Make WordPress Core

Changeset 9652

11/13/2008 12:20:12 AM (16 years ago)

get_terms() improvements from filosofo. fixes #8087

1 edited


  • trunk/wp-includes/taxonomy.php

    r9602 r9652  
    508  * Retrieve the terms in taxonomy or list of taxonomies.
     508 * Retrieve the terms in a given taxonomy or list of taxonomies.
    509509 *
    510510 * You can fully inject any customizations to the query before it is sent, as
    519519 * the $args.
    520520 *
    521  * The list that $args can contain, which will overwrite the defaults.
     521 * The list of arguments that $args can contain, which will overwrite the defaults:
    522522 *
    523523 * orderby - Default is 'name'. Can be name, count, or nothing (will use
    525525 *
    526526 * order - Default is ASC. Can use DESC.
    527  * hide_empty - Default is true. Will not return empty $terms.
    528  * fields - Default is all.
    529  * slug - Any terms that has this value. Default is empty string.
    530  * hierarchical - Whether to return hierarchical taxonomy. Default is true.
    531  * name__like - Default is empty string.
    532  *
    533  * The argument 'pad_counts' will count all of the children along with the
    534  * $terms.
    535  *
    536  * The 'get' argument allows for overwriting 'hide_empty' and 'child_of', which
    537  * can be done by setting the value to 'all', instead of its default empty
    538  * string value.
    539  *
    540  * The 'child_of' argument will be used if you use multiple taxonomy or the
    541  * first $taxonomy isn't hierarchical or 'parent' isn't used. The default is 0,
    542  * which will be translated to a false value. If 'child_of' is set, then
    543  * 'child_of' value will be tested against $taxonomy to see if 'child_of' is
    544  * contained within. Will return an empty array if test fails.
    545  *
    546  * If 'parent' is set, then it will be used to test against the first taxonomy.
    547  * Much like 'child_of'. Will return an empty array if the test fails.
     527 *
     528 * hide_empty - Default is true. Will not return empty terms, which means
     529 * terms whose count is 0 according to the given taxonomy.
     530 *
     531 * exclude - Default is an empty string.  A comma- or space-delimited string
     532 * of term ids to exclude from the return array.  If 'include' is non-empty,
     533 * 'exclude' is ignored.
     534 *
     535 * include - Default is an empty string.  A comma- or space-delimited string
     536 * of term ids to include in the return array.
     537 *
     538 * number - The maximum number of terms to return.  Default is empty.
     539 *
     540 * offset - The number by which to offset the terms query.
     541 *
     542 * fields - Default is 'all', which returns an array of term objects.
     543 * If 'fields' is 'ids' or 'names', returns an array of
     544 * integers or strings, respectively.
     545 *
     546 * slug - Returns terms whose "slug" matches this value. Default is empty string.
     547 *
     548 * hierarchical - Whether to include terms that have non-empty descendants
     549 * (even if 'hide_empty' is set to true).
     550 *
     551 * search - Returned terms' names will contain the value of 'search',
     552 * case-insensitive.  Default is an empty string.
     553 *
     554 * name__like - Returned terms' names will begin with the value of 'name__like',
     555 * case-insensitive. Default is empty string.
     556 *
     557 * The argument 'pad_counts', if set to true will include the quantity of a term's
     558 * children in the quantity of each term's "count" object variable.
     559 *
     560 * The 'get' argument, if set to 'all' instead of its default empty string,
     561 * returns terms regardless of ancestry or whether the terms are empty.
     562 *
     563 * The 'child_of' argument, when used, should be set to the integer of a term ID.  Its default
     564 * is 0.  If set to a non-zero value, all returned terms will be descendants
     565 * of that term according to the given taxonomy.  Hence 'child_of' is set to 0
     566 * if more than one taxonomy is passed in $taxonomies, because multiple taxonomies
     567 * make term ancestry ambiguous.
     568 *
     569 * The 'parent' argument, when used, should be set to the integer of a term ID.  Its default is
     570 * the empty string '', which has a different meaning from the integer 0.
     571 * If set to an integer value, all returned terms will have as an immediate
     572 * ancestor the term whose ID is specified by that integer according to the given taxonomy.
     573 * The 'parent' argument is different from 'child_of' in that a term X is considered a 'parent'
     574 * of term Y only if term X is the father of term Y, not its grandfather or great-grandfather, etc.
    548575 *
    549576 * @package WordPress
    707734        $select_this = 't.*, tt.*';
    708735    else if ( 'ids' == $fields )
    709         $select_this = 't.term_id';
     736        $select_this = 't.term_id, tt.parent, tt.count';
    710737    else if ( 'names' == $fields )
    711         $select_this = '';
     738        $select_this = 't.term_id, tt.parent, tt.count,';
    713740    $query = "SELECT $select_this FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ($in_taxonomies) $where ORDER BY $orderby $order $number";
    717744        update_term_cache($terms);
    718745    } else if ( ('ids' == $fields) || ('names' == $fields) ) {
    719         $terms = $wpdb->get_col($query);
     746        $terms = $wpdb->get_results($query);
    720747    }
    727754    }
    729     if ( $child_of || $hierarchical ) {
     756    if ( $child_of ) {
    730757        $children = _get_term_hierarchy($taxonomies[0]);
    731758        if ( ! empty($children) )
    735762    // Update term counts to include children.
    736     if ( $pad_counts )
     763    if ( $pad_counts && 'all' == $fields )
    737764        _pad_term_counts($terms, $taxonomies[0]);
    753780    }
    754781    reset ( $terms );
     783    $_terms = array();
     784    if ( 'ids' == $fields ) {
     785        while ( $term = array_shift($terms) )
     786            $_terms[] = $term->term_id;
     787        $terms = $_terms;
     788    } elseif ( 'names' == $fields ) {
     789        while ( $term = array_shift($terms) )
     790            $_terms[] = $term->name;
     791        $terms = $_terms;
     792    }
    756794    wp_cache_add( $cache_key, $terms, 'terms' );
    1897  * Get array of child terms.
    1898  *
    1899  * If $terms is an array of objects, then objects will returned from the
    1900  * function. If $terms is an array of IDs, then an array of ids of children will
    1901  * be returned.
     1935 * Get the subset of $terms that are descendants of $term_id.
     1936 *
     1937 * If $terms is an array of objects, then _get_term_children returns an array of objects.
     1938 * If $terms is an array of IDs, then _get_term_children returns an array of IDs.
    19021939 *
    19031940 * @package WordPress
    19061943 * @since 2.3.0
    19071944 *
    1908  * @param int $term_id Look for this Term ID in $terms
    1909  * @param array $terms List of Term IDs
    1910  * @param string $taxonomy Term Context
    1911  * @return array Empty if $terms is empty else returns full list of child terms.
     1945 * @param int $term_id The ancestor term: all returned terms should be descendants of $term_id.
     1946 * @param array $terms The set of terms---either an array of term objects or term IDs---from which those that are descendants of $term_id will be chosen.
     1947 * @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy which determines the hierarchy of the terms.
     1948 * @return array The subset of $terms that are descendants of $term_id.
    19121949 */
    19131950function &_get_term_children($term_id, $terms, $taxonomy) {
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