135 3174 -
r56274 r58714 22 22 * 23 23 * @since 6.4.0 24 * @since 6.7.0 Gained contextual information for use in debugging parse failures. 24 25 * 25 26 * @access private … … 28 29 */ 29 30 class WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception extends Exception { 31 /** 32 * Name of the matched token when the exception was raised, 33 * if matched on a token. 34 * 35 * This does not imply that the token itself was unsupported, but it 36 * may have been the case that the token triggered part of the HTML 37 * parsing that isn't supported, such as the adoption agency algorithm. 38 * 39 * @since 6.7.0 40 * 41 * @var string 42 */ 43 public $token_name; 30 44 45 /** 46 * Number of bytes into the input HTML document where the parser was 47 * parsing when the exception was raised. 48 * 49 * Use this to reconstruct context for the failure. 50 * 51 * @since 6.7.0 52 * 53 * @var int 54 */ 55 public $token_at; 56 57 /** 58 * Full raw text of the matched token when the exception was raised, 59 * if matched on a token. 60 * 61 * Whereas the `$token_name` will be normalized, this contains the full 62 * raw text of the token, including original casing, duplicated attributes, 63 * and other syntactic variations that are normally abstracted in the HTML API. 64 * 65 * @since 6.7.0 66 * 67 * @var string 68 */ 69 public $token; 70 71 /** 72 * Stack of open elements when the exception was raised. 73 * 74 * Use this to trace the parsing circumstances which led to the exception. 75 * 76 * @since 6.7.0 77 * 78 * @var string[] 79 */ 80 public $stack_of_open_elements = array(); 81 82 /** 83 * List of active formatting elements when the exception was raised. 84 * 85 * Use this to trace the parsing circumstances which led to the exception. 86 * 87 * @since 6.7.0 88 * 89 * @var string[] 90 */ 91 public $active_formatting_elements = array(); 92 93 /** 94 * Constructor function. 95 * 96 * @since 6.7.0 97 * 98 * @param string $message Brief message explaining what is unsupported, the reason this exception was raised. 99 * @param string $token_name Normalized name of matched token when this exception was raised. 100 * @param int $token_at Number of bytes into source HTML document where matched token starts. 101 * @param string $token Full raw text of matched token when this exception was raised. 102 * @param string[] $stack_of_open_elements Stack of open elements when this exception was raised. 103 * @param string[] $active_formatting_elements List of active formatting elements when this exception was raised. 104 */ 105 public function __construct( string $message, string $token_name, int $token_at, string $token, array $stack_of_open_elements, array $active_formatting_elements ) { 106 parent::__construct( $message ); 107 108 $this->token_name = $token_name; 109 $this->token_at = $token_at; 110 $this->token = $token; 111 112 $this->stack_of_open_elements = $stack_of_open_elements; 113 $this->active_formatting_elements = $active_formatting_elements; 114 } 31 115 }
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